- 英
- torsion of testicular appendage, torsion of the appendix of testis
- 関
- 精巣垂
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- 1. 成人の急性陰嚢痛acute scrotal pain in adults [show details]
…indicates likely testicular torsion. The cremasteric reflex should be assessed, and is usually absent in patients with testicular torsion This finding helps distinguish testicular torsion from acute epididymitis …
- 2. 小児や青年の陰嚢痛の原因causes of scrotal pain in children and adolescents [show details]
…expeditious diagnosis and treatment (eg, testicular torsion, testicular cancer). The most common causes of acute scrotal pain in children and adolescents include testicular torsion, torsion of the appendix testis …
- 3. 新生児精巣捻転neonatal testicular torsion [show details]
…regarding management of neonatal testicular torsion will be reviewed here. Testicular torsion in children and adolescents is presented separately. Neonatal testicular torsion is defined as torsion that occurs …
- 4. 小児における跛行の原因に関する概要overview of the causes of limp in children [show details]
…pain and swelling. The diagnosis of hemarthrosis is made clinically. Adolescent boys with testicular torsion may occasionally present with an acute limp without providing the history of testicular or…
- 5. 小児および思春期における非外傷性陰嚢痛または腫脹の評価evaluation of nontraumatic scrotal pain or swelling in children and adolescents [show details]
…causes : Abrupt onset of severe testicular pain suggests testicular torsion or torsion of testicular or epididymal appendages . Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency. Acute abdominal pain associated …
Japanese Journal
- 後藤 智隆,柿澤 至恕
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 90(7), 663-668, 1999-07-20
- … 性陰嚢症について検討した.<br>(対象) 1986年4月1日から1998年3月31日までの12年間に, 国立小児病院で急性陰嚢症の診断にて手術が施行され, 診断が確定した15歳以下の小児40例を対象とした.<br>(結果) 術後の確定診断は, 精索捻転症14例 (35%), 精巣付属器捻転症22例 (55%), 急性精巣上体炎3例 (75%), 鼠径ヘルニアの嵌頓1例 (25%) で, 付属器捻転症が最も多くその内訳は, 精巣垂捻転症が20例, 精巣上体垂捻転症が2例であった. …
- NAID 110003089184
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- 英
- acute scrotum
- 研修医当直御法度 第5版 p.83
- 外傷、捻転:精巣の激痛、精索に沿う放散痛。悪心、嘔吐。
- 英
- testicle, orchis
- ラ
- testis (Z), testes
- 同
- 睾丸
- 関
- 外生殖器
- 英
- appendix of testis (Z)
- ラ
- appendix testis
- 関
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- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- torsion abnormality
- 関
- 捻転症、回旋
- 英
- torsion abnormality
- 関
- 捻転