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- ciliary sign
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- 1. 患者情報:陰部シラミ(毛ジラミ)(詳細)pubic lice beyond the basics [show details]
…place the item in a sealed plastic bag for two weeks. Eyelash infestation can occur in adolescents or adults who have pubic lice. The eyelashes can also become involved in children who are close contacts …
- 2. 酒さ:病因、臨床的特徴、および診断rosacea pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… or other signs and symptoms The pathogenesis, clinical manifestations,… manifestations of rosacea; the mites have been found in eyelash follicles and meibomian glands .…
- 3. 円形脱毛症:マネージメントalopecia areata management [show details]
… Patients with alopecia of the eyelashes may choose to apply false eyelashes. False eyelashes are widely available in pharmacies and beauty supply stores.… Studies of adolescents suffering from alopecia areata have found increased rates of psychiatric symptoms . In view of the variable efficacy of current forms of treatment, the clinician has an important …
- 4. 前頭繊維性脱毛症:発症機序、臨床症状、診断frontal fibrosing alopecia pathogenesis clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… uncommon. Estimates of occipital involvement range from 7 to 32 percent of patients . Associated symptoms may include pruritus, trichodynia (tenderness or burning), or tingling sensations on the scalp. … recession . Manifestations of FFA can extend beyond the scalp, including hair loss involving eyebrows, eyelashes, or other body areas and facial lesions. Cicatricial alopecia of the eyebrows is estimated to occur …
- 5. がん全身療法における脱毛症alopecia related to systemic cancer therapy [show details]
… can induce a constellation of cutaneous symptoms, which include an acneiform rash, abnormal hair growth, pruritus, and dry skin; together, this symptom complex is referred to by the… has been used successfully on the upper eyelid margin to enhance eyelash growth in patients with eyelash hypotrichosis.…
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- 72歳の女性。消化管出血で緊急入院し、精査の結果、直腸癌と診断された。手術の方針とし、術前放射線療法とともにリハビリテーションを行うこととした。既往歴は10年前から高血圧症で、降圧薬を内服している。意識は清明。身長 152cm、体重 41kg。体温 36.7℃。脈拍 88/分、整。血圧 118/78mmHg。呼吸数 20/分。SpO2 97%(room air)。腹部は平坦、軟で、肝・脾を触知しない。眼振を認めない。閉眼で睫毛徴候を認めない。鼻唇溝は対称だが流涎を認め、ろれつが回らない。舌の萎縮を認めない。四肢に筋力低下を認めない。つぎ足歩行は可能で、片脚での立位保持時間は10秒。血液所見:赤血球 341万、Hb 10.7g/dL、白血球 3,700、血小板 17万。血液生化学所見:アルブミン 3.0g/dL、総ビリルビン 0.4mg/dL、AST 14U/L、ALTU/L、ALP 174U/L(基準 115~359)、γ-GTP 23U/L(基準 8~50)、CK 92U/L(基準 30~140)、尿素窒素 18mg/dL、クレアチニン 0.6mg/dL、Na 143mEq/L、K 4.2mEq/L、Cl 108mEq/L。CEA 6.3ng/mL(基準 5以下)、CA19-9 73U/mL(基準 37以下)。CRP 0.7mg/dL。頭部MRIのT2強調像別冊No. 22を別に示す。
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- eyelash (KL), eyelashes (KH)
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