- reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive; "negative interest rates"
- a piece of photographic film showing an image with light and shade or colors reversed
- a reply of denial; "he answered in the negative"
- not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition; "the HIV test was negative" (同)disconfirming
- having a negative charge; "electrons are negative" (同)electronegative, negatively charged
- characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance; having no positive features; "a negative outlook on life"; "a colorless negative personality"; "a negative evaluation"; "a negative reaction to an advertising campaign"
- expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial
- having the quality of something harmful or unpleasant; "ran a negative campaign"; "delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life"
- less than zero; "a negative number"
- any creature of exceptional size
- someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful (同)goliath, behemoth, monster, colossus
- a very large person; impressive in size or qualities (同)hulk, heavyweight, whale
- an imaginary figure of superhuman size and strength; appears in folklore and fairy tales
- an unusually large enterprise; "Walton built a retail giant"
- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- a tough youth of 1950s and 1960s wearing Edwardian style clothes (同)Teddy boy
- 『否定の』,反対の / 『消極的な』,控えめの / 陰電気の;(数値が)負の,マイナスの(minus);(写真が)陰画の,ネガの;(医学検査結果が)陰性の / 『否定』,拒否,「いやだ」と言うこと / 否定語[句] / 《the~》(特に討論会の)反対者側,反対派 / (電気分解に用いる)陰極板 / (数値の)負数 / (写真の)陰画,ネガ / 《しばしば受動態に用いて》…‘に'反対投票をする / =negate
- 『大男』;(物語・伝説の)『巨人』 / 『大人物』,偉人 / 『巨大な物』 / 巨大な,ものすごく大きい
- tritiumの化学記号
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Japanese Journal
- 尿管結紮により巨大水腎症を合併し術前診断が困難であった上部尿路上皮癌の1例
- 黒本 暁人,並木 俊一,齋藤 英郎,佐竹 洋平,山下 慎一,三塚 浩二,海法 康裕,荒井 陽一
- 泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica 60(3), 137-141, 2014-03
- … Computed tomography (CT) revealed left giant hydronephrosis containing high-density fluid suspected of hemorrhage in the renal pelvis and swelling of cervical and mediastinal lymph nodes. … Percutaneous pelvic puncture yielded discharge of hemorrhagic fluid with negative cytology. …
- NAID 120005439496
- 小林 晏,磯野 直史
- Neuro-Oncologyの進歩 21(2), 37-43, 2014
- … Observing the intraopersative and usual postoperative histopathological sections, the tumor demonstrated to be quite hypercellular and very pleomorphic including many atypical polygonal cells and some bizarre giant cells scattered. … Immunohistochemistry showed that the tumor was extensively and strongly positive for S-100 protein but negative for EMA...Ki-67 index was low, indicating 4% (1-7%). …
- NAID 130004690734
- 豚サーコウイルス関連疾病の豚にみられた多核巨細胞を伴う非化膿性髄膜脳炎の3例
- 村山 丹穂,楠原 徹,井野 壽麿,谷村 信彦,播谷 亮,山田 学
- Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association 67(6), 413-418, 2014
- 2010年6月,2011年3月実施の発育不良豚の病性鑑定で豚サーコウイルス関連疾病(PCVAD)と診断した症例に,多核巨細胞を伴う非化膿性髄膜脳炎を3例認めた.全例で神経症状はなく,脳,肺,扁桃及び血清から豚サーコウイルス2型(PCV2)の特異遺伝子を検出した.病理組織学的には大脳及び脳幹部にマクロファージ浸潤と多核巨細胞形成を伴う非化膿性髄膜脳炎を認めた.脳における多核巨細胞の細胞質には透過型電 …
- NAID 130004640765
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- 英
- giant negative T, GNT
- 関
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- 関
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