- 英
- hair dye poisoning
- 関
- パラフェニレンジアミン中毒
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- 1. 妊婦管理:妊婦教育、健康管理、よく使う医薬品の安全性prenatal care patient education health promotion and safety of commonly used drugs [show details]
…not be exceeded in the first few days of short-term exposure to high altitude . Exposure to hair dyes or hair grooming/styling products results in very limited systemic absorption, unless the integrity …
- 2. アレルギー性接触皮膚炎の一般的なアレルゲンcommon allergens in allergic contact dermatitis [show details]
…include wet clay (pottery), plastics manufacturing, bricklaying and other industrial works, and some hair dyes. Surgical stainless steel and the cobalt-chrome-molybdenum alloys used in orthopedic implants have …
- 3. 尿路上皮(移行上皮)膀胱癌の疫学および危険因子epidemiology and risk factors of urothelial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder [show details]
…Carcinogenic compounds have also been identified in hair dyes . Numerous epidemiologic studies have investigated the relationship between occupational exposure to hair dye use and the risk of bladder cancer . As an …
- 4. 脱毛の評価および診断evaluation and diagnosis of hair loss [show details]
…loss usually occurs two to three months after the inciting event. Arsenic, thallium, or mercury poisoning can also result in telogen effluvium . Other – Alopecia areata and female pattern hair loss may … Contrast-enhanced phototrichograms involve the use of high-resolution photography and hair dye that augments the contrast between hair color and skin color .…
- 5. 非ホジキンリンパ腫の臨床症状および診断clinical presentation and diagnosis of non hodgkin lymphoma [show details]
…and other underlying diseases should be obtained. Exposure to certain agricultural pesticides, hair dyes, and dioxins (eg, Agent Orange) has also been associated with an increased risk of development of…
Japanese Journal
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- 染毛剤中毒 2019 このページで共有機能を使用するには、JavaScriptを有効にしてください。 染毛中毒は、誰かが髪を着色するために使用される染料または色合いを飲み込むときに発生します。 この記事は情報提供のみを目的としています ...
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- 英
- paraphenylenediamine poisoning
- 関
- 染毛剤中毒
- 英
- poisoning, intoxication
- 関
- SUB.403
- 英
- toxin、poison、poison
- 関
- 毒素、毒物、毒を入れる、トキシン