- 関
- lid、tectal、tectum
- a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.; "he raised the piano lid"
- 『ふた』 / まぶた(eyelid)
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English Journal
- Basilar Membrane and Tectorial Membrane Stiffness in the CBA/CaJ Mouse.
- Teudt IU1, Richter CP.
- Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO.J Assoc Res Otolaryngol.2014 May 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- The mouse has become an important animal model in understanding cochlear function. Structures, such as the tectorial membrane or hair cells, have been changed by gene manipulation, and the resulting effect on cochlear function has been studied. To contrast those findings, physical properties of the
- PMID 24865766
- Three deaf mice: mouse models for TECTA-based human hereditary deafness reveal domain-specific structural phenotypes in the tectorial membrane.
- Legan PK1, Goodyear RJ, Morín M, Mencia A, Pollard H, Olavarrieta L, Korchagina J, Modamio-Hoybjor S, Mayo F, Moreno F, Moreno-Pelayo MA, Richardson GP.
- Human molecular genetics.Hum Mol Genet.2014 May 15;23(10):2551-68. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddt646. Epub 2013 Dec 20.
- Tecta is a modular, non-collagenous protein of the tectorial membrane (TM), an extracellular matrix of the cochlea essential for normal hearing. Missense mutations in Tecta cause dominant forms of non-syndromic deafness and a genotype-phenotype correlation has been reported in humans, with mutations
- PMID 24363064
- Similar phenotypes caused by mutations in OTOG and OTOGL.
- Oonk AM1, Leijendeckers JM, Huygen PL, Schraders M, del Campo M, del Castillo I, Tekin M, Feenstra I, Beynon AJ, Kunst HP, Snik AF, Kremer H, Admiraal RJ, Pennings RJ.
- Ear and hearing.Ear Hear.2014 May-Jun;35(3):e84-91. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000008.
- OBJECTIVES: Recently, OTOG and OTOGL were identified as human deafness genes. Currently, only four families are known to have autosomal recessive hearing loss based on mutations in these genes. Because the two genes code for proteins (otogelin and otogelin-like) that are strikingly similar in struct
- PMID 24378291
Japanese Journal
- 俵積田 裕紀,瀬戸山 傑,中條 正英,廣田 仁志,富村 奈津子,吉野 伸司,川内 義久
- 整形外科と災害外科 64(1), 45-46, 2015
- 【目的】今回我々は,比較的稀な蓋膜まで骨化した頸椎後縦靭帯骨化症の1例を経験したので報告する.【症例】52歳男性で,10年来の四肢のしびれと半年前からの手指巧緻運動障害を主訴に来院した.初診時の理学所見では,上肢の腱反射が亢進,病的反射陽性で,右手優位の握力低下を認めた.頸椎Xp上C2-4に後縦靭帯骨化を,CTにて蓋膜の骨化とC1からC5にかけての後縦靭帯骨化を,MRIではC1-5/6にかけて硬膜 …
- NAID 130005071213
- Soluble megalin is accumulated in the lumen of the rat endolymphatic sac
- Ishida Tetsuya,Hatae Tanenori,Nishi Nozomu [他]
- Cell Structure and Function 31(1・2), 77-85, 2006-12
- NAID 40015510802
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Craniovertebral Ligaments and Membranes After Whiplash Trauma
- KRAKENES Jostein,KAALE Bertel R.
- Spine 31(24), 2820-2826, 2006-11-15
- NAID 10020586206
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- tec·tum / ˈtɛk təm / Show Spelled [tek-t uh m] Show IPA noun, plural tec·tums, tec·ta /-tə / Show Spelled [-t uh] Show IPA. Anatomy, Zoology. a rooflike structure. Origin: 1900–05; Neo-Latin, Latin tēctum roof, special use of neuter ...
- tectorial /tec·to·ri·al/ (tek-tor´e-al) of the nature of a roof or covering. tec·to·ri·al (t k-tôr-l) adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a tectorium. tectorial [tektôr′ē·əl] pertaining to a rooflike structure or cover. tectorial [tek-to´re-al] of the ...
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