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- 1. 原発性大腸癌に対する切除術surgical resection of primary colon cancer [show details]
…depends upon the location of the tumor: A right hemicolectomy is usually performed for cancer of the cecum and ascending colon, and for some hepatic flexure cancers The general principles for performing the …
- 2. 盲腸軸捻転症cecal volvulus [show details]
…twisting of the cecum along its long axis; the volvulized cecum remains in the right lower quadrant. Type II – A loop cecal volvulus develops from a torsion or twisting of the cecum and a portion of …
- 3. 成人における急性虫垂炎:臨床症状と鑑別診断acute appendicitis in adults clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis [show details]
…appendix is located at the base of the cecum, near the ileocecal valve where the taenia coli converge on the cecum . The appendix is a true diverticulum of the cecum. In contrast to acquired diverticular …
- 4. 成人のクロストリディオイデス(旧称、クロストリジウム)・ディフィシル感染症の外科治療surgical management of clostridioides formerly clostridium difficile colitis in adults [show details]
…10 cc. It is not necessary for the catheter to be placed through the ileocecal valve and into the cecum, but the catheter balloon must be inflated below the fascia. A rectal tube is placed via the anus…
- 5. 消化器病学における臨床病理学的症例:小腸および結腸clinical pathological cases in gastroenterology small intestine and colon [show details]
…Biopsy was successfully performed using cold forceps The colonoscopy was otherwise normal to the cecum. A 44-year-old woman with a family history of colon cancer underwent screening colonoscopy. A single …
Related Links
- 盲腸ヒダや、その関連情報についてまとめたページ。ネットでの調査結果を元に、情報をまとめています。 ... 出身でハイテク企業の幹部候補生として採用されたものの、ドットコムバブルの崩壊により、職を転とし、CIAに入った ...
- 盲腸ヒダ - Plicae caecales Quick Links 画像 ‹ › 説明 The retrocaecal recess (cecal fossa) ...
- Rauber Kopsch Band2. 09 C.消化器系の終末領域 消化管の終末領域とは大腸と直腸をいうのである. I.大腸Intestinum crassum, Dickdarm 大腸は盲腸Intestinum caecum(これに虫垂Processus vermlformisが付属する)と結腸Intestinum colonとからなる.
Related Pictures

- 英
- cecum (Z), typhlon
- ラ
- ceacum (Z)
- 関
- 結腸、回腸、虫垂
- 盲腸には腸間膜がない
- 盲腸の背側には盲腸後陥凹があり、盲腸ヒダでつなぎ止められるのみで比較的自由に持ち上げることができる、と思う。
- 英
- cecum
- 英
- intestine
- ラ
- intestinum
- 関
- 小腸(十二指腸、空腸、回腸)、大腸(結腸、S状結腸、直腸、盲腸)
- 英
- crease
- 関
- 縦溝