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- 1. 女性におけるアンドロゲン欠乏症および治療の概要overview of androgen deficiency and therapy in women [show details]
…receiving testosterone therapy, respectively . Virilization and voice deepening are rare complications . However, deepening of the voice is thought to be irreversible. Lipids – Oral, but not parenteral or transdermal …
- 2. トランスジェンダーの女性:評価とマネージメントtransgender women evaluation and management [show details]
… Pitch and resonance are the usual focus of therapy because the combination of these two voice characteristics are thought to account for the majority of how a speaker gender is perceived . Speech therapy may …
- 3. 吸入麻酔薬:臨床作用と臨床使用inhalation anesthetic agents clinical effects and uses [show details]
…or non-noxious tactile stimulus. Thus, MAC-awake is the ED50 for response to voice or light touch and is thought to approximate the ED50 required for perceptive awareness and anesthetic recall …
- 4. 物質使用障害の臨床評価clinical assessment of substance use disorders [show details]
…of: General appearance; Behavior and interaction ; Speech and voice; Motor activity; Mood and affect; Perceptions; Thought process; Thought content (suicidal or homicidal ideation, hallucinations, delusions)…
- 5. 成人における嗄声hoarseness in adults [show details]
… Treatment generally consists of voice rest, voice therapy, pharmacotherapy, and/or surgery . Voice rest is used for acute laryngitis,… even though the etiology of infection in most cases is thought to be viral .…
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- 執筆者/院長 大江 徹 最近の精神医学の進歩で新しい見識が集められ、統合失調症の姿はかなり明らかになってきました。まず統合失調症の概念をお伝えしましょう。 統合失調症に特有の症状は以下の4項目です 1、 思考化声(考えていることがそのまま声になって聴こえる)、思考吹入(考え ...
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- voice、vocal
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- 音声
- 英
- thinking
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- 思考障害