- 英
- pigment epithelitis
- 関
- 視神経網膜炎
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- 1. 補体系の概要および臨床的評価overview and clinical assessment of the complement system [show details]
… "anaphylatoxins," bind to their respective receptors on cells to initiate inflammation and vasodilation that in turn activate many cell types .… Release of mediators, such as histamine from mast cells; Activation of many cell types, including epithelial and endothelial cells, as well as cells involved in inflammatory and immune responses; Contraction … injury states (membrane damage, apoptosis, necrosis) and with deposition of debris (lipids, proteins, pigments, crystals), the system plays an important role in the host response to altered self. Failure of…
- 2. 特発性肺線維症の病因pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [show details]
… IPF. It is unclear whether inflammation (which resolves prior to clinical presentation of the patient) is the inciting stimulus in IPF, or whether aberrant epithelial cell and fibroblast responses to …
- 3. 全身化学療法による眼の副作用ocular side effects of systemically administered chemotherapy [show details]
…characterized by inflammation of the eyelids. Anterior blepharitis is characterized by inflammation at the base of the eyelashes Posterior blepharitis is characterized by inflammation of the inner… Poor healing of the epithelial layer of the cornea has been reported frequently with EGFR inhibitors. Poor healing may lead to persistent corneal epithelial defects and erosions.… toxicity to the retinal pigment epithelium leading to pigmentary retinopathy, accumulation of fluid under the retinal pigment epithelium (central serous retinopathy),…
- 4. 腎機能障害患者の炎症inflammation in patients with kidney function impairment [show details]
…"malnutrition-inflammation-complex syndrome" (MICS) suggests the purported close association between PEW and inflammation in patients on dialysis . Alternatively, "malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis" …
- 5. 関節リウマチの眼症状ocular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis [show details]
… glucocorticoid-induced glaucoma. Ocular inflammation and its treatment by local or systemic glucocorticoids may lead to cataracts. Retinal pigment epithelial toxicity may be due to the administration …
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- 英
- acute retinal pigment epithelitis
- 英
- epithelium, (pl.)epithelia
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- 上皮組織、消化器系#上皮の移行、呼吸器の上皮の移行
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- dye、pigment、dye stuff
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- 炎光、炎症
- 英
- pigmented epithelium
- 関
- 上皮