- 関
- thin slice
- relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"
- lacking excess flesh; "you cant be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare (同)lean
- (of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry"
- lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile"
- lose thickness; become thin or thinner
- make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"
- of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"
- a land unit equal to 1 square mile
- one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object; "a section of a fishing rod"; "metal sections were used below ground"; "finished the final segment of the road" (同)segment
- a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately; "a graduate student taught sections for the professors lecture course" (同)discussion section
- (geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid (同)plane section
- a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section" (同)subdivision
- a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people; "no section of the nation is more ardent than the South"; "there are three synagogues in the Jewish section"
- a division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class
- a segment of a citrus fruit; "he ate a section of the orange"
- a small army unit usually having a special function
- a small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon
- a very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope; "sections from the left ventricle showed diseased tissue"
- 『薄い』 / 細い / 『やせた』,やつれた / (液体・気体が)『薄い』,希薄な / まばらな,密集していない / 内容のない,見え透いた / (音・声が)『か細い』 / 薄く,細く,まばらに / …‘を'薄くする,細くする,まばらにする / 薄くなる,細くなる,まばらになる
- 〈C〉(全体を構成する個々の)『部分』,部品;(全体の中で特定の用途・機能・特徴を持った)部分,部門 / 〈C〉(内部構造を児す)断面図;切断面 / 〈U〉切断すること,(外科の)切開;〈C〉(顕微鏡などで検査する組織の)切片 / 〈C〉《米》セクション(郡区(township)の36分の1に当たる1平方マイル(640エーカー)の土地区画の広さ) / …‘を'区分(分割)する / …‘の'断面[図]を作る
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/18 16:12:25」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Photomicrograph of a volcanic sand grain, in plane-polarized light on top, cross-polarized light on bottom. Scale box in mm.
Thin sections under a microscope.
Photomicrograph of a thin section of gabbro.
Photomicrograph of a thin section of a limestone with ooids. The largest is approximately 1.2 mm in diameter.
In optical mineralogy and petrography, a thin section (or petrographic thin section) is a laboratory preparation of a rock, mineral, soil, pottery, bones, or even metal sample for use with a polarizing petrographic microscope, electron microscope and electron microprobe. A thin sliver of rock is cut from the sample with a diamond saw and ground optically flat. It is then mounted on a glass slide and then ground smooth using progressively finer abrasive grit until the sample is only 30 μm thick. The method involved using the Michel-Lévy interference colour chart. Typically quartz is used as the gauge to determine thickness as it is one of the most abundant minerals.
When placed between two polarizing filters set at right angles to each other, the optical properties of the minerals in the thin section alter the colour and intensity of the light as seen by the viewer. As different minerals have different optical properties, most rock forming minerals can be easily identified. Plagioclase for example can be seen in the photo on the right as a clear mineral with multiple parallel twinning planes. The large blue-green minerals are clinopyroxene with some exsolution of orthopyroxene.
Thin sections are prepared in order to investigate the optical properties of the minerals in the rock. This work is a part of petrology and helps to reveal the origin and evolution of the parent rock.
- 1 Ultra-thin sections
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Ultra-thin sections
A sigma clast as seen in an ultra thin section. The uneven coloring is an artifact from uneven polishing.
Fine-grained rocks, particularly those containing minerals of high birefringence, such as calcite, are sometimes prepared as ultra-thin sections. An ordinary 30 μm thin section is prepared as described above but the slice of rock is attached to the glass slide using a soluble cement such as canada balsam (soluble in ethanol) to allow both sides to be worked on. The section is then polished on both sides using a fine diamond paste until it has a thickness in the range of 2-12 μm. This technique has been used to study the microstructure of fine-grained carbonates such as the Lochseitenkalk mylonite in which the matrix grains are less than 5 μm in size.[1] This method is also sometimes used in the preparation of mineral and rock specimens for transmission electron microscopy and allows greater accuracy in comparing features using both optical and electron imaging.[2]
See also
- Ceramography: thin sections of ceramics
- ^ Badertscher, N.P. & Burkhard, M. 2000. Brittle±ductile deformation in the Glarus thrust Lochseiten (LK) calc-mylonite, Terra Nova, 12, 281-288
- ^ Barber, D.J. 1981. Demountable polished extra-thin sections and their use in transmission electron microscopy. Mineralogical magazine,44, 357-359
- Shelley, D. Optical Mineralogy, Second Edition. University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
External links
- Thin sections of soils. Collection of Prof. Kubiëna
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English Journal
- Effect of Channel Sidewalls on Joule Heating Induced Sample Dispersion in Rectangular Ducts.
- Dutta D1.
- International journal of heat and mass transfer.Int J Heat Mass Transf.2016 Feb 1;93:529-537.
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- Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology.2015 Dec 18;26(50):505201. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/50/505201. Epub 2015 Nov 18.
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- Cornea.Cornea.2015 Dec;34(12):1613-6. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000000631.
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Japanese Journal
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- Lin Jing-Chie,Wu Jing-Nan,Tseng Chun-An,Peng Kun-Cheng
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(1), 1-1, 2013-01-25
- … The surface morphology and cross section of the films were examined by using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and their composition was analyzed with attached energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). …
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- 薄肉球状黒鉛鋳鉄の黒鉛粒数に及ぼすセリウム,ランタンの影響 (特集 鋳鉄の溶解とレアアース低減溶湯処理技術)
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Related Links
- Thin section System Abele: the really simple way of making thin sections Thin Section Technology System Abele ® Made in Germany Home Functional Principle Preparation Equipment Instructions and Tips Examples References
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- 英
- thin section、thin slice
- 関
- thin section
- 関
- ultrathin slice
- (比較級thinner-最上級thinnest
- (物が)薄い。(コート・毛皮などが)薄手の。(物が)(事で)薄くなった(from)(⇔thick)
- (針金・指などが)細い、細長い。(活字・筆跡などが)肉細の
- (ヒト・動物・顔などが)やせた、ほっそりした
- +イメージ:lean 体が締まっていて健康的, willowy すらっとしている, slender, slim
- -イメージ:skinny, bony, scrawny, gaunt, underweight
- (葉・群集などが)まばらな。(会合・劇場などが)入りの少ない、(髪などが)薄い
- (供給・手当などが)乏しい。(年などが)不作の。不景気な
- (気体が)希薄な、(液体が)薄い、水っぽい。(酒が)弱い。(土地が)地味の薄い
- (光・色などが)淡い、弱い。(声・調べなどが)か細い。(写真)コントラストの弱い。(笑いが)弱々しく作った/不気味な
- (言い訳・話の筋などが)浅薄な、実質のない
- (登山)(斜面などが)手がかりの少ない
- ~を薄く/細くする
- ~をまばらにする。(苗木など)を間引く
- (液体・気体など)を(~で)薄める(with)。~を弱める(down, out)
- 関
- dilute、narrow、rare、tenuous