- 英
- drip infusion urography
- 同
- 点滴腎盂造影 drip infusion pyelography, DIP
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- 1. 腎疾患の放射線学的評価radiologic assessment of renal disease [show details]
…Tc-99m succimer (DMSA) and a voiding cystourethrogram. DMSA scanning is more sensitive than intravenous urography in detecting renal scars and is the preferred test for many pediatric nephrologists and radiologists …
- 2. 成人の腎結石:腎結石症が疑われた場合の診断および急性期管理kidney stones in adults diagnosis and acute management of suspected nephrolithiasis [show details]
…examination. The effective radiation dose from a single abdominal radiograph is 0.8 mSv. IVP, also called intravenous urography (IVU), involves radiographic imaging of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder before …
- 3. 膀胱癌の臨床症状、診断、および病期分類clinical presentation diagnosis and staging of bladder cancer [show details]
…oral and intravenous contrast or intravenous pyelography (IVP) plus nephrograms or renal ultrasound (US) to evaluate both the collecting systems and the renal cortex. IVP is rarely used and has been largely …
- 4. 鈍的尿生殖器外傷:初期評価およびマネージメント blunt genitourinary trauma initial evaluation and management [show details]
…the bladder, as described above. CT has largely supplanted IVP as the imaging modality of choice for suspected kidney trauma , but IVP may be useful in select cases, such as suspected ureteral injury …
- 5. 成人における血尿の原因および評価etiology and evaluation of hematuria in adults [show details]
…a radiation dose comparable with a conventional single-phase abdominopelvic CT. IVP, also called intravenous urography (IVU), is radiographic imaging of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder before and after …
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- 英
- 関
- インフュージョン、温浸、注入、注入液、滴下、輸液、滴下注入、点滴注入、静脈点滴、経静脈内投与、点滴静注、点滴薬、輸液剤、点滴静脈内注射、点滴静脈内投与、点滴注射、点滴静脈内注入
- 英
- urinary tract、urinary system、urinary passage
- 関
- 尿路系、泌尿器、泌尿器系
- 英
- imaging
- 関
- イメージング、画像処理、画像診断、造影法、画像法
- 英
- urography
- 関
- 尿路造影法、腎盂造影
- 英
- shadow
- 関
- 陰影