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- 1. 加齢黄斑変性:臨床像、病因、および診断age related macular degeneration clinical presentation etiology and diagnosis [show details]
…with the size and number of soft drusen. A few small, hard drusen are detectable in almost all people over 50 years of age and are a normal consequence of aging . Hard drusen are not associated with significantly …
- 2. 視神経の先天性および後天性異常congenital anomalies and acquired abnormalities of the optic nerve [show details]
…calcified drusen remain bright . Computed tomography (CT) shows calcification at the nerve head. Ocular coherence tomography has been shown to detect buried drusen as well . Superficial drusen also can …
- 3. 乳頭浮腫の概要および鑑別診断overview and differential diagnosis of papilledema [show details]
… Drusen are hyaline bodies thought to be remnants of calcific axonal degeneration. Drusen tend to be buried in children… The appearance of hard exudates in the nerve fiber layer indicate a process of some months duration.…
- 4. 非動脈炎性前部虚血性視神経症:疫学、発症機序、および病因nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy epidemiology pathogenesis and etiologies [show details]
…found a significantly smaller cup-to-disc ratio in the unaffected eye in patients with NAION . Optic disc drusen is another disc anomaly that is believed to be associated with nerve fiber crowding and may…
- 5. 一過性黒内障(一過性単眼または両眼視力低下)amaurosis fugax transient monocular or binocular visual loss [show details]
…Vitreous floaters occasionally obscure central vision. Congenital optic disc anomalies and optic disc drusen have been associated with TMVL. Clues to an ocular cause might include: Eye redness; Pain…
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- ドルーゼンとは加齢黄斑変性の前駆症状・前駆所見です。 詳細は研究段階ですが、ドルーゼンがあることにより加齢黄斑変性が発症すると考えられています。 硬性ドルーゼンの眼底写真。黄色いつぶつぶがドルーゼン。一つ一つの
- ドルーゼンは50歳以上になれば正常な方も約10%に見られるといわれます。遺伝的素因も影響します。ドルーゼンにも硬性ドルーゼン、軟性ドルー ...
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- 新生血管の前駆病変(←加齢黄斑変性)
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[show details]
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