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- 1. Prophylaxis of infection during chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in high-risk adultsprophylaxis of infection during chemotherapy induced neutropenia in high risk adults [show details]
… serious complications in patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia who develop fever This risk assessment is also relevant for patients in whom antimicrobial prophylaxis is being considered, since …
- 2. 発熱性好中球減少症症候群の概要overview of neutropenic fever syndromes [show details]
… fungal infections increases with the duration and severity of neutropenia, prolonged antibiotic use, and number of chemotherapy cycles. Fungi are rarely the cause of the first febrile episode in neutropenic …
- 3. 合併症リスクの低い成人癌患者における発熱性好中球減少症候群の治療および予防treatment and prevention of neutropenic fever syndromes in adult cancer patients at low risk for complications [show details]
… setting about recent chemotherapy, and providers in the triage setting should ask cancer patients who do not offer this information about recent chemotherapy.… Antimicrobial therapy should be administered within 60 minutes of presentation . Some investigators have argued that initial empiric antimicrobial therapy should be…
- 4. 化学療法に起因する急性下痢のマネージメントmanagement of acute chemotherapy related diarrhea [show details]
… the high rate of oral antibiotic use and hospitalization. However, several reports have described this complication in patients without any prior antibiotic use following chemotherapy . The proposed mechanism …
- 5. 造血細胞移植を受けた血液悪性腫瘍成人患者(高リスクの患者)における発熱性好中球減少症候群の治療treatment of neutropenic fever syndromes in adults with hematologic malignancies and hematopoietic cell transplant recipients high risk patients [show details]
… are presented elsewhere. The use of antimicrobial prophylaxis and colony stimulating factors to prevent infections in HCT recipients and patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is also discussed …
Japanese Journal
- 抗菌性化学療法薬とその周辺 セフェム オキセフェム系
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- drug, agent
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- 薬物
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- 抗菌剤、抗菌性、抗菌的、抗菌薬、抗生剤、抗生物質
- 英
- chemistry、chemical、chemo、chem
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- 化学製品、化学的、化学薬品、ケミカル、ケミストリー
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- antibacterial、antibiotic
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- chemotherapeutic, chemotherapeutics
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- 抗菌性化学療法薬