- 関
- leukocyte count、number of leukocyte、WBC count、white blood cell count、white cell count
- give numbers to; "You should number the pages of the thesis"
- place a limit on the number of (同)keep_down
- a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
- the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals; "he had a number of chores to do"; "the number of parameters is small"; "the figure was about a thousand" (同)figure
- a clothing measurement; "a number 13 shoe"
- an item of merchandise offered for sale; "she preferred the black nylon number"; "this sweater is an all-wool number"
- a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification; "she refused to give them her Social Security number" (同)identification number
- a select company of people; "I hope to become one of their number before I die"
- the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural); "in English the subject and the verb must agree in number"
- enumerate; "We must number the names of the great mathematicians" (同)list
- so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror; petrified; "too numb with fear to move"
- make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses" (同)benumb, blunt, dull
- blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the bodys defense system (同)leucocyte, white_blood_cell, white_cell, white blood corpuscle, white_corpuscle, WBC
- 〈U〉〈C〉(数えて得られる)『数,数量』 / 〈C〉(概念としての)『数,数字』 / 〈C〉『番号』 / 〈C〉(演奏会や演劇の)番組,出し物;曲目 / 〈C〉(雑誌の)号 / 〈U〉(文法で)数(すう) / 《複数形で》数の上の優勢 / 《複数形で》算数 / 〈C〉《単数形で》《話》(商品としての)洋服の1点;商品,売り物 / 〈C〉《単随形で》《俗》女の子 / …‘を'数える / (…の中に,…として)…‘を'含める,加える《+『among』(『with, as』)+『名』》 / …‘に'番号をつける / …‘の'数となる / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘の'数を制限する / 総計(…に)なる《+『in』+『名』〈数〉》
- 麻痺(まひ)した,感覚を失った,しびれた / …‘の'感覚を失わせる,‘を'しびれさせる
- 数学,数学 / (人員などの)数の優勢 / 《米》《the~》=numbers game / 《古》詞句,韻文
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English Journal
- Adjuvant efficacy of G2 (buffalo spleen extraction) against Yersinia septicemia in rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss).
- Shafie S1, Soltani E2, Soltani M3, Hazrati SM4.
- Fish & shellfish immunology.Fish Shellfish Immunol.2018 Nov;82:115-120. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.08.011. Epub 2018 Aug 7.
- PMID 30092257
- Does neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio demonstrate deterioration in renal function?
- Tonyali S1, Ceylan C1, Yahsi S1, Karakan MS2.
- Renal failure.Ren Fail.2018 Nov;40(1):209-212. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2018.1455590.
- PMID 29616601
- Comparison of cow-side diagnostic techniques for subclinical endometritis in dairy cows.
- Van Schyndel SJ1, Bogado Pascottini O2, LeBlanc SJ2.
- Theriogenology.Theriogenology.2018 Oct 15;120:117-122. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.08.001. Epub 2018 Aug 9.
- PMID 30114545
Japanese Journal
- PKN1 kinase-negative knock-in mice develop splenomegaly and leukopenia at advanced age without obvious autoimmune-like phenotypes
- Siddique Salman Mahmud,Kubouchi Koji,Shinmichi Yuka,Sawada Nana,Sugiura Reiko,Itoh Yasushi,Uehara Shunsuke,Nishimura Kanae,Okamura Shunsuke,Ohsaki Hiroyuki,Kamoshida Shingo,Yamashita Yusuke,Tamura Shinobu,Sonoki Takashi,Matsuoka Hiroshi,Itoh Tomoo,Mukai Hideyuki
- Scientific Reports (9), 13977, 2019-09-27
- … Additionally, flow cytometry revealed increased numbers in B220(+), CD3(+), Gr1(+) and CD193(+) leukocytes in the spleen of aged PKN1[T778A] mice, whereas the number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes was reduced in the peripheral blood, suggesting an advanced impairment of leukocyte trafficking with age. …
- NAID 120006733136
- 若槻 拓司,杉山 定,高岡 亜沙子,橋田 明彦,水上 智秋,廣瀬 友理,門田 耕一,竹嶋 伸之輔,間 陽子
- 日本獣医師会雑誌 72(10), 608-613, 2019
- <p>地方病性牛白血病(EBL)は好発年齢が4歳齢以上とされているが,約5カ月齢でEBLと診断した症例に遭遇した.当該牛は交雑種の去勢雄で,134日齢時に体表リンパ節の腫脹を認めた.168日齢では体表リンパ節の腫脹がさらに悪化し,血液検査では白血球数が104,000/<i>μl</i> で,異型リンパ球の割合は89%を呈した.剖検所見では腹腔内の各リンパ節の腫大 …
- NAID 130007748704
- Aoyama Yumi,Sakai Kazuko,Kodaka Taiichi,Tsunemine Hiroko,Nishio Kazuto,Itoh Tomoo,Inoue Daichi,Takahashi Takayuki
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology 59(1), 29-33, 2019
- … <p>Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN) with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (MDS/MPN with RS-T), which exhibits both an increased number of marrow ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis, is a rare disorder classified as one of the newly established forms of MDS/MPN in the WHO 2016 classification. … In 2016, the leukocyte count increased to a peak value of 68.8×10<sup>9</sup>/L (86.6% mature neutrophils) during platelet-reduction therapy. …
- NAID 130007627903
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- 英
- white blood cell count、leukocyte count、WBC count、white cell count、number of leukocyte、leukocyte number、WBC
- 関
- 白血球
- 関
- leukocyte count、leukocyte number、number of leukocyte、white blood cell count、white cell count
- 関
- leukocyte count、leukocyte number、number of leukocyte、WBC count、white blood cell count
- 関
- leukocyte count、leukocyte number、WBC count、white blood cell count、white cell count
- かじかんだ、麻痺した、無感覚な、鈍い、しびれた。無関心の
- 関
- anesthesia, cauterize, insensible, insensitive, insensitivity, palsy, paralysis, paralyze, plegia
- 関
- count、numeral