English Journal
- Neoadjuvant sunitinib effectiveness in T4 renal clear cell carcinoma: a case report.
- Ricciardulli S1, Del Biondo D, Cicero C, Leo G, Zeccolini G, Celia A.
- Urologia.Urologia.2014 Jul 9;0(0):1-5. doi: 10.5301/uro.5000077. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION: Introduction: Sunitinib therapy showed an improvement in survival of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Materials and Methods: A 51-year-old man, with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Score (ECOG) of 0, presented at our Institute in March 2012 for ma
- PMID 25050998
- [Renal pelvic tumor with difficult radiological diagnosis : a report of two cases].
- Shinohara M1, Hosokawa Y1, Iida K1, Takenaga M2, Itami Y1, Hayashi Y1, Fujimoto K2.
- Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica.Hinyokika Kiyo.2014 May;60(5):231-5.
- Case 1 : A 60-year-old man presented with right flank pain. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a large right renal tumor, multiple lung metastases, multiple liver metastases, and tumor thrombus of the right renal vein. These findings were strongly suggestive of renal cell carcinoma. The patien
- PMID 24894859
- Combined endoscopic surgery in the prone-split leg position for successful single-session removal of an encrusted ureteral stent: a case report.
- Isero T, Hamamoto S1, Koiwa S, Kamiya H, Hashimoto Y, Yasui T, Iwase Y, Kohri K.
- Journal of medical case reports.J Med Case Rep.2014 Apr 17;8:128. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-8-128.
- INTRODUCTION: Although encrusted stents may lead to some unwanted complications including urinary tract obstruction, urinary sepsis, and potential loss of kidney function, there is currently no consensus on the most efficient method for managing stents that are intentionally left in situ. This is th
- PMID 24742133
Japanese Journal
- 篠原 雅岳,細川 幸成,飯田 孝太 [他],武長 真保,伊丹 祥隆,林 美樹,藤本 清秀
- 泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica 60(5), 231-235, 2014-05
- … Case 2 : A 66-year-old man presented with macrohematuria. …
- NAID 120005439521
- 長期血液透析患者の腎に発生した粘液管状紡錘細胞癌の1例
- 佐藤 真彦,明円 真吾,相馬 文彦
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 47(12), 749-753, 2014
- 長期透析患者に発生した粘液管状紡錘細胞癌の1例を経験したので報告する. 患者は65歳男性, 1999年に糖尿病性腎症で血液透析導入. 2013年4月から肉眼的血尿が出現し10月の定期CTにて左腎腫瘍を指摘され当科紹介. CTでは左腎臓に65mmの腫瘤を認め, 傍大動脈リンパ節腫大も認めた. 左腎細胞癌 (cT1bN2M0) と診断し根治的左腎摘除術およびリンパ節郭清術を施行. 肉眼的に腫瘍の境界は …
- NAID 130004880116
- 回腸新膀胱造設術後早期に代謝性アシドーシスおよびテタニーを来たした1例
- 野村 広徳,洪 陽子,金城 孝則 [他],野々村 大地,米田 傑,山本 致之,鄭 則秀,高田 晋吾,松宮 清美
- 泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica 59(8), 535-538, 2013-08
- … A 64-year-old man visited our hospital with the complaint of macrohematuria and bilateral hydronephrosis. …
- NAID 120005322751
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- Posted by mehmet on July 14, 1999 at 10:49:17 dear doctors, i am also a 5th class medical student and i want to know sth about my father's disease.my father is 50 years old he smoke for nearly 20 ...
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- 英
- macroscopic hematuria, macrohematuria
- 関
- 顕微鏡的血尿、血尿、尿検査
- 肉眼的に判別できる程度に血液を混じた尿。
- 尿1Lに1ml以上(0.1%以上)の血液が混在すれば肉眼的に認められる。