- prodigious squandering (usually by a government)
- not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be replaced"; "a wasted effort" (同)wasted
- spending resources lavishly and wastefully; "more wasteful than the squandering of time"
- 〈時間・金など〉‘を'浪費する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/14 08:49:29」(JST)
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For a definition of the word "squander", see the Wiktionary entry squander.
Publisher(s) |
Avalon Hill |
Random chance |
Medium |
Skill(s) required |
Strategic thought |
Squander (written as "$QUANDER" on the box and in the rules) is an Avalon Hill board game published in 1965. It is based loosely on the game Monopoly, but in reverse. As in Monopoly, players roll dice and move around a board, encountering opportunities to make financial decisions. The object, however, is to lose money rather than gain it. Each player starts with a million "Squanderbucks" and the winner is the first player to become bankrupt.
External links
- Squander at BoardGameGeek
English Journal
- Chasing Perfection and Catching Excellence in Graduate Medical Education.
- Andolsek KM1.
- Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.Acad Med.2015 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- The author reflects on the chapter titled "Preserving Excellence in Residency Training and Medical Care" in Dr. Kenneth Ludmerer's book Let Me Heal: The Opportunity to Preserve Excellence in American Medicine. Rather than assuming that the status quo represents excellence, however, the author assert
- PMID 26177530
- The appropriateness of treating psychopathic disorders.
- Felthous AR1.
- CNS spectrums.CNS Spectr.2015 Jun;20(3):182-9. doi: 10.1017/S1092852915000243. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- The received wisdom is that there is no known effective treatment for psychopathic disorders. Although outcome studies have not identified an effective programmatic treatment for psychopathic disorders, such studies tend to leave the question open. If behavioral science has not established that psyc
- PMID 25907635
- Electronic cigarettes have a potential for huge public health benefit.
- Hajek P1.
- BMC medicine.BMC Med.2014 Dec 9;12:225. doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0225-z.
- Although there is no doubt that smokers switching to electronic cigarettes (EC) substantially reduce the risk to their health, some tobacco control activists and health organisations discourage smokers from using EC and lobby policy makers to reduce EC use by draconian regulation.The hostility to EC
- PMID 25491742
Japanese Journal
- 脳死の倫理に関する一考察医師,家族,社会のための倫理的指針を求めて
- ブルックス チャンドラー McC.
- 産業医科大学雑誌 7(2), 139-150, 1985-06-01
- 医学の進歩によって過去にはなかった倫理的諸問題が生じて来た. 生命維持装置の発達は, 死の判定と脳死患者の処置についての論争をまきおこしている. この問題について米国内の多くの委員会が見解を発表しているが, 一般世論を等しく納得させるには至っていない. 臓器移植の普及はこの論争に新たな火種を投じた. 大衆の意見の両極端として「生きる権利」を守る運動と「死ぬ権利」を守る運動とが対立しており, いずれ …
- NAID 110001261923
- 体育のための体育学研究 : 研究エネルギーの凝集に向けて
- 飯塚 鉄雄
- 体育學研究 20(3), 137-146, 1975-12-10
- 「体育学」は「体育」という諸事象を支えるところの科学として, 長い歴史的流れの中で今日, 研究の累積とその人間への還元による, 正当な評価を得はじめた. 本小論は日本体育学会の設立の頃, 戦後的混迷の中で「体育学」研究へ志向した, また, 今日在る「体育学」とともに4分の1世紀を歩んで来た者の1人として, 今若い新鋭研究志向者に送る, 「体育学」の内容充実のための研鑚要請試論である. 本試論は, …
- NAID 110001919778
- 川崎 淳之助
- 英文學研究 45(2), 157-166, 1969-03-30
- … The king tries to hold on to the golden crown, by which to squander anything, everything on Gaveston, his sole favourite or paramour; …
- NAID 110008155359
Related Links
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