内視鏡的逆行性胆道ドレナージ endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage
English Journal
- Therapeutic effects of endoscopic therapy combined with enteral nutrition on acute severe biliary pancreatitis.
- Zhou WC, Li YM, Zhang H, Li X, Zhang L, Meng WB, Zhu KX, Zhang QB, He MY.SourceDepartment II of General Surgery, the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, the First Clinical Medical School of Lanzhou University; Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China.
- Chinese medical journal.Chin Med J (Engl).2011 Oct;124(19):2993-6.
- BACKGROUND: Acute severe biliary pancreatitis (ASBP) is a severe and fatal disease, and the expenditure is huge and therapeutic effects are still not satisfactory. This study aimed to improve the therapeutic effects and reduce the expenditure of ASBP treatment.METHODS: One hundred and five patients
- PMID 22040542
- Endoscopic pancreatic duct and biliary duct stenting in treatment of chronic pancreatitis with distal benign biliary stricture: a single-center experience.
- Zheng MW, Qin MF, Cai W.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Tianjin Nankai Hospital, Tianjin 300100, China. missyouxj@ 163.com
- Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT.Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int.2011 Oct;10(5):539-43.
- BACKGROUND: The development of endoscopic techniques such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and stenting are relatively new alternatives to surgery for the treatment of benign lesions in the biliary duct and pancreas. The objective of this stud
- PMID 21947730
Japanese Journal
- ERBD--内視鏡的逆行性胆道ドレナージ ERPD--内視鏡的逆行性膵管ドレナージ (患者説明にフル活用できるシート満載! 消化器ナースのための 外科 内視鏡 治療と検査) -- (肝胆膵の治療)
- 内視鏡的逆行性胆道ドレナージ(ERBD) (特集 ENBD・RFA・PEG・ESD、etc…… 消化器外科の手術以外の治療17)
Related Links
- ENBD ERCP ERBD PTCD EST とはそれぞれ何の事ですか?肝臓の治療法の何かだとは知っています。それぞれの意味とそれが何かを教えて下さい。お願いします。 ENBD:内視鏡的経鼻(けいび)胆管ドレナージ(Endoscopic...
- 内視鏡的逆行性胆管ドレナージ(ERBD) 【ないしきょうてきぎゃっこうせいたんかんどれなーじ(いーあーるびーでぃー)】
- ENBDとERBDの違いを教えてください。どちらも内視鏡を使って治療するのですか? ENBD:内視鏡的経鼻胆管ドレナージ(Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage)ERBD:内視鏡的逆行性胆管ドレナージ法(Endoscopic retrogr...
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- 英
- endoscopic biliary drainage EBD
- 関
- 内視鏡的逆行性膵胆管造影法 endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage ERBD
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- (医学辞書より)
- 内視鏡により十二指腸乳頭を経由して胆管ドレナージチューブを挿入すること。
- 歴史的には、内視鏡的乳頭切開術が開発された後、その合併症として起こる胆管結石の嵌頓による急性胆管炎の治療法として1980年に考案された。
- Endoscopic Biliary Drainage for Severe Acute Cholangitis
- Edward C.S. Lai, F.R.C.S.(Ed.), F.R.A.C.S., Francis P.T. Mok, F.R.C.S.(Ed.), F.R.A.C.S., Eliza S.Y. Tan, R.N., Chung-mau Lo, F.R.C.S.(Ed.), Sheung-tat Fan, F.R.C.S.(Glas.), Kok-tjang You, M.D., and John Wong, Ph.D., F.R.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.(Ed.)
- N Engl J Med 1992; 326:1582-1586June 11, 1992
- Background.: Emergency surgery for patients with severe acute cholangitis due to choledocholithiasis is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Because recent results suggested that emergency endoscopic drainage could improve the outcome of such patients, we undertook a prospective study to determine the role of this procedure as initial treatment.
- Results: Complications related to biliary tract decompression and subsequent definitive treatment developed in 14 patients treated with endoscopic biliary drainage and 27 treated with surgery (34 vs. 66 percent, P>0.05). The time required for normalization of temperature and stabilization of blood pressure was similar in the two groups, but more patients in the surgery group required ventilatory support. The hospital mortality rate was significantly lower for the patients who underwent endoscopy (4 deaths) than for those treated surgically (13 deaths) (10 vs. 32 percent, P<0.03). The presence of concomitant medical problems, a low platelet count, a high serum urea nitrogen concentration, and a low serum albumin concentration before biliary decompression were the other independent determinants of mortality in both groups.
- 関
- endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage ERBD