出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/23 23:31:14」(JST)
この項目では、シナプスについて記述しています。その他の用法については「シナプス (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。 |
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シナプス前細胞とシナプス後細胞がともに高頻度で連続発火すると、持続的なEPSPによりシナプスの伝達効率が増加する。これを長期増強(LTP; Long Term Potentiation)という。また、低頻度の発火や、抑制性シナプス後細胞の連続発火によるIPSPの持続によって、シナプスの伝達効率が低下する現象を長期抑圧(LTD; Long Term Depression)という。近年では、シナプス前細胞とシナプス後細胞の発火時間差のみによっても結合強度に変化が見られることが分かっている。これをスパイクタイミング依存シナプス可塑性(STDP; Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity)という。
また、一旦LTPやLTDを起こしたシナプスに対して適切な刺激を与えると、そのLTPやLTDが消失する事も知られており、それぞれ脱増強 (Depotentiation)、脱抑圧 (Dedepression) などと呼ばれる。
電気シナプスとは、細胞間がイオンなどを通過させる分子で接着され、細胞間に直接イオン電流が流れることによって細胞間のシグナル伝達が行われるシナプスのことを指す。網膜の神経細胞間や心筋の筋繊維間などで広範に見られる。 化学シナプスのように方向づけられた伝達はできないが、それよりも高速な伝達が行われ、多くの細胞が協調して動作する現象を引き起こす。
電気シナプスは無脊椎動物の神経系では一般的にみられるが、長らく脊椎動物の中枢神経系では見出されておらず、脊椎動物の脳での神経伝達は化学シナプスのみによるものと考えられていた。 後になって海馬や大脳皮質の抑制性介在神経細胞の樹状突起間で発見され、重要な伝達手段となっていることが見出された。
電気シナプスは一般に、コネクソンというタンパク質6量体が2つの細胞の細胞膜を貫通し、ギャップ結合と呼ばれる細胞間結合を形成している構造を持つ。コネクソンはコネキシンというタンパク質が六角形に配列した6量体構造で、中央に小孔が存在する。この小孔はカルシウムイオン濃度によってコネクソンが変形することで開閉する。小孔が開いているときには分子量が1000程度以下の分子を通過させ、濃度勾配圧などによって拡散する。 化学シナプスが数十 nm の間隔を持つのに対して、電気シナプスではコネクソンが両細胞膜の間隔を数 nm まで接近させており、極めて近接している。
神経筋接合部の拡大図 (1)神経終末と神経終末球、(2)筋形質膜、(3)アセチルコリンを含んだシナプス小胞、(4)アセチルコリン受容体、(5)ミトコンドリア。
In neuroscience, an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is a temporary depolarization of postsynaptic membrane potential caused by the flow of positively charged ions into the postsynaptic cell as a result of opening of ligand-gated ion channels. They are the opposite of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), which usually result from the flow of negative ions into the cell or positive ions out of the cell. A postsynaptic potential is defined as excitatory if it makes the neuron more likely to fire an action potential. EPSPs can also result from a decrease in outgoing positive charges, while IPSPs are sometimes caused by an increase in positive charge outflow. The flow of ions that causes an EPSP is an excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC).
EPSPs, like IPSPs, are graded (i.e. they have an additive effect). When multiple EPSPs occur on a single patch of postsynaptic membrane, their combined effect is the sum of the individual EPSPs. Larger EPSPs result in greater membrane depolarization and thus increase the likelihood that the postsynaptic cell reaches the threshold for firing an action potential.
EPSPs in living cells are caused chemically. When an active presynaptic cell releases neurotransmitters into the synapse, some of them bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell. Many of these receptors contain an ion channel capable of passing positively charged ions either into or out of the cell (such receptors are called ionotropic receptors). At excitatory synapses, the ion channel typically allows sodium into the cell, generating an excitatory postsynaptic current. This depolarizing current causes an increase in membrane potential, the EPSP.
The neurotransmitter most often associated with EPSPs is the amino acid glutamate, and is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of vertebrates.[1] Its ubiquity at excitatory synapses has led to it being called the excitatory neurotransmitter. In some invertebrates, glutamate is the main excitatory transmitter at the neuromuscular junction.[2][3] In the neuromuscular junction of vertebrates, EPP (end-plate potentials) are mediated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is also the main transmitter in the central nervous system of invertebrates.[citation needed] At the same time, GABA is the most common neurotransmitter associated with IPSPs in the brain. However, classifying neurotransmitters as such is technically incorrect, as there are several other synaptic factors that help determine a neurotransmitter's excitatory or inhibitory effects.
The release of neurotransmitter vesicles from the presynaptic cell is probabilistic. In fact, even without stimulation of the presynaptic cell, a single vesicle will occasionally be released into the synapse, generating miniature EPSPs (mEPSPs). Bernard Katz pioneered the study of these mEPSPs at the neuromuscular junction (often called miniature end-plate potentials[4]) in 1951, revealing the quantal nature of synaptic transmission. Quantal size can then be defined as the synaptic response to the release of neurotransmitter from a single vesicle, while quantal content is the number of effective vesicles released in response to a nerve impulse.[citation needed] Quantal analysis refers to the methods used to deduce, for a particular synapse, how many quanta of transmitter are released and what the average effect of each quantum is on the target cell, measured in terms of amount of ions flowing (charge) or change in the membrane potential.[5]
EPSPs are usually recorded using intracellular electrodes. The extracellular signal from a single neuron is extremely small and thus next to impossible to record in the human brain. However, in some areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus, neurons are arranged in such a way that they all receive synaptic inputs in the same area. Because these neurons are in the same orientation, the extracellular signals from synaptic excitation don't cancel out, but rather add up to give a signal that can easily be recorded with a field electrode. This extracellular signal recorded from a population of neurons is the field potential. In studies of hippocampal LTP, figures are often given showing the field EPSP (fEPSP) in stratum radiatum of CA1 in response to Schaffer collateral stimulation. This is the signal seen by an extracellular electrode placed in the layer of apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. The Schaffer collaterals make excitatory synapses onto these dendrites, and so when they are activated, there is a current sink in stratum radiatum: the field EPSP. The voltage deflection recorded during a field EPSP is negative-going, while an intracellularly recorded EPSP is positive-going. This difference is due to the relative flow of ions (primarily the sodium ion) into the cell, which, in the case of the field EPSP is away from the electrode, while for an intracellular EPSPs it is towards the electrode. After a field EPSP, the extracellular electrode may record another change in electrical potential named the population spike which corresponds to the population of cells firing action potentials (spiking). In other regions than CA1 of the hippocampus, the field EPSP may be far more complex and harder to interpret as the source and sinks are far less defined. In regions such as the striatum neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA and others may also be released and further complicate the interpretation.
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リンク元 | 「興奮性シナプス後電位」「excitatory postsynaptic potential」「slow EPSP」 |
拡張検索 | 「EPSP synthase」「EPSPシンターゼ」「fast EPSP」 |
関連記事 | 「EPS」「EP」「EPSPs」 |
[★] 5-エノイルピルビニルシキミ酸-3-リン酸合成酵素、EPSP合成酵素、EPSPシンターゼ