- mandat- = mando = to command
- (職権による正式の)命令、命令書、指令、勅令、令状。(法)(上級裁判所から下級裁判所への)命令
- (特に選挙民から政府・議員へ委任された)権限、新任、指示、負託、委託。(政治家の)任期
- (法)(無償)サービス契約、無償寄託。委任、委任状、(銀行などへの)支払委託
- (ある土地を)委任統治領に指定する
- ~に権限を委譲/委任/委託する
- 義務づける、命令する。指令する、要求する
- Resistance to loop diuretics in renal failure often mandates use of higher doses than those used in patients with near-normal kidney function.(HIM.1764)
- without mandated fluid restriction
- 関
- command, order. (n.)mandator 命令者。委任者
- make mandatory; "the new director of the school board mandated regular tests"
- the commission that is given to a government and its policies through an electoral victory
- a document giving an official instruction or command (同)authorization, authorisation
- a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves (同)mandatory
- assign authority to
- assign under a mandate; "mandate a colony"
- demand as ones due; "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers"
- a position of highest authority; "the corporation has just undergone a change in command"
- availability for use; "the materials at the command of the potters grew"
- an authoritative direction or instruction to do something (同)bid, bidding, dictation
- great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French" (同)control, mastery
- a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
- the power or authority to command; "an admiral in command"
- make someone do something (同)require
- be in command of; "The general commanded a huge army"
- 〈C〉命令,指令 / 〈C〉(上級裁判所から下級裁判所への,または上級官吏から下級官吏への)命令[書] / 《単数形で》(選挙民が選挙によって与える議員・議会への)委任,権能付与 / 〈U〉(国際連盟による)委任統治 / 〈領土・植民地など〉‘の'統治を委任する
- …'を'『命令する』,命じる;…‘に'命令する / …'を'『指揮する』,‘の'支配権を握る / 〈感情など〉'を'抑制する,支配する / 《文》…'を'自由にする,意のままにする / 〈人が〉〈同情・尊敬など〉'を'集める,‘に'値する;〈物が〉…‘に'値する / 〈場所・建物が〉'を'見渡す,見晴らす,見おろす / 命令する,指揮権を持つ / 〈C〉『命令』,号令 / 〈U〉(…の)『指揮』,指揮権,支配権;(…の)支配下《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(感情などの)『抑制』,(…を)抑制する力《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《時にa~》(言語などを)自由に駆使する力,(金銭を)自由に使えること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)見晴らし,展望《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉管轄下の部隊,管轄区域,司令部
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/09/09 17:52:29」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
- A mandate is the formal notice of decision from an appeals court
- It is also a requirement for a Health maintenance organization to provide a particular product.
Mandate can refer to:
- Mandate (criminal law), an official or authoritative command; an order or injunction
- Mandate (international law), an obligation handed down by an inter-governmental body
- Mandate (politics), the power granted by an electorate
- Mandate (theology), to some Christians, an order from God
- Mandate (trade union), a trade union in Ireland
League of Nations mandates[edit source | edit]
- League of Nations mandates, quasi-colonial territories established under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, 28 June 1919, which included:
- French Mandate of Lebanon
- British Mandate of Mesopotamia
- British Mandate of Palestine
- French Mandate of Syria
See also[edit source | edit]
- Contract of mandate - a contract of bailment of goods without reward, to be carried from place to place, or to have some act performed about them.
- Individual mandate, an often controversial government requirement for the purchase of goods by individuals
- Papal mandate - responses of the pope or a Sacred Congregation, in writing, to queries or petitions of individuals.
- Mandate of Heaven, a traditional Chinese concept of legitimacy used to support the rule of the kings of the Shang Dynasty and later the Emperors of China
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English Journal
- The motor cost of telling lies: Electrocortical signatures and personality foundations of spontaneous deception.
- Panasiti MS1, Pavone EF, Mancini A, Merla A, Grisoni L, Aglioti SM.
- Social neuroscience.Soc Neurosci.2014 Dec;9(6):573-89. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2014.934394. Epub 2014 Jun 30.
