- 英
- activated carrier molecule
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- 1. 急性腎障害でのナトリウム、尿素、その他の成分の排泄率fractional excretion of sodium urea and other molecules in acute kidney injury [show details]
…appropriate, response to volume resuscitation), not just on the FENa. When diuretics may still be active and the FENa is not low, the fractional excretion of urea (FEUrea) may be helpful. Although not … laboratory tests, a careful history and physical examination are essential. The FEUrea and other molecules, such as lithium and uric acid, have also been evaluated for their utility in the distinction between …
- 2. 原発性免疫不全症の診断のためのフローサイトメトリーflow cytometry for the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies [show details]
… This assay can also be used to detect carrier status of female relatives of patients with X-linked CGD since CGD carriers will exhibit a bimodal peak due to random X-inactivation.… CD4 T cells are also critical for B cell stimulation, which they accomplish through cell surface molecules (eg, CD40L) and cytokines. Complete loss of T cells results in severe combined immunodeficiency … Movement of leukocytes from the vascular space to the active site of inflammation involves extravasation of neutrophils…
- 3. 無ガンマグロブリン血症agammaglobulinemia [show details]
… the active X chromosome in all of the B cells of XLA carrier females bears the normal BTK allele .… XLA is due to defects in a signal transduction molecule called Bruton tyrosine kinase (Btk) .…
- 4. von Willebrand因子の生物学および正常機能biology and normal function of von willebrand factor [show details]
… protective carrier protein for factor VIII which has a greatly shortened half-life unless it is bound to VWF . As noted above, the high molecular weight VWF multimers are the most active form of VWF.… bridging molecule for normal platelet adhesion at sites of vascular injury, and under high shear conditions, it promotes normal platelet aggregation. VWF acts as a carrier for factor…
- 5. 高IgM症候群hyperimmunoglobulin m syndromes [show details]
… CD4+) lymphocytes from female carriers of X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome . However, mutation analysis is the method of choice to determine the carrier status in females of childbearing… necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) molecules and the nuclear factor-kappa-B (NF-κB) signaling pathway,… Nitazoxanide and azithromycin may be helpful in patients with active disease but will rarely eradicate Cryptosporidium.…
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- 迷ホラ吹き:エネルギーは力仕事が出来る能力ってな意味で、それを蓄えているのが、あの「ATP」だということでしたよね。 ぼやき先生:そう。ATPは「活性型運搬体」の代表的なものさ。 迷ホラ吹き:それそれ。
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- 英
- transport、delivery、transportation、transport、carry、convey
- 関
- 伝える、伝達、到達、配達、運ぶ、分娩、輸送、保因、保有、送達、出産、送達量、到達量、デリバリー
- 英
- carrier、paratenesis、paratenic
- 関
- キャリア、キャリアー、キャリヤ、担体、保因者、保菌者、保有者
- 関
- 分子的、モル
- 英
- active form、activated form
- 関
- 活性化状態、活性化型
- 英
- activity
- 関
- 活性度、活動性、活量、活動