- 責任/責めを負うべき、責任がある(for)。監督責任がある(for)。(人に)応答/報告する義務がある、(人の)監督下にある(to)。(議会に対して)責任のある(内閣)。(地位など)責任の思い、責任アル
- ~の原因である(for)
- This swelling increases intracranial pressure, which is probably responsible for the symptoms of acute water intoxication.(この腫脹が頭蓋内圧を増加させ、そしてこれがおそらく急性水中毒症状の原因である)(HIM.2222)
- 責任を取れる、ちゃんとした、信頼できる(reliable)。理非をわきまえた、責任能力がある。支払能力のある。
- 関
- responsibly
- ascribable、be due to、causative、liable
- worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable; "a responsible adult"; "responsible journalism"; "a responsible position"; "the captain is responsible for the ships safety"; "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament"
- being the agent or cause; "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage" (同)responsible for
- subject to legal action; "liable to criminal charges"
- (often followed by `to' (同)nonimmune, nonresistant, unresistant
- held legally responsible; "men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service"
- capable of being assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him" (同)due, imputable, referable
- producing an effect; "poverty as a causative factor in crime"
- showing lack of care for consequences; "behaved like an irresponsible idiot"; "hasty and irresponsible action"
- (物事が)『責任を伴う』,責任の重い / 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)(…に対して人に)『責任を負っている』,責任がある《+『to』+『名』〈人〉+『for』+『名』〈事〉(do『ing』)》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《おもに米》(…の)原因である《+『for』+『名』》 / (人などが)責任を果たし得る,信頼できる
- (法律的に)責任(義務)のある / 《『be liable to』+『名』》(病気などに)『かかりやすい』 / 《『be liable to』 do》(性質・習慣などにより)…しがちである,しやすい;《話》…しそうな,たぶん…する
- 原因となる / (文法で,動詞が)使役的な / 使役動詞
- (人・行為・意見などが)無責任な / (人が)責任のない,責任を問われない
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/15 11:33:43」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Responsibility may refer to:
- Collective responsibility
- Corporate social responsibility
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Diminished responsibility
- Duty
- Human responsibilities
- Legal liability
- Legal responsibility (disambiguation), various meanings
- Media responsibility
- Moral responsibility
- Obligation
- Professional responsibility
- Responsibility assumption in spirituality and personal-growth contexts
- Single responsibility principle
- Social responsibility
- Responsibility (song), a song by the Christian punk band MxPx
- Cabinet collective responsibility, a constitutional Convention in Governments using the Westminster System
- Individual ministerial responsibility, a constitutional convention guiding Cabinet ministers within Westminster-style political systems
See also[edit]
- Accountability
- Blame
- Moral hazard
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English Journal
- Nontoxic impact of PEG-coated gold nanospheres on functional pulmonary surfactant-secreting alveolar type II cells.
- Bouzas V1, Haller T, Hobi N, Felder E, Pastoriza-Santos I, Pérez-Gil J.
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- ascribe、attribute、base、be due to、causative、reside、responsible、result
- 関
- apt、predispose、responsible、susceptible、tend
- 関
- arise、ascribable、attribute、causative、responsible
- 関
- ascribable、be due to、responsible
- 英
- responsible、liable
- 関
- しやすい、原因である