- 英
- paraumbilical hernia
- 関
- 臍ヘルニア
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- 1. 成人における腹壁ヘルニアの概要overview of abdominal wall hernias in adults [show details]
…epigastric hernia repair is rare. Umbilical hernia (also referred to as periumbilical hernia) is a ventral hernia located at or near the umbilicus. In adults, umbilical hernias are most often acquired due to …
- 2. 臍のケアおよび臍の異常のマネージメントcare of the umbilicus and management of umbilical disorders [show details]
…patients with umbilical hernias are asymptomatic, in rare cases the hernia can interfere with feeding, especially in young infants with hernias that contain bowel. In children, umbilical hernias rarely become …
- 3. Abdominal nerve block techniquesabdominal nerve block techniques [show details]
…bilateral blocks are used for midline and transverse abdominal incisions, such as ventral or umbilical hernia, colostomy closures, cesarean section, hysterectomy, or radical retropubic prostatectomy . This…
- 4. 婦人科腹腔鏡下手術の概要および非経臍帯的進入overview of gynecologic laparoscopic surgery and non umbilical entry sites [show details]
…other conditions that may alter the anatomy of the abdominal wall and peritoneal cavity (eg, umbilical hernia, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease). The standard patient positions for gynecologic…
- 5. 新生児の評価assessment of the newborn infant [show details]
…diastasis recti, resulting from the nonunion of the two rectus muscles, which may result in an umbilical hernia Other abdominal wall defects, such as omphalocele or gastroschisis , usually are identified…
Japanese Journal
- 境 雄大,佐野 淳,浜島 秀樹 [他]
- 臨床外科 = Journal of clinical surgery 71(3), 373-375, 2016-03
- NAID 40020749348
- Prolene Hernia System 法で修復した上腹壁ヘルニアと傍臍ヘルニア併存の1例
- 上嶋 徳,倉地 清隆,中村 光一,澤柳 智樹,中村 利夫,今野 弘之
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 72(9), 2455-2459, 2011-09-25
- NAID 10029897423
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Related Pictures

- 英
- umbilical hernia
- 関
- 傍臍ヘルニア、臍帯ヘルニア
- 臍脱後に閉鎖するはずの臍輪が開存したままの状態
- 臍輪を通って細部皮下に腹膜が袋状に突出し、その中に腸管や大網が腹腔から脱出する
- ヘルニア門:臍輪
- ヘルニア嚢:腹膜
- ヘルニア内容:腸管、大網
- http://piedmont-surgical.com/hernia/umbilical-hernia-repair/
- http://fitsweb.uchc.edu/student/selectives/Luzietti/hernia_ventral.htm
- 英
- hernia
- 同
- 脱腸
- 関
- 真性ヘルニア true hernia
- 英
- umbilicus (M,KA), navel