- 関
- apt、liable、predispose、susceptible
- manage or run; "tend a store"
- have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence" (同)be given, lean, incline, run
- have care of or look after; "She tends to the children"
- easily impressed emotionally
- (often followed by `of or `to'
- at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant; "he is apt to lose"; "she is liable to forget" (同)liable
- mentally quick and resourceful; "an apt pupil"; "you are a clever man...you reason well and your wit is bold"-Bram Stoker (同)clever
- (usually followed by `to' (同)disposed, given, minded, tending
- subject to legal action; "liable to criminal charges"
- (often followed by `to' (同)nonimmune, nonresistant, unresistant
- held legally responsible; "men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service"
- make susceptible; "This illness predisposes you to gain weight"
- being one more than nine (同)10, x
- the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system (同)10, X, tenner, decade
- 〈人が〉(…の)『傾向がある』,(…)しがちである / 〈物事が〉(ある方向に)向かう,(ある状態に)向かう
- 〈人・動植物など〉‘の'『世話をする』,めんどうをみる / 《米》〈店〉‘の'番をする / 《tend to+名》…に気をつける,心を配る
- 《名詞の前のみ用いて》感じやすい,多感な / 《補語にのみ用いて》《be susceptible to+名》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《be susceptible of+名》
- 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be apt to』 do》(望ましくないことについて)…『しがちである』)(be liable to do) / 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be apt to』 do》《米話》…しそうである(be likely to do) / 『適した』,『ふさわしい』,適切な / 利発な,物覚えが早い
- (法律的に)責任(義務)のある / 《『be liable to』+『名』》(病気などに)『かかりやすい』 / 《『be liable to』 do》(性質・習慣などにより)…しがちである,しやすい;《話》…しそうな,たぶん…する
- 〈人〉‘に'受けやすくする
- 〈C〉(数の)『10』,10の記号(10,Xなど) / 〈U〉10時,10分;10歳 / 〈U〉《複数扱い》10人,10個 / 〈C〉10(10人,10個)一組のもの / 〈C〉(カードケームの)10の札 / 『10の』,10人の,10個の / 《補語にのみ用いて》10歳の(で)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/29 16:27:11」(JST)
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Look up tend in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Tend may refer to:
- Attend (attention)
- Bartend, to serve beverages behind a bar
- Tend and befriend, a behavioural pattern exhibited by human beings and some animal species when under threat
- Looking after trees, a part of silviculture.
See also
- Tende, commune in Alpes-Maritimes, France
- Tendency (disambiguation)
- Tender (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Tend"
- All pages with titles containing "Tend"
- Tenda (disambiguation)
- Tendai, Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism
- Tendarba, moth genus
- Tendance, 2001 music album by Amanda Lear
- Tendō (disambiguation)
- Tendon (disambiguation)
- Tendril, in botany
- Tendu (disambiguation)
- Tendulkar, Indian surname
- Places
- Tendilla, municipality in Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
- Tendla, town and commune in El Oued Province, Algeria
- Tendouck, arrondissement in Senegal
- Tendoy, Idaho, US
- Tendra, Turkey, Battle of Tendra
- Tendrara, town in Figuig Province, Oriental, Morocco
- Tendring, local government district in North East Essex, England
- Tendron, commune in Cher, Centre, France
- Tendürek, volcano in Turkey
- People
- Tendry, fictional character in the computer puzzle game DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale
- Ceyhun Tendar (born 1987), Turkish volleyball player
- Miguel Tendillo (born 1961), former Spanish footballer
- Lew Tendler (1898–1970), American boxer
- Vladimir Tendryakov (1923–1984), Russian short story writer and novelist
- Vijay Tendulkar (1928–2008), Indian playwright, movie and television writer, literary essayist, political journalist, and social commentator
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English Journal
- A novel carboxymethylcellulose-gelatin-titanium dioxide-superoxide dismutase biosensor; electrochemical properties of carboxymethylcellulose-gelatin-titanium dioxide-superoxide dismutase.
