- [SVO](人が)(金額)を(物に)使う(on, in, (主に米)for)
- My uncle has a huge variety of English model trains. He must have spent a lot of money on them.
- [SVO](人が)(時間)を過ごす。~を(~に)使う(on)。[SVO (in/on) doing](人が)~するのに(時間)を使う。(on,inを省略するのが普通)
- (正式)(人・事が)(精力・力など)を(徐々に)(~に)使い果たす、出し尽くす(use up)(on)
- (大義・主義のために)(心血)を注ぐ。(命)をささげる
- ~を浪費する
- 関
- consume、consumption、expenditure
- spend completely; "I spend my pocket money in two days"
- pay out; "spend money" (同)expend, drop
- pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?" (同)pass
- engage fully; "The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy"
- use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week" (同)eat_up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe_out
- serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I dont take sugar in my coffee" (同)ingest, take_in, take, have
- spend extravagantly; "waste not, want not" (同)squander, waste, ware
- destroy completely; "The fire consumed the building"
- (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing; "the consumption of energy has increased steadily" (同)economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services
- the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) (同)ingestion, intake, uptake
- the act of consuming something (同)using up, expenditure
- render temporarily ineffective; "the prison sentence was suspended"
- cause to be held in suspension in a fluid; "suspend the particles"
- bar temporarily; from school, office, etc. (同)debar
- make inoperative or stop; "suspend payments on the loan" (同)set aside
- hang freely; "The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them"
- someone who spends money prodigally (同)spend-all, spender, scattergood
- the act of spending or disbursing money (同)disbursement, disbursal, outlay
- (…に)〈金〉‘を'『使う』《+名〈金〉+on(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈時〉‘を'『過ごす』 / 《文》〈力など〉‘を'使い果たす,〈自分〉‘の'力を使い果たす / 金(財産など)を使う;浪費する
- 〈物・時間・金など〉'を'『消費する』,消耗する,使い果たす《+『away』+『名,』+『away』》 / …‘ぱ'食べ尽くす / 〈特に火が〉…'を'焼き尽くす / 《おもに受動態で》〈怒り・しっとなどが〉〈人〉'を'心(関心)をすっかり奪う
- 『消費』《時に形容詞を伴ってa~》(…の)消費高(量) / (体力の)消耗 / 《古》肺病,肺結核
- 〈U〉(…に対する時・金・労力などの)『消費』,『支出』《+『of』+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…に)消費(支出)されたもり,(…の)『費用』,経費《+『on』(『for』)+『名』》
- (…から)…‘を'『つるす』,ぶら下げる《+名+from+名》 / 《受動態で》(つるしたように,空中・水中などに)…‘を'静止させる,浮かせる / 〈法律・免状などの〉効力を当分停止する;…‘を'一時止める / 《受動態で》〈人〉‘を'停学(停職,出場停止)にする / 一時的に中止(停止)する
- 金使いの荒い人,浪費家 / 金使いの荒い
- (婦人用)靴下留め,ガーターベルト
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English Journal
- Financial errors in dementia: Testing a neuroeconomic conceptual framework.
- Chiong W1, Hsu M, Wudka D, Miller BL, Rosen HJ.Author information 1a Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology , University of California , San Francisco , CA , United States.AbstractFinancial errors by patients with dementia can have devastating personal and family consequences. We developed and evaluated a neuroeconomic conceptual framework for understanding financial errors across different dementia syndromes, using a systematic, retrospective, blinded chart review of demographically-balanced cohorts of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD, n=100) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD, n=50). Reviewers recorded specific reports of financial errors according to a conceptual framework identifying patient cognitive and affective characteristics, and contextual influences, conferring susceptibility to each error. Specific financial errors were reported for 49% of AD and 70% of bvFTD patients (p = 0.012). AD patients were more likely than bvFTD patients to make amnestic errors (p < 0.001), while bvFTD patients were more likely to spend excessively (p = 0.004) and to exhibit other behaviors consistent with diminished sensitivity to losses and other negative outcomes (p < 0.001). Exploratory factor analysis identified a social/affective vulnerability factor associated with errors in bvFTD, and a cognitive vulnerability factor associated with errors in AD. Our findings highlight the frequency and functional importance of financial errors as symptoms of AD and bvFTD. A conceptual model derived from neuroeconomic literature identifies factors that influence vulnerability to different types of financial error in different dementia syndromes, with implications for early diagnosis and subsequent risk prevention.
