- pounding or beating strongly or violently; "a throbbing pain"; "the throbbing engine of the boat"
- a sound with a strong rhythmic beat; "the throbbing of the engines"
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English Journal
- Investigation of lymphotoxin α genetic variants in migraine.
- Oikari LE, Stuart S, Okolicsanyi RK, Cox HC, Dixit S, Lea RA, Haupt LM, Griffiths LR.SourceGenomics Research Centre, Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Building G05, Griffith University QLD 4222, Australia.
- Gene.Gene.2012 Oct 7. pii: S0378-1119(12)01225-5. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2012.09.116. [Epub ahead of print]
- Migraine is a common neurological disease with a genetic basis affecting approximately 12% of the population. Pain during a migraine attack is associated with activation of the trigeminal nerve system, which carries pain signals from the meninges and the blood vessels infusing the meninges to the tr
- PMID 23051989
- Bilateral Subdural Hematoma after Inadvertent Dural Puncture during Epidural Analgesia.
- Nepomuceno R, Herd A.SourceUniversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- The Journal of emergency medicine.J Emerg Med.2012 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is typically a benign complication of dural puncture that is clinically diagnosed. It commonly presents as a throbbing and positional headache that occurs 24-48 h after dural puncture. Subdural hematomas, if unrecognized, may occur as a rare and life-t
- PMID 22959019
- An Uncommon Cause of Intracerebral Hemorrhage in a Healthy Truck Driver.
- Gokhale S, Ghoshal S, Lahoti SA, Caplan LR.AbstractOBJECTIVES To describe a case and review literature for intracerebral hemorrhage caused by migraine. DESIGN Case report. SETTING Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. PATIENT A 54-year-old truck driver with a 2-year history of atypical headaches. RESULTS A 54-year-old right-handed truck driver was seen in consultation with a 2-year history of atypical headaches. The headaches were dull, throbbing, gradually progressive, and limited over the left occipital area. They were accompanied by right visual field deficit, diplopia, and, at times, confusion. These headaches were notably different from the usual migraine headaches he had been having for more than 20 years. Brain imaging revealed left parieto-occipital lobar hemorrhage. Further investigations ruled out arteriovenous malformations. He did not have any vascular risk factors, including hypertension. Migraine-associated intracerebral hemorrhage was considered to be the most likely diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with migraine is believed to result from vasoconstriction leading to ischemia of the walls of blood vessels, making them leaky and porous. It is important to be aware of this phenomenon because vasoactive medications used to treat migraine can further aggravate the vasoconstriction and hence the intracerebral bleed.
- Archives of neurology.Arch Neurol.2012 Aug 27:1-4. doi: 10.1001/archneurol.2011.3753. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES To describe a case and review literature for intracerebral hemorrhage caused by migraine. DESIGN Case report. SETTING Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. PATIENT A 54-year-old truck driver with a 2-year history of atypical headaches. RESULT
- PMID 22928185
Japanese Journal
- 片頭痛と光波長,照明(<特集>光のサーカディアンリズムへの影響を考慮した夜間屋内照明)
- 辰元 宗人
- 照明学会誌 99(1), 25-27, 2015-01-01
- … Migraine is an illness with a throbbing pain on one side of the head, and is usually accompanied by photophobia towards sunlight or lighting. …
- NAID 110009900304
- 堤 由紀子,内山 由美子,内山 真一郎
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 84(E1), E155-E158, 2014-01-31
- 横静脈洞血栓症をMRIにて2症例認めた。2例とも頭痛のみ認め神経学的異常なく、MRIではT1強調画像で小脳外側に高信号領域を認めた。頭痛の性状は、1例では群発頭痛様で、もう1例では頸部痛をともなう起床時の拍動性頭痛だった。抗凝固療法開始後、頭痛は改善し、T1強調画像での異常信号は消失したが、血栓は残存した。本2症例は症状が頭痛のみのため、診断が困難だった。,横静脈血栓症の臨床症状は比較的軽度で、も …
- NAID 110009752570
- 神経ブロックにより診断が遅れた症候性三叉神経痛の1例
- 秋山 絢子,田辺 瀬良美,肥川 義雄
- 日本ペインクリニック学会誌 advpub(0), 2014
- 単回の神経ブロックにより三叉神経痛が軽快した患者がその後のCTで髄膜腫と診断され,ブロックの施行によって結果として診断が遅れた症候性三叉神経痛の症例を経験したので報告する.患者は78歳,男性.右鼻腔内の痛みを主訴に耳鼻科を受診した.耳鼻科領域のCT,診察で異常は指摘されず,特発性三叉神経痛の診断でカルバマゼピン(CBZ)内服が開始された.痛みは軽減するも消失せず当科紹介され,当科では症状から特発性 …
- NAID 130005061961
- 設楽 素世,外堀 恵,石原 由梨,中澤 龍一,諸井 明徳,丸川 浩平,上木 耕一郎
- 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 27(2), 154-157, 2014
- … Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is characterized by a throbbing headache and stroke. …
- NAID 130004631801
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- throbとは。意味や和訳。[動](~bed;~・bing)自1 〈心臓などが〉(…で)脈打つ,鼓動する,動悸どうきを打つ,どきどきする≪with≫Her heart throbbed with joy.彼女の心は喜びに高鳴った1a 〈体・傷口などが〉(痛みなどで)ずきずきする≪with≫My arm throbbed with pain.腕が痛みでずきずきした1b 感動 ...
- 強く、または、激しく連打するか、打つさま. pounding or beating strongly or violently. 強く、または、激しく連打するか、打つさま。. a throbbing pain. ずきずきした痛み. the throbbing engine of the boat. ボートのブルブルとうなるエンジン. 日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報 ...
- I have a throbbing headache. 頭がズキズキします “throb” とは動詞で「一定の強いリズムを刻む」「一定のリズムで痛い」という意味があるので、この動詞を使って「ズキズキする」を表すこともできます。
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