- free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms; "a sterile operating area"; "aseptic surgical instruments"; "aseptic surgical techniques" (同)sterile
- exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for ones own advantage; "his manipulation of his friends was scandalous" (同)use
- (傷が)病原(腐敗)菌がついていない,無菌の;(包帯・ガーゼなどが)防腐処置をした
- (…の)巧妙な扱い,操作《+『of』+『名』》 / (自分の利益のための)ごまかし,小細工
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- 1. 癌性胸水のマネージメントmanagement of malignant pleural effusions [show details]
…dyspnea do not differ significantly between indwelling pleural catheter drainage alone as compared with chest tube pleurodesis . Indwelling pleural catheter drainage is indicated when there is irremediable …
- 2. 孤発性リンパ脈管筋腫症:治療と予後sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis treatment and prognosis [show details]
… Hormone manipulation – Historically, hormonal manipulation has been used to treat LAM,… a temporary indwelling pleural catheter may be required until the full effect of the drug is realized.…
- 3. 肺拡張不全の原因になる胸膜疾患の診断と管理diagnosis and management of pleural causes of nonexpandable lung [show details]
…H2O/L) . Indwelling pleural catheter ─ For patients who have symptomatic improvement with removal of pleural fluid, the recommended treatment is implantation of an indwelling pleural catheter for intermittent …
- 4. 難治性の非癌性胸水のマネージメントmanagement of refractory nonmalignant pleural effusions [show details]
…with intermittent thoracentesis or pleurodesis; other options include placement of an indwelling pleural catheter for intermittent drainage, pleurectomy, or a pleural-peritoneal shunt. NMPE is associated …
- 5. 悪性腫瘍関連腹水malignancy related ascites [show details]
…the right lower quadrant using standard sterile technique. Peritoneal ports or indwelling tunneled catheter drainage systems can be placed to facilitate repeated paracentesis for symptomatic patients with…
English Journal
- Unlimited-Length Proctocolectomy Utilizing Sequential Intussusception and Pull-Through: Novel Clean Endolumenal NOTE-Assisted Technique With Transanal Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction Without Rectal Stump Opening in a Porcine Model.
- Kvasha A1, Khalifa M2, Biswas S3, Hamoud M2, Nordkin D2, Bramnik Z2, Willenz U4, Farraj M2, Waksman I2.
- Surgical innovation.Surg Innov.2016 Apr 18. pii: 1553350616643614. [Epub ahead of print]
- Transanal, hybrid natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and NOTES-assisted natural orifice specimen extraction techniques hold promise as leaders in the field of natural orifice surgery. We report the feasibility of a novel NOTES assisted technique for unlimited length, clean, endo
- PMID 27095774
- Prevention of Device-Related Healthcare-Associated Infections.
- Septimus EJ1, Moody J2.
- F1000Research.F1000Res.2016 Jan 14;5. pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-65. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.7493.1. eCollection 2016.
- Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Up to 15% of patients develop an infection while hospitalized in the United States, which accounts for approximately 1.7 million HAIs, 99,000 deaths annually and over 10 billion dollars i
- PMID 26918162
- Leelahavanichkul A1, Pongpirul K2, Thongbor N3, Worasilchai N1, Petphuak K4, Thongsawang B5, Towannang P6, Lorvinitnun P3, Sukhontasing K1, Katavetin P7, Praditpornsilpa K6, Eiam-Ong S7, Chindamporn A1, Kanjanabuch T8.
- Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis.Perit Dial Int.2015 Nov 2. pii: pdi.2014.00235. [Epub ahead of print]
- ♦ Background: Aseptic, sheet-like foreign bodies observed inside Tenckhoff (TK) catheter lumens (referred to as "black particles") are, on gross morphology, hardly distinguishable from fungal colonization because these contaminants adhere tightly to the catheter. Detection of fungal cell wall comp
- PMID 26526048
Japanese Journal
- エチレンオキサイドガス滅菌した塩酸バンコマイシン注射剤へのガス混入
- 山崎 博史,尾家 重治
- 日本環境感染学会誌 29(5), 340-344, 2014
- 人工関節固定などの手術時に感染症予防や治療のために塩酸バンコマイシン(VCM)を骨セメントに混合して使用する.手術室でのVCM入り骨セメントの調製は無菌の操作が要求されるため,手術室に持ちこむVCM注のバイアルはエチレンオキサイドガス(EOG)による滅菌を行っている.EOGは第一群発ガン物質として指定され,残留があると人体へ何らかの影響を及ぼすと考えられる.今回,EOG滅菌したVCM注バイアル …
- NAID 130004706468
- 学生が状況判断して行動できるための技術教育を導く : 導尿時の無菌操作技術を通して
- 石川 文江,溝口 孝美,中溝 道子
- 群馬医療福祉大学紀要 = Journal of Shoken Gakuen Gunma University of Health and Welfare (2), 47-56, 2013
- NAID 40020444474
- こうすればできる 日本薬局方 微生物試験(6) : 滅菌法および無菌操作法並びに超ろ過法・微生物殺滅法
- 上田 成子
- 防菌防黴 = Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents 40(5), 299-309, 2012-05-10
- NAID 10030758605
Related Links
- Aseptic technique refers to a procedure that is performed under sterile conditions. This includes medical and laboratory techniques, such as with cultures. It includes techniques like flame sterilization. The largest example of aseptic techniques ...
- any health care procedure in which added precautions, such as use of sterile gloves and instruments, are used to prevent contamination of a person, object, or area by microorganisms.
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- 関
- engineer、intervention、manipulate、measure、operate、operation、transaction、treat、treatment
- 感染を予防する。無菌の、防腐処置をした。活気のない、血の通わない、冷たい。先入観にとらわれない、客観的な。浄化力のある
- 関
- septic