- slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope; "a series of death struggles with small time in between"
- a garment size for a small person
- the slender part of the back
- limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group" (同)little
- have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain"
- on a small scale; "think small"
- of or relating to or inside the intestines; "intestinal disease" (同)enteric, enteral
- visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscope
- (大きさが)『小さい』,小形の;(量が)『少ない』,わずかな / 『取るに足りない』,ささいな(trivial) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(仕事・活動などが)『小規模の』,ささやかな / 心が狭い,利己的な / (音・声が)弱い,小さい / (文字が)小型の,小文字の / 《the~》小さいもの;(…の)細い部分《+『of』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》《英》(衣類・ハンカチなどの)小物,小間物 / 小さく,細かく / (声などが)低く,弱く / 小規模に,こぢんまりと
- 腸[内]の
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- 1. 上部消化管内視鏡検査(食道胃十二指腸内視鏡検査)の概要overview of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy esophagogastroduodenoscopy [show details]
… be due to small bowel disease. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding – Active or recent upper GI bleeding is another indication for upper endoscopy. In addition, upper endoscopy should be considered… therapy of intestinal metaplasia; Management of operative complications (eg, anastomotic strictures) As with any procedure, patients in whom the risks of upper endoscopy are believed…
- 2. ワイヤレスカプセル内視鏡検査wireless video capsule endoscopy [show details]
… A variety of small intestinal lesions have been detected with VCE, including small intestinal varices, tumors and polyps, and intestinal graft-versus-host disease .… on capsule endoscopy that was thought to be responsible for the bleeding . The findings included: Small bowel angiodysplasia – 22 percent; Small bowel ulcerations – 10 percent; Small bowel tumors…
- 3. 新生児や乳児(生後6か月未満)に生じる慢性下痢症へのアプローチapproach to chronic diarrhea in neonates and young infants less than6 months [show details]
…prioritization of further testing . In general, at least an upper endoscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) should be performed to assess small intestinal structure. Sigmoidoscopy is often performed as well to assess …
- 4. 吸収不良を疑う成人患者へのアプローチapproach to the adult patient with suspected malabsorption [show details]
… causes for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (eg, adhesions or strictures, small intestinal diverticulosis, blind intestinal loops), we perform a breath test for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth… entire small bowel, it does not allow for mucosal biopsy and is associated with a risk of retention. Also, wireless capsule endoscopy should be avoided in patients with known or suspected small bowel strictures…
- 5. 小腸出血が疑われる(旧名:原因不明消化管出血)ときの評価evaluation of suspected small bowel bleeding formerly obscure gastrointestinal bleeding [show details]
… critical interpretation of the reading of video capsules in patients with small intestinal bleeding. The diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy in patients with overt bleeding appears to be highest when it is performed …
English Journal
- Clinicopathological analysis of 12 patients with Epstein-Barr virus-positive primary intestinal T/natural killer-cell lymphoma (EBV+ ITNKL).
- Hu LM1,2, Takata K3, Miyata-Takata T3, Asano N4, Takahashi E5, Furukawa K6, Miyoshi H7, Satou A2,5, Kohno K2, Kosugi H6, Kinoshita T8, Hirooka Y9, Goto H1, Nakamura S2, Kato S2.
- Histopathology.Histopathology.2017 Jun;70(7):1052-1063. doi: 10.1111/his.13172. Epub 2017 Mar 28.
- PMID 28120384
- [Consistency analysis between preoperative CT enterography and intraoperative findings in patients undergoing surgery for Crohn's disease].
- Yang J, Gong J, Li Y, Gu L, Zhu W1, Li J.
- Zhonghua wei chang wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of gastrointestinal surgery.Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi.2017 May 25;20(5):555-559.
- PMID 28534335
- [A 67-year old man with epigastric pain].
- Greger A1, Hamelmann W2, Konermann M3.
- Der Internist.Internist (Berl).2017 May 18. doi: 10.1007/s00108-017-0257-5. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28523367
Japanese Journal
- 内視鏡や各種画像診断を用いた小腸腫瘍に対する診断・治療戦略 (特集 小腸疾患診療up to date)
- 可児 和仁,名越 澄子,加藤 真吾,石橋 朗,山鹿 渚
- 消化器・肝臓内科 = Gastroenterology & hepatology 7(4), 321-328, 2020-04
- NAID 40022231673
- 各種画像診断を用いたクローン病小腸病変の評価 (特集 小腸疾患診療up to date)
- 上野 伸展,藤谷 幹浩
- 消化器・肝臓内科 = Gastroenterology & hepatology 7(4), 296-303, 2020-04
- NAID 40022231655
- ジエノゲスト内服中にカプセル内視鏡が滞留し腸閉塞となった小腸子宮内膜症の1例
- 花田 哲郎,上田 匡,家村 洋子,高折 彩,李 泰文,岩見 州一郎,金 共子,藤田 浩平
- 産婦人科の進歩 73(1), 28-34, 2020
- <p>小腸子宮内膜症は稀少部位内膜症の1~3%程度を占める希少な疾患であるが,粗大な病変の場合には狭窄や腫瘤の圧迫によって腸閉塞の原因となり,外科的切除が必要となることがある.今回われわれは,ジエノゲスト内服中に小腸子宮内膜症が増大し,カプセル内視鏡が嵌頓する症例を経験したので報告する.症例は50歳女性,右卵巣腫瘍の精査目的に当科紹介となったが,画像検査で右卵巣チョコレート嚢胞と小腸子 …
- NAID 130007987061
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- 英
- small intestinal endoscopy
- 同
- 小腸鏡検査 enteroscopy
- 関
- alimentary system、bowel、digestive system、enteric、enteric canal、entero、gastrointestinal、gastrointestinal system、GI、gut、intestinal tract、intestine
- 関
- little、petit、tiny
- 関
- small intestine