- Although universal, lying is generally considered immoral behavior. Most neuroscience studies on lying sanction or instruct deceptive behaviors and thus might fail to acknowledge the significance of lie-related moral conflicts. By combining electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings with a novel paradigm
- PMID 24979665
- Support for HPV Vaccination Mandates for Both Females and Males.
- Smith ML1, Wilson KL2, Pulczinski JC3, Ory MG3.
- American journal of health behavior.Am J Health Behav.2014 Nov;38(6):831-8. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.38.6.5.
- OBJECTIVES: To examine college students' support for HPV vaccination mandates for school-aged youth and examine perceptions and behavioral factors associated with vaccine mandate support for both boys and girls.METHODS: Data were collected from 1322 college students by an Internet-delivered question
- PMID 25207509
- Long-term results of multiple arterial bypass conduits.
- Johnston DR.
- Current opinion in cardiology.Curr Opin Cardiol.2014 Nov;29(6):542-6. doi: 10.1097/HCO.0000000000000116.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Ongoing efforts to compare percutaneous coronary intervention with coronary bypass surgery for multivessel coronary disease mandate that surgeons reevaluate best practices for coronary surgery in order to maximize long-term outcomes. This review presents recent data for the long-t
- PMID 25286374
- Aluminum contamination in parenteral products.
- Gura KM.
- Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care.Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care.2014 Nov;17(6):551-7. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000091.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In 1986, the US Food and Drug Administration issued an aluminum mandate in hopes of minimizing patient exposure to aluminum contaminates contained in parenteral nutrition additives. The purpose of this article is to revisit the status of aluminum contamination as it relates to par
- PMID 25023185
Japanese Journal
- Beyond Measuring the Voice of the People: The Evolving Role of Political Polling in Indonesia's Local Leader Elections
- Agus Trihartono
- Southeast Asian Studies 3(1), 151–182, 2014-04-24
- … The Golkar Party's declaration that it was moving to polls-based candidacy created a domino effect, inducing other major political parties—such as the National Mandate Party (Partai Amanat Nasional, PAN), the Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat, PD), and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, PDIP)—to follow Golkar's approach to contesting local constituencies. …
- NAID 110009759625
- Beyond the Colonial State: Central Bank Making as State Building in the 1930s
- 高木 佑輔
- Southeast Asian Studies 3(1), 85–117, 2014-04-24
- … Their proposal to establish a central bank went beyond the monetary policy mandate, because they aimed to depart from the conventional market-governed colonial economic structure to a managed currency system backed by economic planning. …
- NAID 110009759622
- <Articles>Beyond the Colonial State: Central Bank Making as State Building in the 1930s
- Takagi Yusuke
- Southeast Asian Studies 3(1), 85-117, 2014-04
- … Their proposal to establish a central bank went beyond the monetary policy mandate, because they aimed to depart from the conventional market-governed colonial economic structure to a managed currency system backed by economic planning. …
- NAID 120005434964
- <Articles>Beyond Measuring the Voice of the People: The Evolving Role of Political Polling in Indonesia's Local Leader Elections
- Trihartono Agus
- Southeast Asian Studies 3(1), 151-182, 2014-04
- … The Golkar Party's declaration that it was moving to polls-based candidacy created a domino effect, inducing other major political parties—such as the National Mandate Party (Partai Amanat Nasional, PAN), the Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat, PD), and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, PDIP) - to follow Golkar's approach to contesting local constituencies. …
- NAID 120005434962
Related Links
- mandateとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 (選挙によって議員・行政府に与えられる)(…する)為政権((to do)).2 (権力者・上級裁判所[官吏]からの)指令(書),命令(書),勅令.3 [U][C](国際連盟による)委任統治(領,植民地).4 ...
- mandate:運用委託、資産運用委託の趣旨、業務の委託...英語からも日本語からも検索できて、解説、文例、コロケーションまで掲載した実用的な内容です。 ... 「ビジネス英語辞書」は検索語の和訳・英訳を検索できます。収録語数は ...
- mandateの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。
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- 英
- order、command、mandate
- 関
- オーダー、コマンド、指令、順序、順番、要求、桁、目、次数、権限、秩序
- 関
- directive、instruction、mandate、order
- 英
- mandate
- 関
- 命令