- Neurocase.Neurocase.2014 Aug;20(4):389-96. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2013.770886. Epub 2013 Apr 3.
- Financial errors by patients with dementia can have devastating personal and family consequences. We developed and evaluated a neuroeconomic conceptual framework for understanding financial errors across different dementia syndromes, using a systematic, retrospective, blinded chart review of demogra
- PMID 23550884
- Modelling indoor electromagnetic fields (EMF) from mobile phone base stations for epidemiological studies.
- Beekhuizen J1, Vermeulen R1, van Eijsden M2, van Strien R3, Bürgi A4, Loomans E2, Guxens M1, Kromhout H1, Huss A5.Author information 1Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Division Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University, Yalelaan 2, 3584 CM, Utrecht, The Netherlands.2Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), 1018 WT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.3Department of Environmental Health, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), 1018 WT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.4ARIAS umwelt.forschung.beratung, CH-3011, Bern, Switzerland.5Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Division Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University, Yalelaan 2, 3584 CM, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Electronic address: a.huss@uu.nl.AbstractRadio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) from mobile phone base stations can be reliably modelled for outdoor locations, using 3D radio wave propagation models that consider antenna characteristics and building geometry. For exposure assessment in epidemiological studies, however, it is especially important to determine indoor exposure levels as people spend most of their time indoors. We assessed the accuracy of indoor RF-EMF model predictions, and whether information on building characteristics could increase model accuracy. We performed 15-minute spot measurements in 263 rooms in 101 primary schools and 30 private homes in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. At each measurement location, we collected information on building characteristics that can affect indoor exposure to RF-EMF, namely glazing and wall and window frame materials. Next, we modelled RF-EMF at the measurement locations with the 3D radio wave propagation model NISMap. We compared model predictions with measured values to evaluate model performance, and explored if building characteristics modified the association between modelled and measured RF-EMF using a mixed effect model. We found a Spearman correlation of 0.73 between modelled and measured total downlink RF-EMF from base stations. The average modelled and measured RF-EMF were 0.053 and 0.041mW/m(2), respectively, and the precision (standard deviation of the differences between predicted and measured values) was 0.184mW/m(2). Incorporating information on building characteristics did not improve model predictions. Although there is exposure misclassification, we conclude that it is feasible to reliably rank indoor RF-EMF from mobile phone base stations for epidemiological studies.
- Environment international.Environ Int.2014 Jun;67:22-6. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2014.02.008. Epub 2014 Mar 15.
- Radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) from mobile phone base stations can be reliably modelled for outdoor locations, using 3D radio wave propagation models that consider antenna characteristics and building geometry. For exposure assessment in epidemiological studies, however, it is espec
- PMID 24632329
- The bidirectional relationships between online victimization and psychosocial problems in adolescents: a comparison with real-life victimization.
- van den Eijnden R1, Vermulst A, van Rooij AJ, Scholte R, van de Mheen D.Author information 1Department of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80140, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, R.J.J.M.vandenEijnden@uu.nl.AbstractAlthough peer victimization is of major concern and adolescents spend increasing amounts of time on the Internet, relatively little is known about the psychosocial antecedents and consequences of online victimization. The main aim of this study was to compare the psychosocial antecedents and consequences of online versus real-life victimization. More specifically, the bidirectional relationship between online and real-life victimization on the one hand and psychosocial problems (i.e., loneliness and social anxiety) on the other was examined. In addition, the moderating role of online aggression in the relationship between online victimization and subsequent psychosocial problems was studied. This prospective study, consisting of three annual measurements, was conducted among a sample of 831 adolescents (50.3 % girls) aged 11-15, of which most (80.2 %) had a Dutch ethnic background. The results indicate a unidirectional relationship whereby loneliness and social anxiety predict an increase in latter online victimization rather than the reverse. A bidirectional relationship was found for real-life victimization: loneliness (but not social anxiety) predicted an increase in latter real-life victimization, which in turn predicted an increase in subsequent social anxiety (but not loneliness). No moderating effects of online aggression were found. The findings of the present study suggest that negative online and in real life peer interactions have a differential meaning for, and impact on adolescents' well-being.
- Journal of youth and adolescence.J Youth Adolesc.2014 May;43(5):790-802. doi: 10.1007/s10964-013-0003-9. Epub 2013 Aug 27.
- Although peer victimization is of major concern and adolescents spend increasing amounts of time on the Internet, relatively little is known about the psychosocial antecedents and consequences of online victimization. The main aim of this study was to compare the psychosocial antecedents and consequ
- PMID 23979296
- Noncombustible tobacco product advertising: how companies are selling the new face of tobacco.
