- 英
- scapuloperoneal amyotrophy
- 関
- 肩甲腓骨型筋症候群、ダヴィデンコフ症候群
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- 1. 関節リウマチの神経学的症状neurologic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis [show details]
… common peroneal, and tibial nerves; cervical nerve root compression; and common peroneal and tibial nerve compression from popliteal cysts.… These disorders include disuse muscle atrophy and glucocorticoid myopathy.…
- 2. 外傷性末梢神経障害traumatic peripheral neuropathies [show details]
… and often mimic common peroneal neuropathy. Proximal lesions can therefore be mistakenly diagnosed as a more distal neuropathy. Predominance of findings suggesting peroneal pathology are… after a neurotmetic lesion, even though any weakness caused by the injury is noted immediately . Muscle atrophy occurs in the weeks after . However, because the Schwann cells maintain their continuity, subsequent …
- 3. 中枢性塩類喪失cerebral salt wasting [show details]
…inappropriate sodium wasting in the urine . However, some authorities contend that CSW does not really exist and is only a misnomer for what is actually SIADH, with the putative salt wasting being due to unappreciated …
- 4. 遺伝性低カリウム血症性の塩分欠乏による尿細管症:病態生理および臨床症状の概要inherited hypokalemic salt losing tubulopathies pathophysiology and overview of clinical manifestations [show details]
…separated into hypokalemic and hyperkalemic salt-wasting tubulopathies. This topic presents an overview of the classification of inherited salt-wasting tubulopathies and clinical features and pathophysiology …
- 5. 進行性肺疾患における栄養障害malnutrition in advanced lung disease [show details]
…advanced lung disease. Sarcopenia – Sarcopenia is defined as low skeletal muscle mass and reduced muscle function (eg, low handgrip strength or slow gait speed) . Sarcopenia can occur as a component …
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- 164 原 著 〔東女医大誌 第62巻 第11号頁1222~1226平成4年11月〕 肩甲下轡型筋萎縮症の:筋CT所見と臨床症状との対比 東京女子医科大学 小児科学教室(主任:福由幸失教授) スズキ ノリコ ァライ オオサワ ...
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- 英
- muscle atrophy, muscular atrophy
- 英
- atrophy
- ラ
- atrophia
- 関
- 退縮。肥大、過形成
- 英
- atrophy、dwarf、dwarfism、kraurosis
- 関
- 萎縮、小人症、矮性、矮化、衰退、低身長症
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- muscular atrophy、muscle atrophy、amyotrophy
- 関
- 筋萎縮