- of or relating to the tarsal bones (or other wedge-shaped bones)
- an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia
- dividing an animal into right and left halves (同)median
- くさび形の / くさび形文字(古代アッシリア・バビロニアなどで用いられた文字)
- 中間の,中間に位置する / 平均の,並なみの
- mediumの複数形
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/14 13:22:16」(JST)
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First cuneiform bone |
Skeleton of foot. Medial aspect.
Latin |
Os cuneiforme mediale,
os cuneiform primum |
Gray's |
p.270 |
TA |
A02.5.13.001 |
FMA:24518 |
Anatomical terms of bone |
The medial cuneiform (also known as first cuneiform) is the largest of the cuneiforms.
It is situated at the medial side of the foot, anterior to the navicular bone and posterior to the base of the first metatarsal. Lateral to is the intermediate cuneiform.
It articulates with four bones: the navicular, second cuneiform, and first and second metatarsals.
The tibialis anterior and fibularis longus muscle inserts at the medial cuneiform bone.[1]
- 1 Additional images
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Additional images
Bones of the right foot. Dorsal surface.
Bones of the right foot. Plantar surface.
The left first cuneiform. Antero-medial view.
The left first cuneiform. Postero-lateral view.
Skeleton of foot. Lateral aspect.
Oblique section of left intertarsal and tarsometatarsal articulations, showing the synovial cavities.
Ankle joint. Deep dissection. Medial view.
Ankle joint. Deep dissection.
Ankle joint. Deep dissection.
Ankle joint. Deep dissection.
Ankle joint. Deep dissection.
Ankle and tarsometarsal joints. Bones of foot.Deep dissection.
Ankle and tarsometarsal joints. Bones of foot.Deep dissection.
Ankle and tarsometatarsal joint. Deep dissection.Anterior view
See also
- Intermediate cuneiform
- Lateral cuneiform
- ^ Bojsen-Møller, Finn; Simonsen, Erik B.; Tranum-Jensen, Jørgen (2001). Bevægeapparatets anatomi [Anatomy of the Locomotive Apparatus] (in Danish) (12th ed.). pp. 364–367. ISBN 978-87-628-0307-7.
External links
- medial+cuneiform+bone at eMedicine Dictionary
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Bones of lower limbs (TA A02.5.04–18, GA 2.242–277)
Femur |
upper extremity
- head
- neck
- greater trochanter
- lesser trochanter
- intertrochanteric line
- intertrochanteric crest
- quadrate tubercle
- linea aspera
- gluteal tuberosity / third trochanter
- pectineal line
lower extremity
- adductor tubercle
- patellar surface
- epicondyles
- condyles
- intercondylar fossa
Crus |
upper extremity
- Gerdy's tubercle
- condyles
- intercondylar eminence
- lateral/medial intercondylar tubercle
- posterior/anterior intercondylar area
lower extremity
- medial malleolus
- fibular notch
- head
- body
- lateral malleolus
Foot |
- calcaneus
- sustentaculum tali
- trochlear process
- talus
- navicular
- cuboid
- cuneiform
- medial
- intermediate
- lateral
- 1st metatarsal
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- 5th
phalanges of the foot
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
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- 関
- culture、culture media、culture medium、culture solution、medium
- 関
- cuneate、wedge-shaped