- (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
- anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of Xs existence
- (病気の)徴候,症状《+of+名》 / (一般)に(…の)徴候,きざし,印《+of+名》
- (言葉・意味などが)『はっきりしない』,あいまいな / (考え・感じなどが)『ばく然としている』,ぼんやりした / (形・姿などが)『ぼやけた』,はっきりしない / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《通例最上級で》《話》ほんのわずかの,かすかな
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English Journal
- Addressing the problem of ADHD medication as neuroenhancements.
- Graf WD1, Miller G, Nagel SK.Author information 1Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology, Yale University, PO Box 208064, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA.AbstractThe prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses is rising. ADHD is closely linked to its treatment with medications such as methylphenidate and amphetamines, which have popular appeal as neuroenhancement drugs by persons without a neurological disorder. The three main reasons for the increase in ADHD medication demand, production, and consumption are a) the inclusion of milder ADHD diagnoses; b) the vast marketing of ADHD medications by the pharmaceutical industry; and c) the illegal diversion of controlled ADHD medication to consumers seeking stimulants as neuroenhancements. Rapidly rising rates of any neurological disorder - especially a behaviorly-defined disorder closely linked to potent medications currently prescribed to more than 5% of the population - deserves ongoing scrutiny. Major social and ethical problems arise from vague-symptom medicalization, neurological disorder trivialization, medication overuse, and controlled substances diversion to healthy persons for nonmedical purposes. We argue against the 'spectrumization' of ADHD in an effort to curtail further diagnosis creep.
- Expert review of neurotherapeutics.Expert Rev Neurother.2014 May;14(5):569-81. doi: 10.1586/14737175.2014.908707. Epub 2014 Apr 17.
- The prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses is rising. ADHD is closely linked to its treatment with medications such as methylphenidate and amphetamines, which have popular appeal as neuroenhancement drugs by persons without a neurological disorder. The three main rea
- PMID 24738763
- "They just say everything's a virus"-Parent's judgment of the credibility of clinician communication in primary care consultations for respiratory tract infections in children: A qualitative study.
- Cabral C1, Ingram J2, Hay AD3, Horwood J3; TARGET team.Author information 1Centre for Academic Primary Care, NIHR School of Primary Care Research, School of Social & Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. Electronic address: Christie.cabral@bristol.ac.uk.2Centre for Child and Adolescent Health, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.3Centre for Academic Primary Care, NIHR School of Primary Care Research, School of Social & Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To investigate parents' experiences and views of clinician communication during primary care consultations for respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children under 12.
- Patient education and counseling.Patient Educ Couns.2014 May;95(2):248-53. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2014.01.010. Epub 2014 Jan 30.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate parents' experiences and views of clinician communication during primary care consultations for respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children under 12.METHODS: Semi-structured interviews with 30 parents who had recently consulted for RTI in their child. Purposive sampling
- PMID 24569180
- Experiences and Actions During the Decision Making Process Among Men With a First Acute Myocardial Infarction.
- Nielsen S1, Falk K, Gyberg A, Määttä S, Björck L.Author information 1Susanne Nielsen, MSc PhD Student, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Kristin Falk, PhD Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Anna Gyberg, MSc Faculty of Education, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Sylvia Määttä, PhDAdjunct Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Lena Björck, PhD Senior Lecturer, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, and Institute of Health and Care Sciences, and Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.AbstractBACKGROUND:: Previous studies have shown that people hesitate to seek medical attention when experiencing the initial symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), but the reasons why and the events underpinning the decision-making process are unclear. The aim of this study was to describe the actions and experiences involved in the process of seeking medical attention in men with a first AMI.
- The Journal of cardiovascular nursing.J Cardiovasc Nurs.2014 Apr 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND:: Previous studies have shown that people hesitate to seek medical attention when experiencing the initial symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), but the reasons why and the events underpinning the decision-making process are unclear. The aim of this study was to describe the acti
- PMID 24763356
Japanese Journal
- 異なる臨床経過を示したロタウイルス性急性脳症の2例
- 渡辺 章充,南風原 明子,黒澤 信行 [他],渡部 誠一
- 日本農村医学会雑誌 59(5), 591-594, 2011-01-30
- ロタウイルス感染に伴う急性脳症を2例経験した。〔症例1〕2歳11か月の女児で全身強直間代性けいれんで発症した。人工呼吸管理まで要したが,後遺症なく回復した。〔症例2〕2歳2か月の女児で不機嫌状態が遷延し,脳波の徐波化,頭部MRIで小脳に異常信号を認めた。運動機能は回復したが,高次脳機能と軽度の小脳症状が残った。 ロタウイルスによる脳症には,けいれん発作主体のものだけでなく,小脳に主病変を示すタイ …
- NAID 10027898859
- Thoracic Disk Herniation Manifesting as Sciatica-Like Pain : Two Case Reports
- CHO Hyung-Lea,LEE Sang-Ho,KIM Jin-Sung
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 51(1), 67-71, 2011-01-15
- … Sciatica-like pain was the initial and major symptom in both patients, but careful neurological examination showed vague signs of upper motor neuron disturbance, and thoracic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed disk herniations at the mid-thoracic level. …
- NAID 10028104696
- 沖山 幸一,永野 修,町田 利生,樋口 佳則,芹澤 徹,小野 純一
- 脳卒中の外科 36(3), 187-192, 2008-05-31
- … Although the most frequent reason for the diagnosis was routine brain examinations of healthy patients or a vague symptom such as headache or dizziness, 15 patients were symptomatic. …
- NAID 110006794249
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- しるし、現れ、兆し(of)。(医)徴候、症状、症候、病徴
- 関
- indication、manifestation、pathology、presentation、sign、stigma、stigmata、symptomatic
- 関
- ambiguous、indefinitely、obscure、unclear