- any of various funnel-shaped parts of the body (but especially the hypophyseal stalk)
- move or pour through a funnel; "funnel the liquid into the small bottle"
- a conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends (同)funnel shape
- (nautical) smokestack consisting of a shaft for ventilation or the passage of smoke (especially the smokestack of a ship)
- a conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end; used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth
- じょうご / (機関車・汽船などの)煙突 / …‘に'注ぐ / …‘を'じょうご形にする / 狭い所を通り抜ける
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/20 18:57:45」(JST)
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An infundibulum (Latin for funnel; plural, infundibula) is a funnel-shaped cavity or organ.
- 1 Anatomy
- 2 Veterinary medicine
- 3 Botany
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Brain: Infundibulum and infundibular stalk are alternative names for the pituitary stalk, the connection between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary.
- Hair follicle#Other structures: the infundibulum is the cup or funnel in which a hair follicle grows.
- Infundibulum (heart): The infundibulum of the heart, or conus arteriosus, is the outflow portion of the right ventricle.
- Lung#Anatomy: The alveolar sacs of the lungs, from which the air chambers (alveoli) open, are also called infundibula.
- Sinus (anatomy): The ethmoidal infundibulum is the most important of three infundibula of the nose: the frontal infundibulum and the maxillary maxillary infundibulum flow into it.
- Infundibulum of uterine tube: the funnel-like end of the mammal oviduct nearest to the ovary.
- Gallbladder: The Infundibulum of the gallbladder (also known as the "neck" of the gallbladder) is the end of nearest to the cystic duct, which is often dilated relative to the body of the gallbladder, and is a common site for gallstones.
Veterinary medicine
- Infundibulum (tooth): In horses, other equines and ruminants, the infundibulum of a tooth is the central cup or funnel of tooth enamel and cementum.
- Glossary of botanical terms: infundibular means "funnel-shaped" in plant morphology, for example referring to the corolla of some flowers.
Other uses
- Infundibulum (gastropod) is a genus of sea snail.
- In the science fiction novel The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut, a "chronosynclastic infundibulum" is a kind of wormhole through time and space, defined as "where all the different kinds of truths fit together".
- Ian McDonald (British author)#Everness - the Everness science fiction series is about the adventures of Everett Singh, a British boy whose understanding of the use of a quantum mechanics and an infundibulum device permits him to travel to parallel worlds under the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics.
See also
- Body cavity
- Infundibulops
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English Journal
- Pituicytomas: radiological findings, clinical behavior and surgical management.
- Secci F, Merciadri P, Rossi DC, D'Andrea A, Zona G.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, San Martino University Hospital, Largo Rosanna Benzi 5, 16132, Genoa, Italy.
- Acta neurochirurgica.Acta Neurochir (Wien).2012 Apr;154(4):649-57. Epub 2011 Nov 26.
- BACKGROUND: Pituicytomas are rare low-grade glial neoplasms originating in the neurohypophysis or infundibulum that appear as solid, noninfiltrative masses occupying the sella turcica, the suprasellar space or both. Due to their high tendency to bleed and the possible firmness and adhesion to surrou
- PMID 22120541
- Eruptive tumors of the follicular infundibulum presenting as hypopigmented macules on the buttocks of two Black African males.
- Kolivras A, Moulonguet I, Ruben BS, Sass U, Cappelletti L, André J.SourceDepartment of Dermatology and Dermatopathology, Saint-Pierre Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium Private Dermatopathology practice, Paris, France Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Department of Pathology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Department of Dermatology, Saint-Pierre Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
- Journal of cutaneous pathology.J Cutan Pathol.2012 Apr;39(4):444-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0560.2012.01863.x.
- We report two cases of eruptive tumors of the follicular infundibulum (TFI) with an unusual clinical presentation which has not been described previously in literature. In both cases, the appearance was strikingly similar, consisting of multiple asymptomatic hypopigmented macules on the buttocks of
- PMID 22443395
Japanese Journal
- 難治な尋常性痤瘡に対する桜皮配合十味敗毒湯の効果:―― 短期間高用量投与について ――
- A Case of Bilateral Nasal Polyps Originating from the Nasal Septum
Related Links
- infundibulum 【名】 《解剖》漏斗 《動物》漏斗状器官 - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- infundibulumとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -la[-lə])1 〔解剖〕(1)漏斗ろうと:漏斗状を成す部分の総称.(2)漏斗,漏斗(状)部:脳底が下方にじょうご形に突出し脳下垂体と連結する部分.(3)動脈円錐えんすい:右心室が延長して肺動脈へ移る ...
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- 英
- infundibulum (KL)
- 同
- 下垂体茎 pituitary stalk
- 関
- 下垂体
- 図:L.415(模式図)
- 下垂体の漏斗部と言われる
- 第三脳室が下方に伸び出したところ。この先に下垂体が連なる (KL.724)
- 漏斗は第5週くらいにラトケ嚢と接触する(KAPLAN STEP 1 Q BOOK p.52)
- 漏斗は漏斗柄と下垂体後葉 = 神経性下垂体 を形成する
- 関
- infundibular stalk、infundibular stem、infundibulum、neurohypophysis、posterior pituitary gland
- 関
- infundibular hypothalamus、infundibular stalk、infundibulum、neurohypophysis、posterior pituitary gland
- 関
- infundibular、infundibulum
- 関
- funnel、infundibulum