- select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
- the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it (同)field of force, force_field
- a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field" (同)field_of_operation, line of business
- a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years" (同)field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations
- the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument) (同)field of view
- (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information
- (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field"
- a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa"
- a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"
- all of the horses in a particular horse race
- all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
- somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field"
- answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"
- catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
- play as a fielder
- a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel (同)bottleneck, chokepoint
- the action or process of compressing
- tight or narrow compression (同)coarctation
- a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat" (同)tightness
- (baseball) handling the ball while playing in the field
- 〈C〉『野原』,[牧]草地;田;畑;《the fields》田野,田畑 / 〈C〉(雪・氷などの)原,広がり / 〈C〉(鉱物などの)産出地,埋蔵地 / 〈C〉『戦場』(battlefield);戦闘(battle) / 〈C〉(スポーツの)『競技場』;(陸上のトラックに対して)フィールド / 〈C〉(ある用途の)場,地面 / 〈C〉(研究・活動などの)『分野』,領域 / 《the~》現地 / 〈C〉(電気・磁気などの)場;(レンズの)視界 / 〈C〉(絵・旗などの)地,下地 / 《the~》《集合的に》(キツネ狩り・競技の)参加者;(競馬の)出走馬;(野球の)守備選手 / (野球・クリケットで)〈打球〉‘を'さばく / 〈選手〉‘を'出場させる,守備につける / (野球・クリケットで)野手をつとめる
- 〈U〉締めつけること,圧縮・〈U〉(胸などが)締めつけられる感じ / 〈C〉締めつけるもの
- 『視覚の』 / 目に見える;目で見た / 有視界の
- (軽べつ・非難を表して)ええっ,まあ
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English Journal
- Hypophyseal Wegener's granulomatosis presenting by visual field constriction without hypopituitarism.
- Pereira EA, Plaha P, Hofer M, Karavitaki N, Cudlip SA.SourceDepartment of Neurological Surgery, The West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, United Kingdom.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2012 Aug 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 22898089
- Gyrate atrophy: clinical and genetic findings in a female without arginine-restricted diet during her first 39 years of life and report of a new OAT gene mutation.
- Renner AB, Walter A, Fiebig BS, Jägle H.SourceKlinik und Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, 93053 Regensburg, Germany. a.renner@berlin.de
- Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology.Doc Ophthalmol.2012 Aug;125(1):81-9. Epub 2012 Jun 7.
- We report the clinical and genetic data obtained at a 17-year follow-up examination of a patient with gyrate atrophy, without an arginine-restricted diet. Patient examinations included visual acuity (VA), perimetry, biomicroscopy, funduscopy, fundus photography, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), spectr
- PMID 22674428
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 頸部内頸動脈ステント留置直後から虚血性眼症状が改善した頸部内頸動脈狭窄症の1例
- 新井 直幸,笹原 篤,萩原 信司 [他]
- Brain and nerve : 神経研究の進歩 66(12), 1503-1508, 2014-12
- NAID 40020289531
- 伊藤 誠康,大村 武久,三宅 裕治,辻 雅夫,浮田 透,英 賢一郎,山田 佳孝,Tucker Adam,上杉 哲平,中内 一楊
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル = Japanese journal of neurosurgery 22(2), 134-140, 2013-02-20
- 症例は20歳, 女性. 自転車走行中に転倒し左顔面を打撲. 頭部CTにて頭蓋内異常所見を認めなかったが, 嘔気嘔吐症状を呈したため経過観察入院となった. 意識清明で神経学的異常を認めなかったが, 受傷3日目に急激に著明な左眼視障害 (矯正視力0.08, 中心性視野狭窄) が出現した. 外傷性視神経障害と診断されステロイドパルス療法にて症状は改善傾向となった. 頭部CT, 脳MRIにて視神経管骨折 …
- NAID 10031138811
- 視野狭窄が視覚認知速度および認知精度におよぼす影響 : 健常人におけるシミュレーションII(「マルチモーダル」,「感性情報処理」,「視知覚とその応用」及びヒューマン情報処理一般)
- 早川 友恵,成瀬 康,森戸 勇介 [他],篠崎 隆志,梅原 広明
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理 112(283), 101-106, 2012-11-07
- 視野の狭小化が視線移動や視覚認知速度や認知精度に与える影響を明らかにするため、視線同期型の制限視野移動システムを用い、物体認知課題・視覚探索課題およびscene recognition課題を、求心性狭窄5°,10°,40°で実施した。視野5°の視線移動は、細い視線停留を示した。視野10°では、比較的安定した視線移動を示し、刺激から視線が外れても容易に復帰できた。視野40°は効率的視線移動を示した。 …
- NAID 110009641976
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- 英
- visual field constriction
- 関
- [[]]
- 関
- constrict、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture
- 関
- area、universe
- 関
- ocular、optic、vision、visually