- 英
- standardization、standardize
- 関
- 規格化、標準化
- evaluate by comparing with a standard (同)standardise
- cause to conform to standard or norm; "The weights and measures were standardized" (同)standardise
- the condition in which a standard has been successfully established; "standardization of nuts and bolts had saved industry millions of dollars" (同)standardisation
- the imposition of standards or regulations; "a committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization" (同)standardisation, normalization, normalisation
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Japanese Journal
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- 平井 直志,大木 義路
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- 東北・北陸地方日本海側における寒候期雷活動の気候学的特徴
- 鉄道信号設備の雷被害確率の推定(<特集>気象データ活用事例)
- 新井 英樹
- オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学 58(10), 593-598, 2013-10-01
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- NAID 110009661406
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- 英
- standardization、standardisation、normalization、normalisation、standardize
- 関
- 規格化、基準、規準化、標準品、標定、正常化、ノーマリゼーション、標準試料
- 関
- normalisation、normalization、normalize、reference standard、standard、standard preparation、standardisation、standardize
- 英
- normalization、standardization、((英))standardisation、normalize、standardize
- 関
- 規準化、標準化、標定、正常化、ノーマリゼーション