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English Journal
- Effect of repeated Kangaroo Mother Care on repeated procedural pain in preterm infants: A randomized controlled trial.
- Gao H1, Xu G2, Gao H3, Dong R3, Fu H3, Wang D1, Zhang H1, Zhang H1.
- International journal of nursing studies.Int J Nurs Stud.2015 Jul;52(7):1157-65. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.04.006. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- BACKGROUND: Preterm infants' repeated exposure to painful procedures may lead to negative consequences. Thus, non-pharmacological pain management is essential due to medication side effects. Kangaroo Mother Care, which aims at offering human care to neonates, has been established for the treatment o
- PMID 25912524
- Progressive Tightening of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Improves Velopharyngeal Dysfunction in Early Outcomes of Primary Palatoplasty.
- Nguyen DC1, Patel KB, Skolnick GB, Skladman R, Grames LM, Stahl MB, Marsh JL, Woo AS.
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery.Plast Reconstr Surg.2015 Jul;136(1):131-41. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001323.
- BACKGROUND: Management of the levator veli palatini with intravelar veloplasty has been shown to improve speech resonance. The senior author has introduced a more aggressive procedure where the levator is separately dissected, overlapped, and tightened. This study compares resonance results from fou
- PMID 26111318
- Electroconvulsive therapy as a treatment for refractory neuropsychiatric lupus with catatonia: three case studies and literature review.
- Bica BE1, Moro AL2, Hax V2, Nicol NA1, Campos GS1, Rivera LM1, da Costa AF1, Xavier RM2, Monticielo OA3.
- Lupus.Lupus.2015 May 12. pii: 0961203315585816. [Epub ahead of print]
- Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with systemic lupus erythematosus are very common. Treatment generally consists of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive therapy; however, some cases are unresponsive. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a recognized treatment modality in psychiatry and is an opt
- PMID 25972366
Japanese Journal
- Faciobrachial dystonic seizures を呈した抗電位依存性カリウムチャンネル複合体(LGI-1)抗体関連辺縁系脳炎の1例
- 村田 佳子,渡邊 修,谷口 豪,梁瀬 まや,高木 俊輔,中村 康子,渡辺 裕貴,渡辺 雅子
- てんかん研究 = Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society 30(1), 43-50, 2012-06-30
- 高齢発症側頭葉てんかんにおいて、健忘症、気分障害、睡眠障害、排尿障害、唾液分泌過多、低ナトリウム血症を認め、抗電位依存性カリウムチャンネル複合体(voltage-gated potassium channel:VGKC-complex(leucine-rich glioma inactivated1 protein:LGI-1))抗体陽性から、抗VGKC複合体抗体関連辺縁系脳炎(VGKC-LE)と …
- NAID 10030426583
- Stress Behavior in Premature Infants with Periventricular Leukomalacia
- , , ,
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 22(2), 109-115, 2010
- … [Results] The with-PVL group showed significantly higher frequency of stress behaviors in the autonomic (pale/cyanotic, tremor, startle, twitch), motor (arm flexion, legs extension, jerky movements, finger splay, arching, salute, hand clasp, foot clasp, holding on, flaccidity, grimacing) and state-orientation (fuss, panicked or worried alertness, gaze aversion, high pitched cry) subsystems compared with the without-PVL group. …
- NAID 130004834419
- The calming effect of a maternal breast milk odor on the human newborn infant
- NISHITANI Shota,MIYAMURA Tsunetake,TAGAWA Masato,SUMI Muneichiro,TAKASE Ryuta,DOI Hirokazu,MORIUCHI Hiroyuki,SHINOHARA Kazuyuki
- Neuroscience research : the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society 63(1), 66-71, 2009-01-01
- … To assess infant distress in response to the heelsticks, their crying, grimacing and motor activities were recorded during the experiment as behavioral indices of the pain response. …
- NAID 10027499374
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- catatonic
- 英
- catatonic schizophrenia
- 同
- 緊張病 catatonia、緊張病症候群 catatonic syndrome
- 関
- 統合失調症
- A form of schizophrenia that is characterized by marked psychomotor active, a variety of catatonic symptoms.
- At least two of the following:
- 英
- grimacing, grimace
- 同
- 歪顔 わいがん、しかめ顔
- 関
- しかめ顔