- very light colored; highly diluted with white; "pale seagreen"; "pale blue eyes"
- turn pale, as if in fear (同)blanch, blench
- lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness; "a pale rendition of the aria"; "pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender"; "a pallid performance" (同)pallid
- abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress; "the pallid face of the invalid"; "her wan face suddenly flushed" (同)pallid, wan
- (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble; "the pale light of a half moon"; "a pale sun"; "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street"; "a pallid sky"; "the pale (or wan) stars"; "the wan light of dawn" (同)pallid, wan, sick
- not full or rich; "high, pale, pure and lovely song"
- cover with a pall
- lose strength or effectiveness; become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to); "the course palled on her"
- burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped (同)shroud, cerement, winding-sheet, winding-clothes
- become less interesting or attractive (同)dull
- cause to become flat; "pall the beer"
- (病的な)青白さ
- (顔が)『青白い』,生色がない,青ざめた / (色が)『薄い』,淡い,白色に近い / 光が弱い,薄暗い,ぼんやりした / 〈人が〉『青ざめる』;〈色・光が〉薄くなる,淡くなる / 〈人〉‘を'青白くする;〈色・光〉‘を'薄く(淡く)する
- (柵(さく)などに用いる先のとがった)くい / 範囲,境界
- (黒・紫などのビロードの)棺衣(かんい),棺履い;《米》ひつぎ / (暗くする)履い幕 / …‘に'棺衣を掛ける
- 〈物事が〉(人に)飽きさせる,興味をなくさせる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
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"Pallid" redirects here. For the Antarctic mountain, see Pallid Peak. For the Antarctic ridge, see Pallid Crest.
ICD-10 |
R23.1 |
ICD-9 |
782.61 |
MedlinePlus |
003244 |
Pallor is a reduced amount of oxyhaemoglobin in skin or mucous membrane, a pale color which can be caused by illness, emotional shock or stress, stimulant use, or anemia.
Pallor is more evident on the face and palms. It can develop suddenly or gradually, depending on the cause. It is not usually clinically significant unless it is accompanied by a general pallor (pale lips, tongue, palms, mouth and other regions with mucous membranes). It is distinguished from similar presentations such as hypopigmentation (lack or loss of skin pigment) or simply a fair complexion.
Possible causes[edit source | edit]
- migraine attack or headache
- excess estradiol and/or estrone
- vitamin D deficiency
- osteoporosis
- emotional response, due to fear, embarrassment, grief
- anemia, due to blood loss, poor nutrition, or underlying disease such as sickle cell anemia
- shock, a medical emergency caused by illness or injury
- frostbite
- common cold
- cancer
- hypoglycemia
- leukemia
- panic attack
- motion sickness
- heart disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- hypothyroidism
- hypopituitarism
- scurvy
- tuberculosis
- sleep deprivation
- pheochromocytoma
- squeamishness
- visceral larval migrans
- high doses or chronic use of amphetamines[1]
- reaction to ethanol and/or other drugs such as cannabis
- lead poisoning
- methyldopa
- Space adaptation syndrome
Symptoms and signs: skin and subcutaneous tissue (R20–R23, 782)
Disturbances of skin sensation/
somatosensory disorder |
- Hypoesthesia
- Paresthesia (Formication)
- Hyperesthesia
Circulation |
- Cyanosis
- Pallor/Livedo (Livedo reticularis)
- Flushing
- Petechia
Edema |
- Peripheral edema
- Anasarca
Other |
- Rash
- Desquamation
- Induration
- Diaphoresis
- Mass (Neck mass)
noco (i/b/d/q/u/r/p/m/k/v/f)/cong/tumr (n/e/d), sysi/epon
proc, drug (D2/3/4/5/8/11)
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
References[edit source | edit]
- ^ Erowid.org, chemicals, amphetamines, amphetamines effects
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2006) |
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- Byard RW, Summersides G, Thompson A.SourceDiscipline of Pathology, Level 3 Medical School North Building, The University of Adelaide, Frome Road, Adelaide, SA, 5005, Australia, roger.byard@sa.gov.au.
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Japanese Journal
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Related Links
- Pallor is more evident on the face and palms. It can develop suddenly or gradually, depending on the cause. It is not usually clinically significant unless it is accompanied by a general pallor (pale lips, tongue, palms, mouth and other regions ...
- How to use pallor in a sentence. Example sentences with the word pallor. pallor example sentences.
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- 英
- shock
- 同
- 虚脱状態
- 関
- 産科ショック
- 心筋梗塞、致死的不整脈、心不全
- 心タンポナーデ、収縮性心膜炎、肺血栓塞栓症、緊張性気胸
- 低容量性ショック hypovolemic shock = 循環血液量減少性ショック
- 出血性ショック、体液喪失(熱傷)・脱水
- 血圧・脈拍
- 心電図
- 心エコー
- 呼吸・血ガス
- 血液検査・尿検査
- バルーンカテーテル:残尿を排泄し、30分ごとに尿量、血圧、脈拍を測定する
- 中心静脈圧
- スワン・ガンツカテーテル
- 胃トノメトリー
- 英
- compartment syndrome
- 同
- コンパートメント症候群 コンパートメントシンドローム、筋区画症候群
- 前腕:掌側区画(フォルクマン拘縮)
- 下腿:前方区画(前脛骨区画)>外側区画>後方深部区画>後方浅部区画
- 出血や浮腫が見られている部位に腫脹、筋肉の緊張があれば区画症候群を疑う。
- 確定診断には筋区画内圧の測定を行い、30-40mmHg以上の場合は異常と考える。(正常圧:10mmHg以下)
- 英
- arterial injury
- 関
- pallor