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- 1. 味覚および嗅覚障害の解剖学および病因anatomy and etiology of taste and smell disorders [show details]
… primary taste afferent nerves synapse in the nucleus of the solitary tract in the medulla. Taste information is then transmitted to the thalamus and primary gustatory cortex . Ageusia (absent taste function) …
- 2. 味覚および嗅覚障害の評価および治療evaluation and treatment of taste and smell disorders [show details]
…smell is often described by patients as a problem with taste. Total loss of taste is rarely seen because of the anatomy and redundancy of the taste system. Examination of the nasal cavity and paranasal …
- 3. 正常な加齢normal aging [show details]
… Loss of taste in older patients is in large part due to decreased olfaction rather than taste itself. Decreased taste and smell sensation may result… in the renal cortex and preferentially affects those nephrons most important to maximal urine concentration. Senescent cells are more common with increasing age in donor kidney cortexes ,…
- 4. 妊娠への母体の適応:消化管maternal adaptations to pregnancy gastrointestinal tract [show details]
…increase the risk of caries . Most studies suggest that taste perception changes during pregnancy . The etiology is unknown and the direction of taste change varies among studies. Enlargement and blunting…
- 5. 成人や青年の神経性食思不振症:内科的合併症およびそのマネージメントanorexia nervosa in adults and adolescents medical complications and their management [show details]
… increased gray matter volume of the orbitofrontal cortex (gyrus rectus) .… the night) and nutritional rehabilitation, and resolved in all five patients. Abnormalities in taste can occur in anorexia nervosa. These include reduced sweetness sensitivity, increased perception of…
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- 大脳皮質に存在し,感覚に関与している部分。皮膚感覚や深部感覚などの体性感覚野は大脳の中心後回に,聴覚野は側頭葉に,視覚野は後頭葉に,そして嗅覚野はその付近に,味覚野は体性感覚野と嗅覚野の中間にある。これらを1次
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