- 英
- percentage of pharmaceutical cost
- 関
- 医療費、薬剤費
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- 1. 費用対効果分析入門a short primer on cost effectiveness analysis [show details]
…denominator of a cost-effectiveness ratio; Measuring terms in the numerator of a cost-effectiveness ratio (costs) Valuing the health consequences in the denominator of a cost-effectiveness ratio; Estimating… drugs, tests, procedures, and hospital days). Subsequently, the frequencies are multiplied by each unit cost and then summed to yield a total cost. A complete assessment of costs may also…
- 2. 局所止血剤および生体組織接着剤の概要overview of topical hemostatic agents and tissue adhesives [show details]
…topical hemostatic agents to use depends upon amount and location of bleeding, availability of a given agent, cost considerations, and surgeon preference . Biologically active agents (eg, topical thrombin …
- 3. 抗結核薬:概要antituberculous drugs an overview [show details]
… treatment with second-line agents may need to be initiated prior to availability of drug susceptibility results. In such cases, treatment decisions should be based on the drug susceptibility pattern of …
- 4. 資源の限られた地域で生じるHIV感染症への抗レトロウイルス薬の使用と効果use and impact of antiretroviral therapy for hiv infection in resource limited settings [show details]
… had a more rapid progression to virologic failure (hazard ratio 2.82, 95% CI 1.19-6.66) . Due to cost considerations and lack of availability, drug resistance testing is not currently recommended as part …
- 5. HER2陰性ホルモン受容体陽性転移性乳癌への治療法:内分泌療法および分子標的薬treatment approach to metastatic hormone receptor positive her2 negative breast cancer endocrine therapy and targeted agents [show details]
… they also possess single-agent activity. The CDK 4/6 inhibitor abemaciclib is US Food and Drug Administration approved for use as monotherapy… the addition of CDK 4/6 inhibitors to ET improved OS (hazard ratio [HR] 1.33,… three CDK 4/6 inhibitors in combination with an AI . Therefore, decisions are driven largely based on cost and side-effect profile, although we acknowledge that ribociclib has demonstrated OS benefits when …
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- 薬剤費等の年次推移について. 中医協薬-2 4.7.20. 薬剤費等の年次推移①. 年度 国民医療費 (A) 薬剤費 (B) 薬剤費比率 (B/A) 推定乖離率 (C) 平成5年度 24.363 6.94 28.5 19.6 平成6年度 25.791 6.73 26.1 - 平成7年度 26.958 7.28 27.0 17.8 平成8年度 28.454 6.97 24.5 14.5 ...
- 令和3年度医療費の動向 ~概算医療費の集計結果~ 令和3年度の概算医療費は44.2兆円。対前年比で4.6%の増加となるも、対前々年比では1.4%の増加。なお、対前年々比の1.4%の増加は2年分の伸び率であり、1年当たりに換算する
- 国民医療費(兆円) 薬剤費(兆円) 薬剤費比率(%) 推定乖離率(%) ※ 薬価調査で得られた平均乖離率をその年度の推定乖離率としている ※ 令和元年度の推定乖離率は、平成30年4月の薬価に対する乖離
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- 英
- drug、agent、pharmaceutical preparation、medicine
- 関
- 薬物、薬、作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬物、代理人、医薬品、薬品
- 英
- proportion、rate、proportional
- 関
- 速度、比例、比例的、割合、釣り合い、釣り合った
- 英
- rate
- 関
- 比
- 集団における現象発生の頻度を表す指標。全体に対する部分の割合を示す。
- 値は0~1