- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/08 20:58:38」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- インシデント・コマンド・システム(Incident Command System) - 現場指揮システム
- 国際せり名簿基準(International Cataloguing Standard)
- インド高等文官、またはインド高等文官制(Indian Civil Service)
- 一芝軒企業有限公司 (I Chih Shivan Enterprise Co.,Ltd.) - 台湾のエアソフトガン本体およびアクセサリパーツのメーカー。
- アイシーエス(旧 岩手計算機センター) - 岩手県盛岡市の情報システム関連企業。
- 国際規格分類(International Classification of Standards)→国際標準化機構を参照
- 国際通信書 (International Code of Signals)→国際信号旗を参照
- 国際層序委員会(International Commission on Stratigraphy)
- 国際ソフトダーツ競技会(International Competition of Soft darts)
- 上海国際チャンネル (International Channel Shanghai) - 中国上海の民放テレビ局。日本語での番組中日之橋(Bridge To Japan)など放送。
- インターネット接続共有(Internet Connection Sharing) - 複数のコンピュータでインターネット接続を共有する機能
- Ice Cream Sandwich - Android 4.0 のコードネーム
- Ice Crusher System - 人工造雪システム
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up ICS or ics in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
ICS may refer to:
- 1 Computers
- 2 Education
- 3 Entertainment
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Science
- 6 Technology
- 7 Other
- Image Cytometry Standard, a digital multidimensional image file format used in life sciences microscopy
- Industrial Control System, computer systems and networks used to control industrial plants and infrastructures
- Information and Computer Science, the combined field of informatics and computing
- Internet chess server, an external server that provides the facility to play, discuss, and view chess over the Internet
- Internet Connection Sharing, a feature in Microsoft operating systems since the advent of Windows 98 Second Edition
- .ics, a filename extension for iCalendar files
- Ice Cream Sandwich (operating system), the codename for version 4.0 of the Android operating system
- Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, in Tokyo, Japan
- Indian Central School, in Singapore
- Institute of Cornish Studies, in Falmouth, UK
- Inter-Community School Zürich, in Switzerland
- Intermountain Christian School, in Utah, USA
- International Christian School (Hong Kong)
- International Community School (Kirkland, Washington) in Kirkland, Washington, USA
- International Community School (Singapore), in Singapore
- International Community School (Thailand), in Samut Prakan, Thailand
- International Community School (UK), in London
- International Community School of Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia
- International Correspondence Schools
- International Channel Shanghai, a foreign-language cable channel
- Immigration And Customs Security, a fictional organization in the Canadian TV series The Border
- ICS Vortex, an alias of Simen Hestnæs, Norwegian rock musician
- Immersion Composition Society, a network of composers, based in the USA
- "Immigration and Customs Security", a fictional law enforcement agency from The Border (TV series)
- Imperial Civil Service
- Indian Civil Service
- Indian National Congress (Socialist)
- Institute for Computational Sustainability, a Cornell-based institute in the United States
- Integrated Computer Solutions, a US software development and professional services organization
- International Chamber of Shipping
- International Citizen Service, a UK volunteer organization
- International Commission on Stratigraphy, the largest scientific body within the International Union of Geological Sciences
- International Continence Society, a multidisciplinary membership society for medical professionals concerned with incontinence
- Irish Computer Society, the national body for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Professionals in Ireland
- Inhaled corticosteroid, steroid hormones used to treat the nasal mucosa, sinuses, bronchii, and lungs
- Intercostal space, the space between two ribs
- Industrial Control System
- International Classification for Standards, an international classification system for technical standards
- International Code of Signals, a maritime signaling standard also abbreviated INTERCO
- Incident Command System, an emergency response management system
- InterCity Slovenia, a premium train service in Slovenia
- Israeli Cassini Soldner, a historical geographic coordinate system
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English Journal
- Antimicrobial activity of cyclodextrin entrapped allyl isothiocyanate in a model system and packaged fresh-cut onions.
- Piercey MJ, Mazzanti G, Budge SM, Delaquis PJ, Paulson AT, Truelstrup Hansen L.SourceDepartment of Process Engineering and Applied Science, Dalhousie University, NS, Canada.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2012 May;30(1):213-8. Epub 2011 Nov 2.
- The aim of this work was to determine the antimicrobial effect of allyl isothiocyanate (AIT) entrapped in alpha and beta cyclodextrin inclusion complexes (ICs). In model experiments, AIT formulations were applied to filter paper discs fixed inside the lid of Petri dishes, where the agar surface was
- PMID 22265303
- Adherence rate to beclomethasone dipropionate and the level of asthma control.
- Jentzsch NS, Camargos P, Sarinho ES, Bousquet J.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics and Postgraduate Institute, Medical Sciences School, Lucas Machado Foundation, Brazil; Campos Sales Pediatric Pulmonology Outpatient Referral Clinic, Belo Horizonte Municipal Public Health Authority, Brazil.
- Respiratory medicine.Respir Med.2012 Mar;106(3):338-43. Epub 2011 Dec 20.
- There are only a few studies assessing the relationship between adherence rate to ICS, as assessed by electronic monitoring, and the level of asthma control in childhood. The present study was carried out to examine the relationship between adherence to beclomethasone diproprionate (BDP) as well as
- PMID 22188844
- Avulsion injury and levator hiatal ballooning: two independent risk factors for prolapse? An observational study.
- Dietz HP, Franco AV, Shek KL, Kirby A.SourceSydney Medical School Nepean, Penrith, NSW, Australia Department of Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery and Urogynaecology, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
- Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.2012 Feb;91(2):211-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01315.x. Epub 2012 Jan 9.
- Objective. To study whether avulsion and ballooning are independent risk factors for symptoms and/or signs of pelvic organ prolapse. Design. Retrospective analysis of data obtained in clinical practice. Setting. Tertiary urogynecology unit. Population. Seven hundred and sixty-one consecutive women w
- PMID 22050558
Japanese Journal
- トロイネットの特徴に基づくハードウェアトロイ検出手法
- 大屋 優,史 又華,柳澤 政生,戸川 望
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SLDM, [システムLSI設計技術] 2015-SLDM-169(28), 1-6, 2015-01-22
- 近年,企業はチップの製造コストを削減するために,チップの製造をサードパーテイに外注するようになった.サードパーテイが製造に関わるようになり,ハードウェアトロイの挿入が問題視されるようになった.特に設計段階では容易にハードウェアトロイを挿入することができる.ゲートレベルのネットリストに対してハードウェアトロイ検出手法を適用する場合,Golden ネットリストを持っておらず,挿入されているハードウェア …
- NAID 110009868160
- 山川 宏
- 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS
- AI研究は元来ヒトのようない汎用知能を目指しており,それが実現すれば経済的/社会的なインパクトも大きいが,実用的には個別の問題を解決する特化型AIが発展してきた.知能システムは,汎用性を追求するほどに,多様な可能性の中から妥当な知識構造を選択する必要があり,それに必要なデータと計算量が膨大となるためである.近年の,ディープラーニングは,脳を参考にしつつこの課題に対する一つの落とし所を示した点におい …
- NAID 110009850954
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- 同?
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- 同
- immotile cilia症候群
- 関
- 副鼻腔炎合併症、カルタゲナー症候群
- 線毛機能不全症、線毛不動症候群、線毛運動障害
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- 劣性遺伝。
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- 英
- intercostal space ICS
- 関
- 肋間筋
吸入ステロイド ICS
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- 関
- ウェクスラー知能検査
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