- 関
- distortion、inclination、incline、oblique、skew、strain
- become stretched or tense or taut; "the bodybuilders neck muscles tensed;" "the rope strained when the weight was attached" (同)tense
- (psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress; "his responsibilities were a constant strain"; "the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him" (同)mental strain, nervous strain
- (physics) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces
- injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain
- an intense or violent exertion (同)straining
- use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity; "He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro"; "Dont strain your mind too much" (同)extend
- a change (usually undesired) in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal; the difference between two measurements of a signal (as between the input and output signal); "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extrem
- the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean (同)overrefinement, straining, torture, twisting
- the mistake of misrepresenting the facts
- a change for the worse (同)deformation
- (geometry) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line (measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis) (同)angle_of_inclination
- (astronomy) the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of the ecliptic stated in degrees (同)inclination of an orbit
- the act of inclining; bending forward; "an inclination of his head indicated his agreement" (同)inclining
- an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict" (同)disposition, tendency
- that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking; "her inclination is for classical music"
- lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow; "She inclined her head to the student"
- bend or turn (ones ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well; "He inclined his ear to the wise old man"
- feel favorably disposed or willing; "She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs"
- slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled; "the oblique rays of the winter sun"; "acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles"; "the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base"
- any grammatical case other than the nominative (同)oblique case
- turn or place at an angle; "the lines on the sheet of paper are skewed"
- having an oblique or slanting direction or position; "the picture was skew" (同)skewed
- …‘を'『引っ張る』 / (使い過ぎて)〈体など〉‘を'『痛める』,弱める / …‘を'『最大限に働かせる』,精一杯使う / 〈意味・規則など〉‘を'曲げる,こじつける,拡大解釈する / 〈液体〉‘を'『こす』;(液体から)〈固形分〉‘を'こして取る《+『out(off)』+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 全力を尽くす,懸命に努力する / ぱんと張る / 〈C〉〈U〉『張りつめること』,張る力 / 〈C〉『筋違い』,ねんざ,くじき / 〈U〉(精神的に,極度に)緊張,重荷,過労 / 〈C〉骨のおれる仕事,激務
- 〈C〉家系,血統,種族 / 〈C〉品種 / 〈U〉《しばしばa ~》(遺伝的な)性質,体質 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》《単数扱い》(音楽の)曲,一節 / 〈C〉口調,言い回し,文体
- 〈U〉(話・真実・事実などを)ゆがめること,曲げて伝えること / 〈U〉(形の)ゆがみ,ねじれ;〈C〉ゆがんだ(ねじれた)もの / (光の)ひずみ,収差
- 〈C〉《単数形で》『傾くこと』,傾けること;《an inclination》『傾き』,傾斜,斜面(slope) / 〈C〉〈U〉《文》(物事の)『傾向』 / 〈C〉〈U〉《しばしば複数形で》(人の)『好み』,意向
- (…に)『心が傾く』,気が向く / 〈人・物が〉『傾向がある』(rend) / (…に)傾く,傾斜する;身をかがめる《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉(…に)‘の'心を向けさせる / (…に)…‘を'傾ける,傾斜させる,かがめる《+『名』+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 傾斜,こう配;斜面
- 傾いた,斜めの / 間接の,遠回しの / 〈C〉〈U〉斜線(/)
- 斜めの,ゆがんだ / 傾斜,ゆがみ / …‘を'斜めにする,曲解する / それる,曲がる
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English Journal
- The Role of X-Chromosome Inactivation in Retinal Development and Disease.
- Fahim AT1, Daiger SP2.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2016;854:325-31. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-17121-0_43.
- The expression of X-linked genes is equalized between males and females in mammalian species through X-Chromosome inactivation (XCI). Every cell in a female mammalian embryo randomly chooses one X Chromosome for epigenetic silencing at the 8-16 cell stage, resulting in a Gaussian distribution of XCI
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- Identification and characterization of natural antibodies against tau protein in an intravenous immunoglobulin product.
- Hromadkova L1, Kolarova M2, Jankovicova B3, Bartos A4, Ricny J5, Bilkova Z3, Ripova D5.
- Journal of neuroimmunology.J Neuroimmunol.2015 Dec 15;289:121-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2015.10.017. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
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- Kolkhir P1, Balakirski G2, Merk HF2, Olisova O1, Maurer M3.
- Allergy.Allergy.2015 Dec 9. doi: 10.1111/all.12818. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is defined as persistent wheals, angioedema, or both lasting for >6 weeks due to known or unknown causes. Some epidemiological studies and case reports suggest that internal parasite infections (PI) can cause CSU. Here, we provide a systematic overview of publi
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Japanese Journal
- Geriatric Trauma in Patients ≧85 Years Old in an Urban District of Japan
- Nishimura Takeshi,Naito Hiromichi,Matsuyama Shigenari,Ishihara Satoshi,Nakao Atsunori,Nakayama Shinichi
- Acta Medica Okayama 73(3), 197-203, 2019-06
- … Japan's population has been skewing toward the elderly, but the outcomes of advanced elderly trauma are not clear. …
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- Journal of Health Science
- Dai Qiaomei,Wang Meiqiao,Li Yaozhang,Li Ji
- Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 42(7), 1172-1178, 2019
- … TLR9/NF-κB pathway may be involved in the asarinin treatment of CIA by skewing the balance of Th1/Th2/regulatory T (Treg) to a Th2 type.</p> …
- NAID 130007672139
- 三相かご形誘導電動機の横流を模擬した回転子の試作とその特性に関する実験的考察
- 廣塚 功,村松 智章,渡邉 徳宏,中村 雅憲,鶴見 祐輔,米谷 晴之,亀山 正樹
- 電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) 139(5), 466-471, 2019
- … The rotor iron and rotor bars are shorted, and an electrical potential difference is generated between the rotor bars by skewing, so that the current, which is called inter-bar current, flows in the direction of rotation. …
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- 関
- heterophoria、inclination、incline、obliquely、phoria、skewing
- 英
- strain、distortion、skew、skewing
- 関
- 菌株、緊張、系、傾斜、系統、捻挫、歪める、筋挫傷
- 英
- inclination、incline、oblique、skewing
- 関
- 傾く、傾ける、斜位、斜方、歪み、傾き、斜め
- 関
- inclination、lean、oblique、skewing、tilt
- 関
- distort、distortion、skewing、strain