- 英
- encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, EPS
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- 1. 腹膜透析患者に合併するおそれがある被嚢性腹膜硬化症encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in peritoneal dialysis patients [show details]
… Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare complication of peritoneal dialysis that is characterized by intraperitoneal inflammation and fibrosis, which at times results in the encasement of bowel …
- 2. 血性の腹膜透析液(血性腹水)bloody peritoneal dialysate hemoperitoneum [show details]
…as a result of a leaking and, subsequently, a ruptured aortic aneurysm . Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is an important and ominous cause of bloody dialysate. It should be considered …
- 3. 小児における慢性腹膜透析chronic peritoneal dialysis in children [show details]
…the peritoneum during the infusion of dialysis fluid or at the end of draining. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare, potentially devastating complication of PD, which leads to progressive …
- 4. 腹膜平衡試験peritoneal equilibration test [show details]
…dialysis may transiently restore UF capacity and allow remesotheliazation . In others, however, sclerosing peritonitis develops after the switch to hemodialysis . Decreased solute and fluid removal with …
- 5. 腹膜透析での溶質除去不足inadequate solute clearance in peritoneal dialysis [show details]
…intrinsic transport capacity, although occasionally both are present, as in late stages of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS). Adhesions are a common cause of decreased surface area . Adhesions are caused…
Japanese Journal
- 大網脂肪織炎治癒後に発症した被嚢性腹膜硬化症の1例
- リフィーディング症候群を呈した被嚢性腹膜硬化症の1例
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被嚢性腹膜硬化症 EPS
- 英
- consolidation、stiffening、curing、hardening、induration、sclerosis、harden、indurated
- 関
- 加硫、強化、硬化症、固定、治療、ハードニング、圧密、硬結
- コンソリデーション
- 英
- peritoneum (Z) < peritonaion < peritonos < peri-'around'+-tonos'stretched' ; perineumと勘違いしないように
- 関
- 漿膜
- 英
- sclerosis、scleroma
- 関
- 硬化
- 臓器や組織が硬くなること。
- 皮膚 → 皮膚硬化症(強皮症など)
- 肝臓 → 肝硬変
- 英
- peritoneal sclerosis
- 同
- 硬化性被包性腹膜炎 sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis SEP
- 英
- sis, pathy