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- 1. 肝線維症の病因pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis [show details]
… Fibrosis is a wound healing response in which damaged regions are encapsulated by an extracellular matrix or scar. It develops in almost all patients with chronic liver injury at variable rates depending …
- 2. 全身性硬化症(強皮症)の病因pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis scleroderma [show details]
…remains incompletely understood. Immune activation, vascular damage, and excessive synthesis of extracellular matrix with deposition of increased amounts of structurally normal collagen are all known to be important …
- 3. 肝線維症の非侵襲的評価:血清学的検査および画像診断noninvasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis overview of serologic and radiographic tests [show details]
…directly reflect extracellular matrix metabolism. Examples include the platelet count, coagulation studies, and liver aminotransferases. Direct markers of fibrosis reflect extracellular matrix turnover. Examples …
- 4. プラークの不安定化による急性冠症候群の発症機序mechanisms of acute coronary syndromes related to atherosclerosis [show details]
…collections of cellular debris, increased free cholesterol, and near complete depletion of extracellular matrix are observed. The fibrous cap atheroma may develop into a lesion with a significant luminal …
- 5. 変形性関節症の病因pathogenesis of osteoarthritis [show details]
…be driving the production of the proteolytic enzymes responsible for the degradation of the extracellular matrix that results in joint tissue destruction. Although destruction and loss of the articular cartilage …
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- 英
- extracellular matrix, ECM
- 同
- 細胞外基質、細胞外間質物質、細胞間マトリックス intercellular matrix
- 関
- 細胞間質
- 結合組織や上皮細胞の間、血管や平滑筋の支持構造に存在
- など
- 上皮細胞と間質細胞の間にあって、それぞれの細胞が合成している。
- 英
- matrix
- 関
- ミトコンドリア
- ミトコンドリアの外膜の内部にあって、内膜によって区切られた区画のうち内側の部位。
- 関
- 一方、インター、~の中で
- 英
- trick
- 関
- 錯覚、策略
- 英
- bird、avian
- 関
- 鳥類
- 英
- intercellular、cell-to-cell