- 英
- radial ray deficiency, radial deficiency
- 同
- 橈側半肢症、橈側列形成障害、先天性橈骨欠損
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- 1. 大菱形骨骨折trapezium fractures [show details]
… followed by other carpal bone injuries and the distal radius . The trapezium is on the radial side of the distal carpal row, and articulates distally with the thumb metacarpal and proximally with the scaphoid … tunnel syndrome, flexor carpi radialis tendinopathy (possibly including late tendon rupture), and loss of pinch strength and function associated with pain . If the patient can perform their work or sport…
- 2. 感覚消失患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with sensory loss [show details]
…lateral medullary syndrome), the sensory loss on the face is typically opposite that of the body, although ipsilateral sensory loss has also been reported ; sensory loss is on the same side of the face and …
- 3. 亜急性または慢性の手首の疼痛を有する成人の評価evaluation of the adult with subacute or chronic wrist pain [show details]
… Radial (lateral) aspect – Inspect the radial aspect of the wrist starting distally at… frequently reveals loss of pincer strength. The evaluation and treatment of osteoarthritis is discussed separately. Pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion at the… articular surfaces of the proximal row of carpal bones and the proximal articular surfaces of the distal row of carpal bones .…
- 4. 膵外分泌癌の病期分類における超音波内視鏡検査endoscopic ultrasound in the staging of exocrine pancreatic cancer [show details]
… EUS appears to be as accurate as helical CT and multidetector row CT for N-staging .… lumen; Abnormal vessel contour or irregular wall with loss of the vessel-parenchymal sonographic interface;… pancreatic tumor staging . The type of instrument used does not appear to influence staging accuracy. Both radial and linear array EUS instruments perform equally well, although the latter has the advantage of permitting …
- 5. 急性の手首の疼痛を有する成人患者の評価evaluation of the adult with acute wrist pain [show details]
… Motor nerve testing is important in the setting of acute wrist pain: Radial nerve : To test the radial nerve,… condition. The presence of constitutional symptoms, such as fevers, night sweats, chills, malaise, weight loss, or chronic fatigue, or bilateral wrist symptoms, strongly suggests that the problem is systemic, … The scaphoid shift test and tenderness at the proximal carpal row just distal to Lister tubercle are suggestive findings that indicate the need for further work-up.…
Japanese Journal
- 前腕回旋矯正骨切り術後の骨癒合に血管柄付き骨移植を要した橈側列欠損症の1症例
- 藤田 俊史,柿木 良介,太田 壮一,野口 貴志,中村 孝志,池口 良輔,松本 泰一,中山 憲
- 日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 24(4), 448-451, 2011
- A six-year-old boy who had bilateral radial deficiency (type 4 in the right and type 2 in the left according to the modified Bayne classification including bilateral thumb deficiency) demonstrat …
- NAID 130004843244
Related Links
- 橈骨の形成障害は低形成から全欠損までさまざまな程度を示します.橈骨が欠損すると手関節がない状態となるため手が不安定になって橈側に倒れ込んでしまいます.これが内反手です.橈骨だけでなく,橈側にあるものは全て低形成になる
- 上肢欠損で最も頻度の高いものは橈側列形成障害(radial ray deficiency)であり,下肢欠損で最も頻度の高いものは腓骨形成不全である。約3分の2の症例は以下に挙げるような他の先天性疾患を合併している:Adams-Oliver 症候群 ...
- 投球動作により、上腕骨の外側 (小頭)に圧迫力や剪断力が繰り返し加わり軟骨とその下の骨が壊死する疾患です。1 10〜16歳の野球少年、特に投手に多く見られます。�
Related Pictures

- 英
- radial hemimelia
- 関
- 橈側列欠損
- 英
- 同
- 欠損症
- 関
- 異常、遺伝子欠失、欠く、欠失、欠損症、欠点、欠乏、欠乏症、欠乏性、欠落、削除、除去、ディリーション、発育不全、非形成、不完全、不十分、不足、無形成、欠くこと、欠陥、失う、ミス
- 本来存在するはずのものが、まったく失われている状態。
- 関
- 橈骨、放射状、放線状