- ex. apgar scoreのg(grimace)
- contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state; "He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do" (同)make a face, pull a face
- a contorted facial expression; "she made a grimace at the prospect" (同)face
- touch with the mouth
- the opening of a jar or bottle; "the jar had a wide mouth"
- the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge; "he stuffed his mouth with candy" (同)oral_cavity, oral fissure, rima oris
- a person conceived as a consumer of food; "he has four mouths to feed"
- an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge); "he rode into the mouth of the canyon"; "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave"
- the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening; "she wiped lipstick from her mouth"
- the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water; "New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"
- articulate silently; form words with the lips only; "She mouthed a swear word"
- しかめつら / (…に)しかめつらをする《+『at』+『名』》
- (人・動物の物を食べたり,音を発する)『口』,口腔 / (口に似た)開口部;(袋・びんなどの)口,(銅穴・峡谷などの)入り口;河口,港口 / …‘を'大げさに口を動かし気どってしゃべる / 〈信じていないこと・理解していないこと〉‘を'口にする / …‘を'口に入れる,かむ,なめる
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Grimace may refer to:
- A type of facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain
- Grimace (composer), a French composer active in the mid-to-late 14th century
- Grimace (character), a McDonaldland marketing character developed to promote the restaurant's milkshakes
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English Journal
- Development of atraumatic heel-stick procedures by combined treatment with non-nutritive sucking, oral sucrose, and facilitated tucking: A randomised, controlled trial.
- Yin T1, Yang L2, Lee TY3, Li CC4, Hua YM5, Liaw JJ6.
- International journal of nursing studies.Int J Nurs Stud.2015 Aug;52(8):1288-99. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.04.012. Epub 2015 Apr 23.
- BACKGROUND: Preterm infants manifest pain and stress by behavioural agitation and state change. Few studies have explored the effects of combining nonpharmacological interventions, i.e. non-nutritive sucking, oral sucrose, and facilitated tucking, on infants' behaviours across painful procedures.OBJ
- PMID 25939641
- Using the facial grimace scale to evaluate rabbit wellness in post-procedural monitoring.
- Hampshire V1, Robertson S2.
- Lab animal.Lab Anim (NY).2015 Jun 19;44(7):259-60. doi: 10.1038/laban.806.
- Rabbits are commonly used in biomedical research and might undergo potentially painful procedures during the course of a study. This column discusses the rabbit facial grimace scale as a tool for monitoring post-procedural pain and explains how it can be incorporated into a worksheet for evaluating
- PMID 26091129
- Association of vitamin D binding protein polymorphisms with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a case-control study of gc globulin and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
- Serce Pehlevan O1, Karatekin G1, Koksal V2, Benzer D1, Gursoy T1, Yavuz T3, Ovali F1.
- Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.J Perinatol.2015 Jun 11. doi: 10.1038/jp.2015.58. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: The pathophysiologies of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) are inflammation, infection, tissue damage, angiogenesis defects and genetic susceptibility. Because of the role of the vitamin D binding protein (Gc globulin) on these factors, we investigated the relationship between Gc globulin
- PMID 26067474
- Maternal immune activation in nonhuman primates alters social attention in juvenile offspring.
- Machado CJ1, Whitaker AM1, Smith SE2, Patterson PH2, Bauman MD3.
- Biological psychiatry.Biol Psychiatry.2015 May 1;77(9):823-32. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.07.035. Epub 2014 Aug 30.
- BACKGROUND: Sickness during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of offspring neurodevelopmental disorders. Rodent models have played a critical role in establishing causal relationships and identifying mechanisms of altered brain and behavior development in pups prenatally exposed to mate
- PMID 25442006
Japanese Journal
- 河野 崇,横山 正尚
- Pain research : the journal of the Japanese Society for the Study of Pain = 日本疼痛学会誌 28(3), 177-181, 2013-08-30
- NAID 10031203275
- 河野 崇,横山 正尚
- PAIN RESEARCH 28(3), 177-181, 2013
- … Recently, grimace scale (GS) was developed for pain assessment based on facial expressions, and can effectively evaluate animal spontaneous pain. … In the present study, we investigated that accuracy and reliability of the rat grimace scale (RGS) in aged rats. …
- NAID 130004651943
- 昏睡患者における疼痛に対し顔面をしかめる反応とGlasgow Coma Scaleの最良運動反応
- 安心院 康彦,山田 素行,篠田 純,小張 昌宏,佐々木 勝,並木 淳,坂本 哲也
- Journal of Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies 25(2), 24-28, 2013
- … We investigated the relation between grimace for painful stimulation and best motor response (M) in Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in patients with comatose state. … Grimace was observed more frequently along with M5 than with each of M1 – M4 (p<0.01) Both of intracranial and extracranial diseases showed high percentages of grimace positive in M5, however , grimace was also positive at M4 or lower level of best motor response only with extracranial diseases. …
- NAID 130004623126
- 術後急性痛モデルラットを用いたモルヒネの鎮痛用量と嘔吐の関係
- 河野 崇,横山 正尚
- Pain research : the journal of the Japanese Society for the Study of Pain = 日本疼痛学会誌 27(4), 227-231, 2012-12-10
- NAID 10031137219
Related Links
- She was mostly gristle and bone when we saw her, lying in the sun with her legs spread and a grimace on her face. ... I told the athletes how much I envied them, playing a sport in which you can actually sweat and grimace when ...
- Seen and Heard What made you want to look up grimace? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). ... Pundit From 'a wise person' to 'an opinionated person' Tycoon The word comes from a title for ...
- grim·ace (grĭm′ĭs, grĭ-mās′) n. A sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust. intr.v. grim·aced, grim·ac·ing, grim·ac·es ... Her talent for every species of drollery, grimace, and mimicry,--for dancing, tumbling ...
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- 英
- Apgar score
- 同
- Apgarスコア、アプガール・スコア、アプガールスコア、アプガーの採点法、アプガール評点
不規則で遅い 弱い啼泣/換気低下
- 出典不明
- 7-10点:正常
- 4-6点:中等度-軽度仮死
- 0-3点:重症仮死
- G10M.334/参考1
- 7-10点(4):正常
- 4-6点(3):軽度新生児仮死/第1度仮死
- 0-3点(4):重症新生児仮死/第2度仮死
- 1分値:蘇生方法の目安。臍帯血pHとほぼ相関する。生命予後。
- 5分値:神経学的予後の目安。しかし個々の事例では予測は難しい。。中枢神経予後。
- 「4-7点を軽度仮死とする」という文献もあったが・・・
- 1. C.産科疾患の診断・治療・管理 14.新生児の管理と治療 - 日産婦誌54巻11号
- http://www.jsog.or.jp/PDF/54/5411-517.pdf
- 口元、口のあたり、口ぶる(lip)
- (冠詞/定冠詞)口状の物。物の口。河口。(火山の)噴火口。出入口。(くつわをはめた)馬の口。港の入り口、銃口
- (オルガンのパイプにある)細長い穴。(フルートの)唄口、(万力などの)口
- (言葉を発する期間としての)口。言葉、発言。人の口、うわさ
- (食べる口を持つ)人、動物
- ふくれっつら(pout)、渋面(grimace)
- =mouthpiece
- (口で味わう)ワインの品質
- 関
- oral cavity
- 英
- grimacing, grimace
- 同
- 歪顔 わいがん、しかめ顔
- 関
- しかめ顔
- 英
- facial grimacing, grimace
- 同
- しかめ面
- 英
- grimace
- 関
- しかめ面