- かびた。かび臭い。陳腐な(stale)。古臭い。無気力な、無感動な
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- 1. 屋内環境におけるカビの評価assessment of mold in the indoor environment [show details]
…a white, gray, brown, black, yellow, green, or fluorescent hue As mold grows, it often exudes a "musty" odor that results from volatile organic compound vapors that are released. There are approximately …
- 2. 喘息のマネージメントを向上させるトリガー制御trigger control to enhance asthma management [show details]
…cigarette smoke, cannabis smoke, fireplace smoke, ashes, aerosol sprays, perfumes, cooking odors, musty odors, shower steam, traffic fumes, air pollution, desert dust, and workplace irritants . Cigarette …
- 3. 先天性代謝異常:疫学、病因、および臨床的特徴inborn errors of metabolism epidemiology pathogenesis and clinical features [show details]
…Isovaleric acidemia; Fruity, ammoniacal – Methylmalonic acidemia or propionic acidemia; Mouse urine, musty – Phenylketonuria; Cabbage-like, rotten eggs – Tyrosinemia; Malt or hops – Methionine malabsorption;…
- 4. 化学テロ:早急な認識および初回薬物治療マネージメントchemical terrorism rapid recognition and initial medical management [show details]
…characteristic chlorine odor ; Phosgene – Colorless gas or white cloud with odor of newly mown or musty hay, grass, or corn ; Cyanide – Odor of bitter almonds (less commonly, of burning rope or of acetylene) …
- 5. ヒトの疾患における真菌(カビ)の役割the role of fungi molds in human disease [show details]
…collectively called microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). MVOCs are responsible for the "musty" odor that often indicates the presence of molds and are also an indicator of excessive moisture…
English Journal
- Elimination of trichloroanisoles by UV/HO: Kinetics, degradation mechanism, water matrix effects and toxicity assessment.
- Zhu H, Jia R, Sun S, Feng G, Wang M, Zhao Q, Xin X, Zhou A.
- Chemosphere. 2019 Sep;230()258-267.
- The elimination of 2,3,6-trichloroanisole (2,3,6-TCA), which produces a musty-earthy off-odor in water, by an ultraviolet (UV)/HO process was assessed. The removal of 88.1% of 2,3,6-TCA in ultrapure water (UPW) was achieved using an initial 2,3,6-TCA concentration of 1 μg L (4.73 nM), a HO co
- PMID 31108436
- Formation of odorant haloanisoles and variation of microorganisms during microbial O-methylation in annular reactors equipped with different coupon materials.
- Zhou X, Zhang K, Zhang T, Yang Y, Ye M, Pan R.
- The Science of the total environment. 2019 Aug;679()1-11.
- Taste and odor (T & O) issues in drinking water have become serious problems which cannot be ignored by customers. Several studies have confirmed that microbes in water can biotransform halophenols (HPs) to haloanisoles (HAs) with earthy and musty flavors via microbial O-methylation. In this paper,
- PMID 31078770
- Identification of fishy odor causing compounds produced by Ochromonas sp. and Cryptomonas ovate with gas chromatography-olfactometry and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography.
- Guo Q, Yu J, Zhao Y, Liu T, Su M, Jia Z, Zhao Y, Mu Z, Yang M.
- The Science of the total environment. 2019 Jun;671()149-156.
- Disgusting fishy odor problems have become a major concern in drinking water quality, and are commonly related to algal proliferation in source water. Unlike the typical musty/earthy odorants 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin, identification of the corresponding fishy odorants is still a big chal
- PMID 30928744
Japanese Journal
- Reliability in Evaluation of a Class Assessment
- Stayanchi Jason,Musty Nicholas
- Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review (23), 49-57, 2019-02-18
- NAID 120006592190
- 下水処理水に含まれる2,4,6-TCAなどのカビ臭物質 (特集 排水処理施設における臭気対策の現状)
- 河床の付着性藍藻の繁殖・かび臭発生に水温が与える影響
- 木村 慎一,久野 草太郎,岩永 秀,新谷 仁美,荒井 康裕,稲員 とよの,小泉 明
- 水道協会雑誌 87(4), 2-12, 2018-04
- NAID 40021519680
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- musty 【形】かび臭い・Hey, you can't leave your books wet! Now they are kind of musty. : 本をぬれた...【発音】mʌ sti【カナ】マスティ【変化】《形》mustier | mustiest - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
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