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- 1. 中等度から重度の変形性膝関節症のマネージメントmanagement of moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis [show details]
…unloader) knee brace as an adjunct to other core treatments . Patients with medial TF OA who are more physically active and usually younger may experience greater improvements with unloader knee bracing. …
- 2. Medial (tibial) collateral ligament injury of the kneemedial tibial collateral ligament injury of the knee [show details]
…a prophylactic knee brace to prevent injury or reinjury to the MCL is controversial, and there is little high-quality evidence to guide decision-making . Although functional knee bracing is used with some …
- 3. 関節保護の概要overview of joint protection [show details]
…syndrome . A 2005 systematic review found some evidence to suggest that long-term adherence to knee bracing for osteoarthritis is relatively low, but the reasons were not determined . Neoprene sensitivity…
- 4. 膝滑液包炎knee bursitis [show details]
…of PAPS includes a weight-reduction program, quadriceps-strengthening exercises, wearing a soft knee brace, and the use of an analgesic and/or short-term nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), unless …
- 5. 後十字靱帯損傷posterior cruciate ligament injury [show details]
…support functional knee bracing in patients with isolated posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries. When returning patients to sport, the authors do not routinely use functional knee braces, although these …
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- 英
- Swedish knee cage
- 関
- 装具、膝装具
- http://www.kneeshop.com/db_images/seattleswedishcagemini.jpg
- http://images1.hellotrade.com/data2/GR/IL/HELLOTD-2008596/hinged_swedish_knee_cage_h-web-250x250.png
- http://kneeshop.com/proddetail.asp?prod=A02-6X0-0000
- 英
- lumbosacral hip knee orthosis
- 関
- 立位支持装具
- 英
- orthosis (SOR), prosthesis, brace, prosthetic appliance