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- 1. 後天性上顎および硬口蓋欠損のマネージメントmanagement of acquired maxillary and hard palate defects [show details]
…placed teeth, uninvolved bone, and as much of the mucosa covering the hard palate as possible should be retained. Obturator prosthesis, surgery, or a combination of these approaches may be used to manage …
- 2. I~II期の(早期)頭頚部癌の治療:口腔癌treatment of stage i and ii early head and neck cancer the oral cavity [show details]
…sites : Lip; Lower alveolar ridge ; Upper alveolar ridge; Retromolar trigone (retromolar gingiva) Hard palate; Oral tongue (anterior two-thirds of the tongue) Floor of the mouth; Buccal mucosa; Rarely, an …
- 3. 頭頸部癌患者における下顎および口蓋再建mandibular and palatal reconstruction in patients with head and neck cancer [show details]
… mouths are more difficult to treat with a prosthesis due to limited tissue for prosthetic stability. Obturators are more successfully used in defects of the hard palate. Because the defect is bound by the soft …
- 4. 頭頚部癌の長期生存者に対するアプローチの概要overview of approach to long term survivors of head and neck cancer [show details]
…discussed separately : The oral cavity (lips, buccal mucosa, anterior tongue, floor of the mouth, hard palate, and upper and lower gingiva) The pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx) The larynx … Timely dental rehabilitation including dental restoration and dental prosthesis development and fitting may help improve quality of life of survivors.…
- 5. 局所進行性(ステージIIIおよびIV)の頭頸部癌の治療:口腔treatment of locoregionally advanced stage iii and iv head and neck cancer the oral cavity [show details]
…tongue), lower alveolar ridge, upper alveolar ridge, retromolar trigone (retromolar gingiva), hard palate, and buccal mucosa. The tumor, node, metastases (TNM) staging system of the American Joint Committee …
Related Links
- 口蓋再建の目的は構音機能の改善,鼻 腔内へ の食物の逆流や義歯の装着不良による咀嚼障害 の軽減,顔 貌変形の防止である.し かしながら 今日においても硬口蓋の欠損に対しては,巧 み に構成されたプロテーゼに勝るような再建手術
- 53-753 図4 ラヂウム照射に際して使用した. プロテーゼ (ラヂウム埋没には, ビスワックスを使用す) 図5 ラヂウム3000mgSt, X線6200r, カルチノフィ リン15万 単位, 使用後の局所所見. 障害を考慮して, プロテーゼの上面部口蓋に接する面
- プロテーゼ 上顎・硬口蓋欠損の補填 下顎骨切除後の欠損 舌亜全摘・全摘術後の機能改善(palatal augmentation prosthesis) 放射線治療で使用するspacer・retainerの 作成 エピテーゼ 2.癌 治療前後の口腔ケア 3.保 存 4.矯 正
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