- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
- =Communist Party
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/07 00:16:50」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Carriage Paid To - インコタームズで定義される貿易条件のひとつ。輸送費込み条件。
- Conditional Probability Table - 条件付き確率表。
- ケープタウン国際空港またはクリバーン市営空港(Cleburne Municipal Airport)のIATA空港コード。IATAコードの一覧/C参照。
- NSCA認定パーソナルトレーナー。NSCA Certified Personal Trainer。NSCA-CPT。
- Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. - 台湾のディスプレイメーカ
- ケープタウン都市圏の地区コード。地区自治体 (南アフリカ)を参照。
- Cost per Thousand Web - サイトの広告掲載料金の単位。広告掲載回数1000回(1000インプレッション)あたりの料金。CPM (Cost per Mille)とも
- タイ国共産党 (พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์แห่งประเทศไทย)の略称(พ.ค.ท.)。
- 素粒子物理学において、荷電共役(charge conjugation)、パリティ変換 (parity inversion)、時間反転(time reversal)のこと。CPT定理、CPT対称性、CPT不変性など。パリティ対称性の破れ、CP対称性の破れも参照。
- CPT-11 - イリノテカン。抗悪性腫瘍薬。
- Cpt. - Captainの略。キャプテン (曖昧さ回避のためのページ)を参照。
- .cpt - Compact Proのアーカイブファイルの拡張子。
- .cpt - 地図を描くためのソフトウェアGMTのカラーパレットファイルの拡張子。
- CPT カラー・ピラミッド・テスト(color pyramid test)の略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
CPT or Cpt may stand for:
- Captain (disambiguation) (Cpt.), a rank or title
- CBS Paramount Television, a former TV branch of CBS now known as CBS Television Studios
- Certified Penetration Tester, a penetration testing certification offered by the IACRB
- Certified Performance Technologist, specialist in performance improvement; a credential offered by ISPI
- Colored People's Time, an American expression concerning African American timekeeping
- Columbia Pictures Television, the TV branch of Columbia Pictures
- Computerized Placement Test
- Cost per thousand, a method of calculating the relative cost of an advertising campaign
- Curricular Practical Training, temporary employment authorization during a non-immigrant student's post-secondary coursework
- Certified Piano Technician
- 1 Education
- 2 Medicine
- 3 Places
- 4 Politics
- 5 Science, mathematics and engineering
- 6 Transport
- 7 Other uses
- Central Polytechnic, Chennai, India
- Camptothecin, an anti-cancer drug
- Carboxypeptidase T, an enzyme
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I, a mitochondrial enzyme
- Certified Psychiatric Technician, a variety of employees with bachelors degrees or less who are providing direct care to individuals with mental illnesses and/or developmental disabilities; a credential offered through the American Association of Psychiatric Technicians (AAPT)
- Charged particle therapy, a type of radiotherapy that uses charged particles
- Chest physiotherapy, a treatment in which a respiratory therapist percusses an individual's chest with his or her hands to dislodge sputum and encourage its expectoration, for example for patients with cystic fibrosis
- Continuous Performance Task, a psychological test that consists of a series of stimuli
- Current Procedural Terminology, a code set maintained by the American Medical Association that describes medical, surgical, and diagnostic services
- Custom Procedure Trays, in hospitals
- Cyclopentyltheophylline, in biochemistry, a potent and selective adenosine receptor antagonist
- Troparil, a dopamine reuptake inhibitor
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Chapeltown, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
- Compton, California, United States
- Christian Peacemaker Teams, an international organization that supports peacemakers in conflict areas
- Committee for the Prevention of Torture, a Council of Europe committee
- Communist Party of Thailand, a now-defunct political party of Thailand
- Confederación Paraguaya de Trabajadores, a trade union of Paraguay
Science, mathematics and engineering
- Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer, a scientific instrument located at the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory
- Coherent Photon Trapping
- Cone penetration test, a test to measure the load-bearing capacity of soft soils
- Control Power Transformer
- Cooper-pair transistor
- CPT symmetry (charge, parity, and time symmetry), symmetry of physical laws under transformations of charge, parity and time
- Cumulative Prospect Theory
- Conditional Probability Table for Bayseian Network or Probabilistic Graph Model
- Cape Town International Airport in Cape Town, South Africa (IATA airport code)
- Carriage Paid To, an international commercial term used in transport
- Clapton railway station, a British railway station (National Rail station code)
- Corporate Air, a cargo airline based in Montana, United States (ICAO airline designator)
Other uses
- Centro di permanenza temporanea former name Centro di identificazione ed espulsione, the Italian centers of detention and expulsion of illegal immigrants
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Certified Planning Technician
- Cognitive Performance Test
- Commissao Pastoral da Terra
- Conditional Probability Table, a table of probabilities of node values in probabilistic logic
- Controller Page Template
- .cpt a proprietary file format of Corel Photo-Paint
- CPT Word Processors, made from 1971 until mid 1990s by the CPT (Cassette Power Typing) Corporation of Eden Prairie, MN
- Cuideachta Phoiblí Theoranta, the Irish language form of a Public limited company
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Genetically engineered human neural stem cells with rabbit carboxyl esterase can target brain metastasis from breast cancer.