- Emregul E, Kocabay O, Derkus B, Yumak T, Emregul KC, Sınag A, Polat K.SourceAnkara University, Science Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Tandoğan, Ankara, 06100, Turkey. Electronic address: eemregul@yahoo.com.
- Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Bioelectrochemistry.2013 Apr;90:8-17. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2012.09.002. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- A novel highly sensitive electrochemical carboxymethylcellulose-gelatin-TiO(2)-superoxide dismutase biosensor for the determination of O(2)(•-) was developed. The biosensor exhibits high analytical performance with a wide linear range (1.5nM to 2mM), low detection limit (1.5nM), high sensitivity a
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- A sensemaking perspective on framing the mental picture of air traffic controllers.
- Malakis S, Kontogiannis T.SourceHellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Rhodes/Diagoras International Airport ATC Unit, Rhodes, Greece. Electronic address: stathis.malakis@gmail.com.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2013 Mar;44(2):327-39. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.09.003. Epub 2012 Oct 5.
- It has long been recognized that controller strategies are based on a 'mental picture' or representation of traffic situations. Earlier studies indicated that controllers tend to maintain a selective representation of traffic flows based on a few salient traffic features that point out to interestin
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- Exposure to audible and infrasonic noise by modern agricultural tractors operators.
- Bilski B.SourceUniversity of Medical Sciences in Poznań, Department of Preventive Medicine, ul. Smoluchowskiego 11, 60-179 Poznań, Poland. Electronic address: bilski@ump.edu.pl.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2013 Mar;44(2):210-4. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.07.002. Epub 2012 Aug 9.
- The wheeled agricultural tractor is one of the most prominent sources of noise in agriculture. This paper presents the assessment of the operator's exposure to audible and infrasonic noise in 32 selected modern wheeled agricultural tractors designed and produced by world-renowned companies in normal
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Japanese Journal
- TwitterとUSTREAMを活用するイベントコミュニティを対象としたインタラクション分析
- 白水 菜々重,松下 光範
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(9), 2276-2287, 2013-09-15
- 本研究の目的は,イベントにおいてTwitterやUSTREAMといった即時性の高いソーシャルメディアを利用することが,そのイベントのコミュニティの形成・維持にもたらす影響について明らかにすることである.近年,共通の関心や興味に基づいて人々が自発的に開催する勉強会やカンファレンスなどで,TwitterやUSTREAMといったリアルタイム性の高いWebサービスを利用してオンラインコミュニケーションを行 …
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- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(8), 08JF04-08JF04-4, 2013-08-25
- … The traps inside the p--i--n junction especially in the p-type region tend to be activated at elevated temperatures above 338 K, which increase the recombination and reduce J_{\text{sc}}. …
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- … However, existing approaches tend to perform poorly in noisy environments because probability density estimation involved in the evaluation of visual saliency is not reliable. …
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- 日本占領下のフィリピン・レイテ島における対日協力と対日抵抗をめぐる政治抗争
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- 東南アジア研究 51(1), 70-108, 2013-07-31
- … Most of the literatures on the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in the local setting tend to focus onthe "achievements" of anti-Japanese guerrilla movements. …
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- 前もって処置する。~の素因を作る、~に傾かせる(to,toward)。(人を病気に)かかりやすくする(to)
- 関
- apt、liable、susceptible、tend
- (+to do)傾向の、しそうな、しやすい、適当な
- 関
- adequate、adequately、bias、fit、liability、liable、likely、predispose、proclivity、promise、prone、proper、susceptible、tend、tendency、trend
- 英
- tend、susceptible、predispose、apt、liable
- 関
- 感受性、傾向、しそう、適当、影響されやすい、責任がある、素因になる、傾向がある、病気に罹らせる
- 関
- apt、predispose、responsible、susceptible、tend
- 英
- tend
- 関
- しやすい
- 関
- tendinitis、tendinosis、tendonitis