- 英
- drug-induced hyperventilation
- 関
- 過換気
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- 1. 中枢性睡眠時無呼吸:病因central sleep apnea pathogenesis [show details]
…of a variety of stimuli induce hyperpnea. As an example, hypoxia (eg, due to secretions or decreased lung volumes) is a common trigger of hyperpnea during sleep . The hyperpnea causes ventilatory overshoot …
- 2. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者における肺過膨張dynamic hyperinflation in patients with copd [show details]
… Dynamic hyperinflation – Dynamic hyperinflation refers to an increase in EELV during hyperpnea induced by exertion,… Endobronchial valves have gained US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval,…
- 3. 先天性代謝異常症の疑いがある小児に現れた急性代謝障害:臨床症状、評価、管理metabolic emergencies in suspected inborn errors of metabolism presentation evaluation and management [show details]
… The respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperpnea, which is induced by hyperammonemia.… substances in children may occur in children who have taken penicillins, salicylates, ascorbic acid, or drugs excreted as glucuronides . If possible, at the time of the initial evaluation, samples also should …
- 4. 気管支誘発試験bronchoprovocation testing [show details]
… Bronchoprovocation for exercise-induced bronchospasm – Exercise testing and eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea (EVH) are forms of bronchoprovocation… voluntary hyperpnea . For patients with a positive exercise challenge test, the efficacy of preventative medications (eg, short-acting beta agonist, antileukotriene agent) can be assessed…
- 5. 中枢性睡眠時無呼吸:治療central sleep apnea treatment [show details]
… Greater negative airway pressure induces airway deformation, which can trigger hyperpnea,… nervous system suppressing drugs or substances, attempts should be made to eliminate or at least reduce the offending drugs.…
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- 英
- ventilation
- 関
肺の換気の分布(SPU. 21-22)
- 吸気は各肺胞に均等に分布しない。胸腔内圧は肺の上部ほどより陰圧となるために、肺尖部の肺胞および気道の径は常に肺底部より大きくなる。このため、肺尖部の方が換気が良好であり、肺胞内酸素分圧が高い。
- 英
- drug、agent、pharmaceutical preparation、medicine
- 関
- 薬物、薬、作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬物、代理人、医薬品、薬品
- 英
- hyperventilation
- 同
- 換気亢進、換気過剰、過度呼吸、過剰換気
- 関
- 異常呼吸
- 英
- drug-induced
- 関
- 薬物性、薬剤誘発、薬物誘発
- 英
- vital energy, life energy, active energy