- 同
- bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein
- the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)b
- the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen (同)type_B, group B
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- 記録密度の内、ビット毎インチ(bits per inch)のこと。
- Baltic Panamax Indexの略。
- 英国レコード産業協会 (British Phonographic Industry) の略称。
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BPI may refer to:
In business:
- Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, a public high school in Maryland, United States
- Banca Popolare Italiana, an Italian bank merged into Banco Popolare
- Banco Português de Investimento, a Portuguese bank
- Bank of the Philippine Islands, the oldest bank in the Philippines
- Banque Publique d'Investissement, a French bank
- Beef Products, manufacturer of lean finely textured beef, or LFTB.
- BPI Energy, an energy company involved with coalbed methane (CBM) in the Illinois Basin
- BPI Services, a dutch company who offers its customers reliable solutions in the field of biometrics, ID management, Smart Video and Registration.
- Bridge Publications (Scientology), the Church of Scientology's internal publishing division
- British Phonographic Industry, a record industry trade association
- British Power International, a UK-based power sector consultancy
- Broadcast Music, Inc., one of three United States performing rights organizations
In measurement:
- Base peak intensity, a type of mass chromatogram
- Bits-per-inch or Bytes-per-inch, used to specify the data density of magnetic tape
- Bomb Power Indicator, used by the Royal Observer Corps during the Cold War to detect nuclear explosions
- Brief Pain Inventory, used to measure the change in pain intensity after treatment, for example, with anti-cancer drugs
BPI may also be:
- Baseline Privacy Interface, a MAC layer security service
- Boolean prime ideal theorem, a mathematical theorem
- Business process improvement, a method of improving business processes
- Business process interoperability, a state that exists when a business process can meet a specific objective automatically utilizing essential human labor only
- Bard Prison Initiative, an inmate college degree program offered by Bard College
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 癌疼痛の評価 assessment of cancer pain
- 2. 抗好中球細胞質抗体の臨床的な意味 clinical spectrum of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
- 3. 好中球二次顆粒欠損症 neutrophil specific granule deficiency
- 4. 新生児の免疫 immunity of the newborn
- 5. 成人における慢性疼痛の評価 evaluation of chronic pain in adults
English Journal
- Immune Tolerance Induction against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Using A New PLP-B7AP Conjugate that Simultaneously Targets B7/CD28 Costimulatory Signal and TCR/MHC-II Signal.
- Badawi AH1, Kiptoo P2, Siahaan TJ2.
- Journal of multiple sclerosis.J Mult Scler (Foster City).2015 Dec;2(1). pii: 1000131.
- Most of the current therapies used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) are either ineffective or have adverse side effects. As such, there is a need to develop better therapies that specifically target myelin-specific aberrant immune cells involved in CNS inflammation without compromising th
- PMID 26140285
- Depression, anxiety, and cognitive functioning after intracerebral hemorrhage.
- Koivunen RJ1, Harno H1, Tatlisumak T1, Putaala J1.
- Acta neurologica Scandinavica.Acta Neurol Scand.2015 Sep;132(3):179-84. doi: 10.1111/ane.12367. Epub 2015 Jan 30.
- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Post-stroke depression (PSD) is an important complication of stroke. We studied long-term PSD after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) at young age, as well as anxiety, and cognitive functioning of the survivors.METHODS: We gathered clinical and imaging data of 336 young ICH pati
- PMID 25639837
- Cloning and characterization of two lipopolysaccharide-binding protein/bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (LBP/BPI) genes from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with diversified function in modulating ROS production.
- Shao Y1, Li C2, Che Z1, Zhang P1, Zhang W1, Duan X1, Li Y1.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2015 Sep;52(1):88-97. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2015.04.015. Epub 2015 May 5.
- Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (LBP/BPI) play crucial role in modulating cellular signals in response to Gram-negative bacteria infection. In the present study, two isoforms of LBP/BPI genes (designated as AjLBP/BPI1 and AjLBP/BPI2, respectively)
- PMID 25956196
Japanese Journal
- Analyses of the Secondary Particle Radiation and the DNA Damage It Causes to Human Keratinocytes
- LEBEL Emily A.,RUSEK Adam,SIVERTZ Michael B.,YIP Kin,THOMPSON Keith H.,TAFROV Stefan T.
- Journal of radiation research 52(6), 685-693, 2011-11-16
- … The majority of cells repaired the initial damage, as denoted by the presence of 53BPI foci, within the first 24 hours after exposure, but some cells maintained the 53BP1 foci longer. …
- NAID 10029652698
- 高齢者の長距離人口移動の決定因の変化 : —— 1960年国勢調査から2000年国勢調査による分析 ——
- 伊藤 薫
- 地域学研究 41(1), 179-194, 2011
- … Explanatory variables were (1) index of potential migration living together with/near childrens household (CHI), (2) index of potential return migration to 1940 living place (RMI), (3) index of amenity (average temperature: AT), (4) number of doctors per area (DA), (5) consumer price index (PI), (6) index of potential return migration to birth places (BPI), (7) number of inmates of nursing home per population (NH). …
- NAID 130001079661
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- 英
- azurophilic granule
- 関
- 顆粒、白血球
- 医学辞書
- アズールによって赤紫色に染色される細胞質内の顆粒で、血液細胞(顆粒球、単球、リンパ球)にみられる。顆粒球において顕著で、前骨髄球段階から出現。
- アズール好性
- アズール→紫褐、紫赤
- リンパ球、単球、前骨髄球、血小板、巨核球
- リンパ球では0.3-0.6μm
- BPT.39
NADPH + O2 -(NADPH oxidase)→ O2-・ (superoxide)
O2-・ -(spontaneous dismutation)→ H2O2 (gydrogen peroxide)
H2O2 -(myeloperoxidase)→ HOCl・
- Mg2+存在下でC3, B, Dが反応してC3bBbとなり、これがC3転換酵素(C3bBb)あるいはC5転換酵素(C3bBb3b)を形成する。これらはP(properdin)と結合して活性化し、それぞれC3、C5を活性化する