- 英
- problem-oriented medical system POMS
- 同
- 問題志向型システム probrem-oriented system POS
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- 1. 成人のプライマリケア患者および一般疾患患者における単極性うつ病:初期治療の有効性のエビデンスunipolar depression in adult primary care patients and general medical illness evidence for the efficacy of initial treatments [show details]
… measurement-based care. Many randomized trials demonstrate that collaborative care improves depression outcomes in primary care patients, and can improve outcomes for general medical illnesses.… or problem solving therapy), scheduled follow-up visits, communication amongst the members of the treatment team, and measurement-based care. Many studies demonstrate that collaborative care improves… ("treat-to-target" or goal oriented therapy), and found statistically significant improvements in HbA1c as well as depression . Other randomized trials have shown collaborative care is superior to usual care for treating…
- 2. 小児科から成人診療科への移行:鎌状赤血球症transition from pediatric to adult care sickle cell disease [show details]
… and follow-up care in the adult medical system was difficult to access .… with the family to identify an adult-oriented provider and must continue to support the continued growth and medical care of the young adult within the pediatric…
- 3. 緩和ケアにおける嚥下障害および誤嚥:定義、影響、病態生理、および病因swallowing disorders and aspiration in palliative care definition consequences pathophysiology and etiology [show details]
… long-term care setting (eg, nursing home) in which patients may have complex medical issues resulting in cachexia, loss of muscle mass, or significantly compromised pulmonary systems that impede… palliative care. Assessment and management of swallowing disorders in this patient population; overview of the causes and treatment of aspiration pneumonia in adults; issues related to swallowing problems in patients…
- 4. 米国における里親による養育斡旋の疫学および里親による養育制度の概要epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the united states [show details]
…studies of foster care have focused on young adults who grew up in the foster care system and have shown high rates of chronic health problems, mental health issues, relationship problems, unemployment, and …
- 5. ホームレスの緩和ケアpalliative care for homeless persons [show details]
… burden of co-occurring medical, psychiatric, and substance use problems. Homeless individuals may also be reluctant to accept placement in health care facilities due to a… to coordinate the care of seriously ill homeless persons. Health care professionals can often more effectively address homeless patients mistrust of the health care system by partnering…
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- この記事では『POS』と『POMR(問題志向型診療記録)』について記載していく。POSとは『POS』とは『ProblemOrientedSystem』の略である。Problem⇒問題Oriented⇒それに関心を寄せた・それを志向するつまり、POSとは「問題点 ...
- 診療記録として修正し、患者のケアに活かす仕組みを提供するものである。 すなわち、PO システムは、図-1に示したように三つの段階によって構成される。 第Ⅰ段階:Problem Oriented Medical Record(POMR;問題志向型診療 第Ⅱ
- 問題志向型システム(もんだいしこうがたしすてむ)とは、患者の健康上の問題を明確に捉え、その問題解決を論理的に進めるという考え方のことである。またその考え方に基づいて行われる一連の作業や仕組みのこと。P…
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- 英
- problem、matter、question、issue、problematic
- 関
- 課題、疑問、質問、出版、物質、発行物、問題になる、重要なこと、疑う、事項、疑問視、号、問題点
- 英
- treatment、practice、clinical practice、medical care
- 関
- 行う、開業、習慣、処置、実行、治療、練習、医療、処理、実践
- 英
- system
- 関
- 系、体系、体制、方式
- 英
- oriented
- 関
- 志向性