- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/11 18:28:36」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Cell, Nature, Science - 生物医学分野で有名な3つの科学雑誌。
- ケアンズ国際空港を表すIATA空港コード。
- 佐渡市ケーブルテレビの略称。
- ケーブルネット鈴鹿の略称。
- ケーブルネット下関の略称。
- 中枢神経系(Central Nervous System)の略称。
- 専門看護師(Clinical Nurse Specialist)の略称。
- 株式会社シーエヌエスは日本の市場調査会社。
- コアグラーゼ陰性ブドウ球菌(coagulase-negative staphylococci)の略称。
- 中国、韓国、北朝鮮を指す(China North-Korea South-Korea)
- タイ国家治安評議会の略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
CNS may refer to:
- 1 Science and medicine
- 2 Education
- 3 Organisations
- 4 Media
- 5 Other
Science and medicine
- Cell, Nature, and Science, the three most prestigious scientific journals involved in biomedical research
- Central nervous system, brain and spinal cord
- Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, a pelvic pain condition affecting men
- Clinical nurse specialist
- Coagulase-negative staphylococcus, term to describe all staphylococcus species that are not staphylococcus aureus
- Computational neuroscience
- Conserved non-coding sequence, a region of DNA that is conserved through evolution and does not code for proteins
- Crigler-Najjar syndrome, rare hereditary disease
- Crystallography and NMR system, software library for computational structural biology
- Thiocyanate, an organic compound in the cyanate family
- Cicero-North Syracuse High School in Cicero, New York
- City of Norwich School, a secondary school in Norwich, England
- Canadian Nuclear Society, technical society of the Canadian Nuclear Association
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons, a professional society representing neurosurgeons
- Corporation for National Service, former name of the Corporation for National and Community Service, an independent agency of the United States government
- Council for National Security, military regime that governed Thailand following the 2006 coup d'état
- Szekler National Council (Consiliul Naţional Secuiesc), an organization representing the ethnic Szeklers of Romania
- Cartoon Network Studios
- Catholic News Service
- China News Service
- Cybercast News Service
- CNS is a short acronym in musical jargon to reference the catalog numbering systems for single records
- Cairns International Airport, IATA code
- Chateau Neuf Spelemannslag, Norwegian folk music group
- Chinese National Standards
- Cisco Networking Services, a proprietary directory service-based management system for Cisco Systems' networking products
- "Communication, navigation, surveillance", often associated with air traffic management as CNS/ATM
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- Experimental Methods and Transport Models for Drug Delivery across the Blood-Brain Barrier.
- Fu BM.SourceDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, The City College of the City University of New York, 160 Convent Ave., New York, NY 10031 USA. fu@ccny.cuny.edu.
- Current pharmaceutical biotechnology.Curr Pharm Biotechnol.2012 Sep 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a dynamic barrier essential for maintaining the micro-environment of the brain. Although the special anatomical features of the BBB determine its protective role for the central nervous system (CNS) from blood-born neurotoxins, however, the BBB extremely limits the t
- PMID 22201587
- Alternative splicing of the neurofibromatosis type I pre-mRNA.
- Barron VA, Lou H.Source*Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, U.S.A.
- Bioscience reports.Biosci Rep.2012 Apr 1;32(2):131-8.
- NF1 (neurofibromatosis type I) is a common genetic disease that affects one in 3500 individuals. The disease is completely penetrant but shows variable phenotypic expression in patients. NF1 is a large gene, and its pre-mRNA undergoes alternative splicing. The NF1 protein, neurofibromin, is involve
- PMID 22115364
- Species diversity and metabolic impact of the microbiota are low in spontaneously acidified Belgian sausages with an added starter culture of Staphylococcus carnosus.
- Janssens M, Myter N, De Vuyst L, Leroy F.SourceResearch Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences and Bio-engineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2012 Apr;29(2):167-77. Epub 2011 Jul 23.
- Quality of fermented sausages is affected by acidifying lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and colour- and flavour-promoting coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), whether or not used as starter culture. Artisan fermented sausages are often perceived as superior to industrial variants, partially because of
- PMID 22202870
Japanese Journal
- Comparative Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance, Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome Mec and Superantigenic Toxin Genes in Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci
- Abe Yukiko,Hu Dong-Liang,Omoe Katsuhiko,Fukuda Ikuo,Nakane Akio
- 弘前医学 63(2-4), 143-153, 2012-11-30
- … Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are increasingly recognized to cause clinically significant infections. …
- NAID 120004994682
- 特集 将来航空交通システムの実現に向けた研究開発(第7回)航空通信の現状と課題
- 住谷 泰人
- 日本航空宇宙学会誌 = Aeronautical and space sciences Japan 60(11), 402-407, 2012-11
- NAID 40019481903
Related Links
- CNSのケーブルテレビ(CATV)なら地デジ、BS、CSなどの多チャンネルが楽しめる。光回線の高速インターネットや電話など、充実したサービスをお求めならCNS(ケーブルネット鈴鹿)!
- 2011.07.25 JP1のテクニカルパートナーに認定されました。(>CNS 掲載ページ) 2010.12.06 会社情報を更新しました。(事務所移転に伴いアクセスマップを修正しました) 2010.12.06 会社情報を更新しました。( 事務所移転に伴い概要を ...
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- 関
- central nervous system disease、CNS disease
- 同
- 英
- central nervous system, CNS (M)
- 関
- 神経系、末梢神経
- 同
- 英
- clinical nurse specialist, CNS
- 関
- 専門看護師
- 同
- 関
- central nervous system disease、central nervous system disorder
微小変化型ネフローゼ症候群 minimal change nephrotic syndrome