- Seol HJ, Jin J, Seong DH, Joo KM, Kang W, Yang H, Kim J, Shin CS, Kim Y, Kim KH, Kong DS, Lee JI, Aboody KS, Lee HJ, Kim SU, Nam DH.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Cancer letters.Cancer Lett.2011 Dec 8;311(2):152-9. Epub 2011 Jul 14.
- Neural stem cells (NSCs) led to the development of a novel strategy for delivering therapeutic genes to tumors. NSCs expressing rabbit carboxyl esterase (F3.CE), which activates CPT-11, significantly inhibited the growth of MDA-MB-435 cells in the presence of CPT-11. F3.CE cells migrated selectively
- PMID 21868150
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms of ABCC5 and ABCG1 transporter genes correlate to irinotecan-associated gastrointestinal toxicity in colorectal cancer patients: A DMET microarray profiling study.
- Di Martino MT, Arbitrio M, Leone E, Guzzi PH, Saveria Rotundo M, Ciliberto D, Tomaino V, Fabiani F, Talarico D, Sperlongano P, Doldo P, Cannataro M, Caraglia M, Tassone P, Tagliaferri P.SourceMagna Graecia University and Tommaso Campanella Cancer Center; Catanzaro, Italy.
- Cancer biology & therapy.Cancer Biol Ther.2011 Nov 1;12(9). [Epub ahead of print]
- Recent findings have disclosed the role of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1*28 on the haematological toxicity induced by irinotecan (CPT-11), a drug commonly used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). We investigated the pharmacogenomic profile of irinotecan-induced gastroint
- PMID 21892003
Japanese Journal
- 看護職はどう考えていけばよいの? 子ども虐待と看護職の役割 : 小児看護に携わる看護職の専門職連携のなかでの役割を中心に (特集 子ども虐待の予防・早期発見 : 専門職の役割を理解し,看護実践に生かそう!)
- WPTシステムの動作原理と設計理論 : 二周波数法と四周波数法 (無線電力伝送)
- 稲垣 直樹
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(445), 25-30, 2015-02-13
- NAID 40020394685
- Amenability Testing of Fine Coal Beneficiation Using Laboratory Flotation Column
- , ,
- MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 56(5), 766-773, 2015
- … The amenability of beneficiating a low rank coal has been studied using a laboratory CPT CoalPro flotation column. …
- NAID 130005065992
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- Manufacturer of TV picture tube, FPD, Component, Tube Equipment and STN- LCD.
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- 英
- carotid pulse tracing CPT, carotid arterial pulse CAP (LAB)
- 上行大動脈の圧波形に近似した波形が得られる。
- US upstroke:大動脈弁の開放
- PW percussion wave:最大駆出
- TW tidal wave:PWからの下降途中に出現するごく小さな波
- DN dicrotic notch:大動脈の閉鎖
- DW dicrotic wave:DNに続く小さな陽性波。
- 英
- carnitine palmitoyltransferase CPT
- 同
- カルニチン-O-パルミトイルトランスフェラーゼ
- 同
- carnitine palmitoyl transferase欠損症
- 関
- See Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I