- Richardson A1, Ganz O, Stalgaitis C, Abrams D, Vallone D.Author information 1Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies, LEGACY, Washington, DC;AbstractBACKGROUND: With declining cigarette sales, increasing restrictions, and recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of cigarettes, there has been a dramatic rise in the marketing of noncombustible tobacco products (NCPs). However, little is known about how NCPs are advertised and to whom.
- Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.Nicotine Tob Res.2014 May;16(5):606-14. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntt200. Epub 2013 Dec 30.
- BACKGROUND: With declining cigarette sales, increasing restrictions, and recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of cigarettes, there has been a dramatic rise in the marketing of noncombustible tobacco products (NCPs). However, little is known about how NCPs are advertised and to whom.M
- PMID 24379146
Japanese Journal
- 時間をキーにしたコンテンツとのインタラクションデザイン
- 渡邊 恵太,稲見 昌彦,五十嵐 健夫
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EC, エンタテインメントコンピューティング 2012-EC-26(2), 1, 2012-12-08
- マルチメディアを経て、Webの登場によりコンテンツをいつでも楽しめるようになった。さらに、テレビ、PC、携帯電話、タブレットなどデバイスも多様化し、ユーザはどこでもコンテンツを楽しめるようになった。しかしながらユーザの時間は限られている。コンテンツ供給者は、提供するコンテンツにできるだけ時間をかけてもらったり、お金をかけてもらうことを望む。そのため、コンテンツの設計は必然的にユーザを魅了しようとす …
- NAID 110009491062
- 内村麻里奈 ,江口由記 ,川嵜美波 ,吉井直子 ,梅田智広 ,高田雅美 ,城和貴
- 情報処理学会研究報告. BIO, バイオ情報学 2012-BIO-32(2), 1-6, 2012-11-29
- 人間にとって快適な環境とはその環境下でどれくらいの割合で人がストレスを感じないかという指標で与えられるべきである.この環境とは時空間に渡るものであり,同じ場所でも時間帯や季節によってその指標は変動すべきものである.そこで,本論文では,ある時空間にいる多数の人間のストレスレベルを集約分析することで時空間ストレス指標を得ることを提案する.また,既に報告した個人のストレスレベルを時空間でリアルタイム表示 …
- NAID 110009488547
- 内村麻里奈 ,江口由記 ,川嵜美波 ,吉井直子 ,梅田智広 ,高田雅美 ,城和貴
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MPS, 数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告 2012-MPS-91(2), 1-6, 2012-11-29
- 人間にとって快適な環境とはその環境下でどれくらいの割合で人がストレスを感じないかという指標で与えられるべきである.この環境とは時空間に渡るものであり,同じ場所でも時間帯や季節によってその指標は変動すべきものである.そこで,本論文では,ある時空間にいる多数の人間のストレスレベルを集約分析することで時空間ストレス指標を得ることを提案する.また,既に報告した個人のストレスレベルを時空間でリアルタイム表示 …
- NAID 110009488506
- 日本のきょうだいの支援を考える:ドイツ・日本のきょうだいの個別事例の国際比較を通して
- 三原 博光
- 障害者問題研究 40(3), 35-42, 2012-11
- 本研究の目的は,ドイツと日本のきょうだいの個別事例の比較研究を通して,わが国のきょうだいの支援を検討することにある.ドイツのきょうだいは,障害者自身にも独自の生活があり,障害者の存在によって自分の欲求を抑えるとは考えておらず,障害者が入所施設で生活することには否定的ではなかった.日本のきょうだいは,親が障害者の世話に時間を取られ,子どもの頃,孤独な時間を過ごしていた.きょうだいは,障害者が入所施設 …
- NAID 110009490559
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- (~への)支出、消費(on)。(時間・労力などを)使うこと(of)
- (~に対する)消費、費用。支出額、消費量(for)
- expendit-(費やす=expend + -ure
- (ラ)expenditus(金を払った)
- 関
- consume、consumption、expense、spend
- 関
- consume、economics、exhaust、exhaustion、expenditure、marasmus、production、spend、waste、wasting
- 英
- consumption、expenditure、consume、spend
- 関
- 経済学、産生、出費、消耗、消費量、支出、費やす、過ごす
- 関
- consumption、expenditure、spend
- 英
- spend
- 関
- 消費、費やす
- 関
- resuspension